1743 Words

Two Weeks later Kano, Nigeria. The sound of the cold breeze blowing outside wake Yasmeen up. She opened her eyes and take a sit as she rubbed her two eyes. It been two weeks that she had been brought to the palace by that jerk of prince. Well, to her, he is a jerk. "Alhamdulillah, I'm glad that he haven't make me pay for what I had done to him last two weeks. He might just kill me and no one would dare question him. After all, he's the prince... And according to Ummu Jalal, he's one of the most influential business man in the country. And for that, I'm so grateful to him". She thought. To Yasmeen, everything at the palace seems strange to her. Though, it's very big, classy and quiet but boring and not lively. When she had first came, she thought it would be lively, but to her sur

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