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Kano, Nigeria. "Have you heard?" One of the workers whispered to the other lady sitting beside her. With a quizzical face, Jemila asked. "Heard of what?" She scrunch her brows in confusion. "Please my dear friend, tell me, what news have you gotten for me this time around?" "That the big boss is coming back from London. He will resume back to his position". Janet replied back with a beautiful smile plastered on her face. "Really? Oh my God! I heard he's very handsome. Have you seen him before?". Maryam said. "No,not at all. He took down all of his pictures from the social media for a best reason known to him alone". She shook her head. "But I was told that he was good looking. I can't wait to set my eyes on him" "Me too" Jemila dreamily said as they all giggled. "Hi girls!" Ikhram cheered in as she joined the three girls. "Hey!" They all answered. "And, what are you all talking about early in the morning?" "Haven't you heard yet?". Maryam asked looking surprised. "Heard of what?" "That the boss is coming back today" Janet squealed. "Oh! That, yes I do. So....?". She asked while the girls look at her like she has just grown another head. "What's so special if he's coming back? He's just coming back to resume back to his work, it's not like he's bringing some fortune along with him for us". She rolled her eyes annoyingly at them. "I said it, Janet! This girl right here is just too crazy!" "Excuse you! What did you just say?" "I said you're crazy! Don't you know how many girls are dying to be with the boss? I heard many girls compete with each other because of him. He was not only the CEO of so many companies but also the crown prince of this state! And you here, Miss perfect was already made as his personal assistant before he return, and do you know what that means? You'll get to see his handsome face my more often" "Look girls, If he's handsome and girls are dying to be with him, then that's his problem and not mine. Seriously girls, I don't have time for silly talks. I need to go, I have some important work to do, I need to work on the chart HR had submitted to me" Ikhram said, ready to leave amongst them but Maryam forcefully drew her back. "Hey! What's wrong with you?". She glared angrily at her. "What.. wait.. wait.... Have you by any chance had crush on any guy before?" "No! Why would I?" "Aha!" She clicked her finger. "Now, I get it... do you?" She asked, referring to Janet and Jemila. "Yeah I do... You can go ma'am". They all chorused together, dismissing her with their hands. "Whatever" she mumble and left. • Today, Yarima (The Prince) is back to Nigeria after so many years. He had left seven years ago and today, he's back. The king who was so eager to meet his son, send out the entourage to escort him back to the palace safely. He missed his son so much. Yarima on the other hand, do not want people to know about his arrival but who was he kidding, he's the Crown prince; that's, next to the throne. Apart from being the prince, he was a successful business man. At the age of 29, he has acquired and archive a lot of so many things. He owns many companies all over the world and with all of this, it's normal for the people to know everything about him. Most especially the media who would not leave him alone for a second. He has been standing at the airport for the past fifteen minutes now and no one is here to pick him up. "What the f**k is wrong with those stupid slaves!" He muttered angrily under his breath. "Haven't I told you to always control your temper?!" A voice said behind him which had startled him at first, before composing himself back. He knows whom that voice belongs to and he missed the owner of the voice so much. His one and only brother Prince Samir. He turned around with a broad smile plastered on his face, the only three people who can make him smile with all of his heart was Samir and his own father King Nasir El-Mubarak and his personal guard Jafar. "Bro!" He said as he and Samir did a bro hug. "I missed you so much" Samir muttered to his ear. "And I missed you too" "Sorry, we're late" "I should have known better, who could dare do such a thing if not you. You're the only who can make me wait for so long". Yamir said as they both burst into a laughter. "What the f**k are you all standing there for doing? Should I still stand here with my bags on my hand or beg you before you take them away from me?". He suddenly bursted angrily at the attendance. And with in a blink of an eye, the expression on his face has turned from the happy one to the furious. Samir on the other hand, rolled his eyes at him. "he still haven't change yet, always grumpy" he thought. The maids who were already in fear was trembling by his sudden outburst. No one wants to dare offend the Royal because, they'll never be spared. Neither them nor their family. Two out of the maids moved closer to him as they tried to take the bag gently from him. Even though, it took him long to release the bag to them, he had deliberately done that but they were still able to take the bag away from him. "Come on, let go". Samir said trying to ease the tension. Three cars were parked. The middle one, was for Yamir and Samir, though it was Samir's car. The first one at the front was for the guards and the last one at the back, is for the maids. Just as they were about to enter their car, the paparazzi showed up from different angle ready to ask him some questions. Not sparing them a glance, he slide into the passengers sit as they all drove away leaving behind the paparazzi. On their way back home, Samir and Yamir couldn't stop talking to each other. They were both engross in their talks that neither of them had realised that the car at their front has come to a halt. Realising that, they both look at each other and burst into another heavy laughter. "I missed you so much bro" "Same here too bro" Samir replied back smiling. Yamir was expecting him to drive into the big palace but Samir wasn't making an attempt to do that. "Hey! What happened? Why aren't you driving in?" He asked worriedly, the expression on his face says it all. There's no doubt, Samir is really worried about something. "Actually.... a week ago, I .... I kind of, you know. I had a very huge argument with the king" "What?! How did it happen? What happened?" Yamir bombarded him with questions. "You know right, as wonted. The same thing that causes our arguments" he scratch the nape of his neck nervously. "Don't tell me, you still haven't mend your old ways Samir?". Yamir angrily asked. Yes, he loved Samir a lot. And even though, they were not from the same parents, they both love each other so much and they both don't hide things from each other. Though, he may loved him, but it still doesn't change the fact that, he's so angry at him right now. "Samir, what have you done? Why are you doing this? I thought you've stopped all of those things?" He groaned out. "I can't, that's the only way to keep me away from the past" "By sleeping around with different girls? Come on, that sound absurd to me." "Though, It's not like they are that special" Yamir scoffed. "You're right, they are nothing but a trash, they can easily be fooled. Just with your money, you can do what so ever you wish to do with them. Now a days, girls don't care about their dignity anymore, the only thing they are after is money from rich guy like us. I can't stick myself around with one woman, fully known that there are thousands out there that I can enjoy, you know it won't be fun. I needed to enjoy my life, I'm still young" "Oh Please, don't make me laugh Samir, you call your self young? You're 29 for God's sake and not just only that, you're the CEO of so many different companies. For goodness sake, what else are you asking for? You really need to move on from your past bro. I can't believe you're still the play boy I had left seven years ago". "I'm not ready to move on Yamir!!" He angrily replied him. Nonchalantly, Yamir took in a very deep breath, he knows he's still hurting from his past and that's why he was like that. But at least, he could have considered his own reputation and if he wasn't bothered about that, at least, he could have considered his own father's reputation. For goodness sake, he's related to them. Even though he was not his blood brother but he's more like a brother to him. What would he expect the people to think of his father?_He thought. "Okay fine, I'm sorry. Can we just forget about that for now?". Yamir apologised. "Now, you're talking" he smiled. "Come on, let's go in" Yamir said. "No!" He shout. "I mean, I still have some work left at the office, you may go in, we will see each other at the evening" "Are you sure? If it's because of father, you don't have to worry. I'll talk to him" "No, don't worry. It's nothing like that". He said and then, they spot the king from a far walking towards their car, looking so handsome in his turban cloth. "You know, you are very lucky. I wish my Dad was also alive today, may be I would have gotten a father's love too". Samir said sadly. "Come on, stop being so sentimental. Chief Hamza is always there for you and father is also here for you." "You think so? You know, your father always have this disappointed look whenever he sees me. You know, sometimes I wish he was my father. I really miss my father a lot" he said in a sad tone again. "I hope you know that he doesn't mean all of that right? I was just his son but everyone knows that you took most of his character. Sometimes, I can't help but feel like you're his real son because you two didn't just look alike but also have same thing in common" "Stop blabbing rubbish" Samir laugh. "Okay, I need to go now. let's meet 9:00pm sharp,okay?" "Okay" "Your house or mine here at the palace?". Yamir asked. "But I just told you that-" "No way! Don't even go there at all Samir. I know that father loves you a lot, he only scold you because he want the best for you and didn't I promise you already? I'll talk to him, don't you worry". He tried to assured him. "Why don't we just go to club and bang some girls" he suggest. "Damn you Samir!" Yamir groaned irritatedly. "And, tell me something brother. What do you normally sees in those ladies? They really don't worth your time, I'm telling you. My company is much more important to me than them". "Bro! are you sure you're still potent at all?" He asked trying to touch him down there but Yamir quickly ran out of his car. He knows his brother is so crazy, for sure Samir could do more than that if he stays any longer in that car. Yamir could hear Samir's teasing laughter. "Sorry bro! Just wanted to confirm If you're still potent!" He yelled. "Bye!" He Immediately ignite the engine and drove off as he saw the king was almost few feet to his car. "I'm not ready to face him yet, again" he thought. The two are just like Cat and Rat, they just can't stand each other. Once Samir drove off, king Nasir couldn't help but felt guilty. He felt a pang of hurt on his chest. "Am I really doing the right thing?" He thought. "Abi! As salamu Alaykum (peace be upon you)" Yamir screamed as he happily engulf his father into a tight hug. "Wa alaykumu salam(peace be upon you too)! My son, welcome back" "I missed you so much, Father" "I missed you too, son. You've grown up so well Yamir". He broke the hug as he scan his son from the head to the toe. "Come on, let's go inside. Jafar and the rest are all waiting for you" "Let's go Abi" he said as the rest of the maids and guards follow them in. • "Where are you coming from?" A hard voice behind Samir asked. "Oh my God!" Samir jolt in fear. "You scared me!" He glared at Mr Hamza whom he considered as his own father. Even after the death of his parents, Alhaji Hamza took him in as his own son believing that King Nasiru was the reason for his father's death. And had swore to take revenge. "Don't tell me, you're coming back from those losers place?" "What? They are my family, they are not losers" he corrected annoyingly. "Samir, I've told you countless times without number, you can't befriend those people. They are your father's killer" "But it wasn't him who had killed my father, it was someone else!" "Do you even know that, that boy was never a prince. You're the true prince, you deserve that throne and not them!" "But-" "Think about it son. If you want that throne back, just tell me. I know how I can do it because that's your true position. You deserve that throne and not them" he said and felt Samir alone in his own thought. "Do I really deserve to be the king? Are they my enemy just like what father had said?" He thought.
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