TWH Chapter 6: Dream or dare

2022 Words
Chloe's POV "Can you please wait for me?" I ran as fast as I could, trying to cope up with his pace. I suddenly felt strange after he left me while I'm still venting out my sentiments. "I am, but you're being silly again." "You're leaving me easily. Why are you being like that all of a sudden?" I exclaimed as I almost gasped for air. Finally, I was able to reach him by holding his hand. He looked at me straight into my eyes. I can see from his face that he looked weary and impatient at the same time. Looking at him being like this makes me feel sad I instantly feel guilty. I hate it when it happens. "I'm sorry if I can't satisfy what you wanted." "What are you trying to say? I don't understand." "Sometimes, I wanted to leave you alone because I think you don't feel like hanging with me anymore." He said as he looked down. "What? How could you ever think of that?" I almost reacted violently as I held his hand and it made him look into my eyes with that weary facial reaction. "How could I think about it? Maybe because I am just an overthinker most of the time." "I do not want you to feel that, okay? I'm sorry." "Well, I am still the Peter that you know years ago, but I think you're not the Chloe that I used to know." He responded, trying to avoid my gaze. He also let go of my hand that's holding his by removing it from my grip right away. I honestly feel like crying this instant. I realized we're in the middle of the hallway. Other passersby were just ignorant as they passed by us. Others, glancing, observing what will happen next. Are they expecting a show or something? Sometimes I hate how other people look down on us as if we don't have the right to be hurt as well. I suddenly felt ashamed of myself. I never noticed my best friend is feeling this way already because of my outburst and for being selfish at the same time. I was too focused on myself thinking of the best possible ways for my idol to notice me that I am already hurting my best friend without me noticing it. Am I being selfish this time? I grabbed his hand as I started walking. I am pulling him as I smile. This time, I need to assure him that what he's been thinking is wrong. I am still the Chloe that he used to know and nobody could ever change it. He seemed shocked and yet he didn't mind what I did to him. Instead, he took a grip of my hand in a possessive manner. I felt my cheeks flushed. While we're walking towards the school canteen, I tried twitching my hands from his grip and when I felt that he's about to let go of my hand, I moved it until our palms were facing each other. I tried looking at his gaze before I fully clasp his hand on mine. Finally, I can see him smiling. I really know this guy very well I consider myself lucky because he's understanding. Too understanding he can't able to hold grudges that long. We sat down at one of the tables inside the school canteen. As usual, he bought my favorite snacks, soda, and some chips. "S-Sorry." I softly said as I bit my lower lip as I looked down. He let me meet his gaze by touching my chin, gently tilted my head, leveled my head enough for me to see where he's looking right now. "You said sorry but I guess you never mean it." "What?!" I chuckled as I gave him a puzzled look. "Do you even know why I was a bit disappointed a while ago?" He said, smiling sweetly. I was about to lose my cool over this man but seeing his smile makes me think twice. "Okay, okay. I am sorry because I said those words. I will try my best to not say those again. You love the chubby, sweet, loves-to-eat-all-the-food Chloe and I think I don't deserve a best friend like you." "Hmmm, quite convincing. Keep talking." He said, grinning. I can't help but chuckle. "You're too silly, do you know that?" "Your one and only." "But dear Peter, seriously though. I apologize." "Eh. The whole apology speech was okay except for the last sentence." He said as he jokingly frowned. "I already apologized, right? Are you deaf or something?" "You're wrong when you said you don't deserve me," He said, holding my hands as he gently kissed it as he looked at me. "You're too much I think I will let you pay for every kiss you do to me," I said as I can't help but to burst out laughing. That laughter caught a lot of other student's attention inside the school canteen where we eat our snacks. They are all looking at our direction. We simply don't care at all. "I'm sorry. I underestimated how you consider me as your best friend. Thank you so much, Peter." I took his hand and held it with both of my hands. I got it as I placed it on my cheek as I smiled. His hand automatically pinched my cheek which surprised me a bit. "Ouch!" I exclaimed as I massaged my left cheek right away. I frowned as I hit his arm with my hand because when he pinched my cheek, he made it red as a tomato it hurts. "I want you to stop overthinking. Stop trying to be someone else when you can just be yourself." "Okay, okay. I will not argue with you about this. I'm sorry once again." I smiled as I said those words...not meaning it so much. "I hope you mean it this time. I don't want you to feel inferior again. That does not suit my Chloe." He replied with a grin. I just want him to feel that I am not a burden for him. Me and my thoughts. I am thinking of confessing to him what I feel and see these past few days. However, seeing this passive reaction coming from him makes me feel that I should only keep it to myself. I hope that it was just a dream. I wish that that faint voice is only a result of my imagination. I wish it was never real in the first place. ---- Esreal. The kingdom of illuminance, power, and authority. This kingdom is placed in the northern part of Trekke, the name of the whole kingdom governed by witches. Esreal is situated on the upper part in between the boundary of two mountains that are part of Flaura and Wiltshill. The kingdom is a floating plateau of crystals above the clouds. Esreal is also known for its illuminance because the sun's rays reflect the crystals that surrounded the whole place. Precious gems are being carefully etched on each of the walls. The flowers, structures, and statues of the previous queen witches were made of transparent crystals too. They are beautifully carved and smoothened. They are standing along the hallways on the way to the throne. The ground is made of transparent crystals clearly showing the reflections for those who will dare step on it. Ashia Reaper is the queen of Trekke. She's the only daughter of the last queen of Trekke that ruled the kingdom for the last 500 years. She's wearing a light blue gown that represents the beauty and peacefulness of the clouds surrounding the kingdom. The sleeves and hem of the gown are as light as the feather but the color illuminates like that of a crystal. The sequence of the gown is adorned with precious gems and tiny crystals. Her long, loose curls with her tiara were looking so attractive on her head. It represents her authority as the queen of the Trekke kingdom. "My's a pleasure to be invited here in Esreal." Zola greeted her, half-smiling, half-nervous. The queen of living and nature also dressed stunningly. Her long white gown is all covered by baby cherry blossoms blown by the wind as it goes with the breeze. The different floral designs as a sequence of the gown are also emphasized that's why it became more beautiful when the sun's rays reflect on it, too. "Hello, my Flaura queen. You exactly know why you're here." She answered her, never showing any reaction at all. She looked at Zola and her gaze made her shiver to the bones. "I wanted to know from you." Ashia Reaper added. "I can feel the resisting power of the stellscepter. What is happening down there?" She asked her as she raised one of her eyebrows. Zola Nox gently swallowed as she avoided Ashia's gaze. "Well, there has been a lot of things happening lately. The stellscepter is doing its best to fulfill its duty. Don't worry about it too much." "I hope that's the only thing that's happening. I will always know the activity it does because it recognizes me as its queen." "Of course, your highness. I knew that." "We both knew that." They suddenly turned their attention to the person talking behind them. Belladonna Grimm suddenly appeared into the thin air through the spiraling black smoke surrounding her body. She's grinning despite the queen of Trekke's sarcasm as she looks at her. "It is always good that we are all reminded. Let us not forget our kingdoms. I am trusting you to do your part." Zola Nox glanced at Belladonna Grimm who is also looking at Ashia from head to foot as if enjoying what she's gazing at. "I can see that Esreal is always a fabulous kingdom. How was it so far?" "Belladonna...stop it." "Why? Is it bad to ask our dearest queen on how she manages Esreal?" She is looking at Ashia Reaper as if there's a staring battle that is happening between the two of them. She's talking to Zola Nox and Ashia Reaper. "I don't mind at all, Zola. Well, Belladonna...Esreal is always good. White magic is always produced for the benefit of the Trekke Kingdom." Ashia replied, walking past them as she climbed up to her crystal throne and sat on it. She grinned to both of them. "Oh...that's good. Good to hear it." Belladonna claps her hand as if mocking the queen. Zola tried to stop her by looking at her firmly. She meets her gaze, too but Belladonna just smiled at Zola, a meaningful one. "Well, a bad witch is not always needed so I'd better go ahead. I'd be dealing with a lot of ugly creatures today and you know how stressful it is, right?" She said as she chuckled. She instantly vanished into the thin air as the spiraling smoke enveloped her whole body. Zola Nox almost lost her patience because of Belladonna's actions. "I'm sorry about her, your highness." Zola bowed down in front of Ashia Reaper. "My dearest Zola Nox, I don't mind. I am getting used to Belladonna's uncertain behavior." "I don't know what to do with her sometimes." "You don't have to do anything, my dear. You are not bound to change her but it is always good that you're always reminding her of what is right to what is wrong." "I'm so sorry." Zola Nox even bowed a little lower than the usual gesture she's doing. She can hear Ashia Reaper chuckle with amusement. Maybe she's looking at her for a long time. "I will be happy if she's the one who will do it for me. Anyways, I am not expecting that one from her." She smirked as she looked at Zola Nox. "I wonder if she can bow down to the queen, too." "I will try my best to do my part, Ashia. I know Belladonna is also doing hers, too." "I have high expectations for both of you. Please do not let me down." "We always do that, our queen." "Very well, Zola. If that is the case, I will give you an assignment." Zola Nox looked up to Ashia Reaper as she held her crystal scepter with her beside her crystal throne from where she sits. Zola also held her floral scepter with her firmly as she looked straight into Ashia Reaper's eyes. "I'd love to do it for you, our queen, just tell me what it is," Zola answered right away.
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