chapter 55 - new life

2335 Words

Sebastian's POV "This is all your fault!" I fisted the wall the moment Khalifa was out of sight. I'd called to confront her, I'd wanted to call out our faults and settle things. We both had our faults and the fact that she had gotten hurt by mine meant there was hope. It meant that we both didn't have attachment issues and that we could relate to eachother on a deeper level that we ever thought. But that hadn't happened because my bratty sister had ruined everything. "How so? Wasn't that what you wanted? A confrontation! Or why else did you starve yourself this past week? Don't tell me it wasn't to build your moral and confront her?" She sat even more comfortably in her seat and gracefully received her parfait from the waitress and I declared from her truth. I'd lost all appetite

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