TWH Chapter 5: Choking choices

2011 Words
Peter's POV "Peter, how are you related to Serene Sanders? You're having identical surnames." Chloe said as she grinned sweetly in front of me. "I am not related to her," I said as I stick my tongue out. She instantly chuckled from what I did. "I don't believe it. I know somewhere within your family tree, you're both close. You'll never know because you never try." She insisted as she flashed a sweet smile facing me. I want to laugh because she's impossible to deal with. There are times she will insist on what she wanted and I somehow treat that as partly annoying. We're in front of the canteen finishing the can of soda we bought a while ago. I am still gulping mine until the last drop when I shifted my gaze on her. "Please? It's a small favor after all." She added as she gave me a puppy look. She's been tugging the sleeve of my shirt as she asked more about her idol. A popular singer in the country that's a dear friend of Ella. "Psh. Dream on." I answered, shaking my head as I smiled timidly. I saw her pouting her lips from the side of her cheek. She looked so disappointed but she looked cute to me. "Well, I am just hoping maybe one day you can help me gain her autograph by telling her you're relatives, right?" "Wow. You never have a plan to give up, right?" I said as I let out a soft chuckle. It makes her frown all of a sudden. "I hate you. Talk to yourself." She folded her arms and started walking past me without turning her back. "Hey, I was only joking." I ran towards her as I rested my arms on her shoulders. She immediately removed it by jerking it a bit, until I remove it myself. She's pissed she can't even look at me. "Your arm is heavy." She commented, stealing a glance to see if I am still looking at her. She can't help but smile after she realized that I caught her doing it. "Dear Chloe, I am so sorry. Okay fine. I will get an autograph from her if it will make you happy." "Really?" Her face lit up like a lightbulb being switched on all of a sudden. I can't help but laugh. Her reaction is always the one I am expecting. I guess any man will do everything just to see their beloved smile like that. The kind of smile that will last for a while and could warm your heart, especially if the one that you love does it for you. "You think you can?" She added, wanting me to promise something to her this time. "Well, I guess if we want it to happen, it can be possible." "I hate someone giving me false hopes." She said as she sighed aloud. "You know what? You're silly. I will do my best, okay?" "I knew you can't last seeing me sad." She is still smiling sweetly. "Thank you." She added, meeting my gaze. Oh no, every time she does this to me, I can't help but feel very happy deep down. She always makes my heart flutter. "Anything that could make you smile, my dear Chloe," I said, smiling back at her as I pinch her chubby cheeks. "I know you can't resist me. Thank you so much dear Peter." She gently massaged it while looking at me. There go her pouty lips again as she awkwardly showed her smile to me. My heart almost stopped when she hugged me tightly. She's always like this. But sad to say, she failed to do this: For me to not fall in love with her. It's always my losing game and yet I always feel like a winner of everything I have. If there's someone worth it and deserving of all my attention and love, it should be her and her alone. She might be less valuable for other people but for me, she's everything I have. I am always proud of her. She always completes my day. Whenever she's around, I could feel I can do everything that's asked of me. Her smile is my fuel and my strength. My inspiration to continue more in life. She's the one who lifts my spirits. All I can say is, I can't live without her in my life. ---- She grins as she slowly leaves the dark tunnel-like pathway exit of Wiltshill. The dark smoke follows her and covered her footprints leaving no trail behind. It had been her practice to leave her place as she heads towards the boundary of two mountains. The connecting route of Wiltshill and Flaura is a complicated road and yet it's all nothing to her. Not a stone ever touched even her bare toes. She could be as light as a feather if she wants to. She trailed along the narrow road as she climbs higher. As she steps on the ground, some of the little plants wither and their shades become darker as she passes through them. As she looks at how the plant reacts to her power, she grinned with pride. "Oh dear, oh dear, I love how you are turning into my favorite color." She held the withered flower and it eventually turned into ashes and vanished into thin air. She grinned, looking very pleased. She continued walking along the steep trail as she climbs on a higher altitude of the boundary of two mountains. The lush part of the Flaura kingdom is embracing the dead side of the mountain of the Wiltshill kingdom. Between them is the stellscepter that's shining brightly. The tiny lightning that's continuously lashing inside the star-shaped wand. The sight of that power alone that's holding the two boundaries excites her senses. It's like a beautiful art she wanted to gaze for every day. She is now standing between the boundary of the two kingdoms. Above her is the heart of the boundary of the two mountains where the stellscepter lies. It is freely floating between the never-ending blossoming flowers that are part of the Flaura kingdom and the withered branch of Wiltshill kingdom. "There you are my sweet one." She reaches her hand up high to where the stellscepter is located. The rays of the sun are hitting the wand that made it sparkle even more. Gazing at the stellscepter is more important for her than any activity she will ever do for each day. "Ah...your beauty is captivating. You're lovelier if you're in my hands." She made it move a little. She felt excited when she sees that it can easily respond to her powers. She let out a victorious shrill of laughter at the sight of it. "See, my love? I know you are made only for me. I know the power that you have right now deserves someone who can manage you very well." She grinned as she slowly put her hands down as she clenched her fist even more. "I will surely get you. I will make you mine and nobody can ever stop me this time, not Zola and not even Ashia." She stepped back, smiling as if she is now in a sure victory over the power she's been dreaming of. "I don't like sharing ever since. You'll shine beautifully in Wiltshill and I will make it soonest, my beloved. Just wait and see." She softly said to the wind that caressed the stellscepter as if considering it as her own already. ---- She's lying on her bed while staring at the white ceiling. She can't help but think of many thoughts. After that incident that's relating to the old woman, she had many sleepless nights. "Be careful what you wish for..." Those words still echoed in her ears. That old woman gave her some chills. The way she grinned as she looks at her eyes. "What does she mean by those words?" She softly said to herself as she gets up. She was able to lean her back against the soft headboard of her bed. She can't help but massage her forehead as she closed her eyes trying to relax. She slowly looked at the direction where her body mirror is located. "Why are you born so ugly and unappealing?" Tears started to form from the corner of her eyes. "I hope your ugliness will end soon. I can't endure seeing you every day. It's always making me sad and miserable as I wake up." "Chloe Prin..." She looked around because she can hear a faint, whispering voice. "W-Who is it?" "I know you wish. It's the wish that you wanted so bad..." From that faint whisper, a burst of shrill laughter came next which sent chills down her spine. "Don't be afraid of dear...tell me what you want." "I..." "Chloe...wake up. It is time for school." As soon as she opened her eyes, she realized that it was the voice of her mom that's waking her up. She frowned as she gets up, lightly scratching her head. "Yes mom, I am awake." She yelled back because she's inside her room on the second floor of their house. Was it only a dream, perhaps? But she's very sure that it is not a dream after all. She's certain to have heard that faint voice of an old woman. It was faint yet very clear enough for her to hear very well. She felt like that someone who owned that voice is just sitting beside her, but she can't see her. It seemed like the one that is talking to her is invisible. Was it the same old woman she met days ago? If the answer is yes, then what's her purpose of doing this to her? That's sounds absurd if she'll say she's her stalker. Even dogs from their neighborhood don't even care or appreciate her overall physical appearance. "Do not forget to eat your breakfast. I'll be going." As soon as she alighted the last step going down the stairs, she heard the slamming of their front door. She sighed as she slowly walks towards their dining table. Yup. It's her ever-busy mother. She's always in a hurry. She's just waking up Chloe, cooks and prepares her food for her that's good for breakfast and lunch. After that, she's always in a hurry in going to the office to work. She will return at exactly five in the afternoon to prepare their dinner and that's how they simply spend their day. Today, she checked the food that's available for her to eat. She has some thinly-sliced cheese and a loaf of bread prepared by her mom for her breakfast. She also noticed that her mom already prepared some fried chicken and rice as well for her packed lunch. "My mom doesn't even know I love vegetables more than meat." She said as she shook her head. She rushed to the bathroom and got ready for school. She's heading to a day that's already dull and boring as what she used to expect each day. As she meets Peter down the road in going to school, that voice never left her thoughts. "Are you still mad at me?" He asked her, looking so worried. "No. Why should I do that?" "About what happened yesterday. I'm so sorry. I'll try to find a way to ask Serene Sanders her autograph for you, I promise." "As if you can do that." She said sounding doubtful. "I will try if it will make you happy." "Don't be too nice. I'll miss you so much if ever I will be gone." She said, facing him as she looked directly at his eyes. He gave her a weird look. "Hey. It's too early to think crazy like that. Do you think it's funny?" "It's funnier to even think that someone cares about you when in fact there's none." "It's because you're playing ignorant when you're not even like that in the first place." She heard him as he said those sentiments. She noticed that Peter walked past her looking very sad. Well, she always expects Peter to be her last resort when she will tell her frustrations or daily, useless rants about how inferior she is towards others. "Hey, Peter! Wait for me." She ran towards his pace because he's walking briskly towards the school gate not even turning his back on her.
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