2089 Words

"hey! Are you two aware that we are taking two different airplanes at the same time?." Ikram asked as she slumped beside the girls. They are all sitting facing each other. "That never occurred to me," Zeena answered. "What plane are you on? I'm AO47, what about you, girls?." Azeema asked as she slumped beside her sister. "I'm AO52," Zeena answered as she checks hers. They only collected their tickets from Jala earlier without bothering you to check their numbers. "I'm AO47," Yasmeen said. "AO52," Maryam answered too. "I'm, AO52," Ikram said pouting. "Why would they choose two different planes though? They are crazy." Azeema complained. "Well, I agree with the fact that they are crazy but, I got to visit New York again. I missed that place a lot." "New too." Ikram chimed in. "That

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