1921 Words

Katsina, Nigeria. Ammi......, I'm writing this letter with a heavy heart. Believe me, I didn't wish to leave you all alone but I don't have a choice. By now, I know you must have already been reading this letter. Ammi, it's very important for me to leave if not, everything wouldn't have turn out well for us. I won't tell you anything because I know Mamman Rabi would explain everything in details to you but Ammi believe me, I needed to do this. To save us and most especially Mamman Rabi's Restaurant too. That's her only hope. (Smile)....Don't worry Ammi, I'm not going away from you forever. I'll only be gone for six months, that's what the ugly guy told me. I'll work for him for six month and they will pay me huge sum of money. Imagine Ammi, I thought he's going to kidnap me or somethin

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