2083 Words

"Oh my God! Yasmeen! Are you okay? Are you alright? You're up already? How are you feeling now?." Ummu Jalal bombarded her with a lot of question immediately she entered the main kitchen of the palace. Maryam on the other hand engulfed her into a tight hug. "I'm fine Umma." For the first time, she address Ummu jalal as her mother. Ever since the death of her mother, she have never address anyone as her mother not until today. This made Ummu Jalal shed tears. Its true that ever since Yasmeen has arrived, she has feel this strange connection with her, she have this feeling to protect her and treat her as her own but, she wasn't expecting her to be this open minded to her. "Why are you crying now? I said that I'm fine." Yasmeen chuckled. "You brat!" Maryam hit her arm roughly. "Ouch!

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