1653 Words

Did you all notice the new beautiful cover for our beautiful book 'Clash Of Royalty? Oh my God! I can't believe my eyes when I saw it. My editor designed it for me and asked me to upload it as my new book cover. Thank you so much, ma'am Lynn.... • "Good morning." Yasmeen heard a very deep, sweet, sexy cheerful voice said behind her. She is presently in the kitchen preparing the breakfast for the men in the house. She secretly smiled as her mind went back to what occurred between she and Yamir this midnight. "Good morning, Your highness." She changed her expression into a serious one as she turn to face him. "Your Highness? Are you shitting me right now Yasmeen?." Yamir asked, annoyingly. "I'm sorry your highness, your breakfast will soon be ready." She said politely. So, she

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