1909 Words

Mrs Adesewa... here is an update. it took me long, been busy since morning that's why.... • "Yasmeen, please, always make him happy. I've never seen him this way before. He has never and been like this. You will be the first girl he will be opening his heart to even after what happened. But, I'm very happy that you accepted him for who he is. You're a brave girl Yasmeen." "Thank you, Umma." "You're welcome, dear. And less I forget, Ummu Faisal called earlier. Would you like to talk to her?." "Yes, yes ." She replied with a wide grin on her face. Ummu Jalal passed the phone to her and give her some privacy. She dials the number and waited for her to pick up. "As salamu Alaykum(may peace be upon you) Ummu Jalal." "Wa Alaykumu Salam (may peace be upon you too) Ummu, it's me Yasmeen."

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