Chapter 8 - Is she just a really good actress?

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Chante My second night shift felt easier. I slept during the day after my first and was up with enough time to spare. I knew it was going to be difficult, but I also knew I could get used to this way of life. After my shift, I would have four days to myself, which I was really looking forward to. I started working straight after college and I could really do with some downtime! “What do you have planned for your time off?” I frowned as soon as the words left my mouth. I had already told him I wanted to keep our relationship strictly professional! What the hell was wrong with me? “I am going housemate hunting.” He smiled and I frowned. From what I heard, he was rich. As a matter of fact, the tabloids were surprised about why he would be working when he had so much money. I can’t remember the full details of the story accept that he inherited his friend’s entire fortune, which was apparently a lot! Why would he need a housemate when he had so much money? I didn’t have time to wonder if our next call came in. We arrived at an office building and were told there was supposed to be a guard on duty. I looked through the windows, but we didn’t see anything. I have seen far too many movies! Usually, when the guard was missing in the movie, it meant something was wrong. Just as I was about to start panicking a little, he walked out of the elevators. The guard opened the door for us, and we made sure he and the building were okay before leaving. “What if he wasn’t the guard?” I frowned as we turned the corner and Campbell looked at me for a moment. “Okay, I clearly watched far too many movies, but what if he got rid of the real guard and was part of whatever was going on in that building?” He seemed to think about it for a moment before turning around. “Always trust your first instincts about a situation.” He sighed, and I wondered if he had been thinking the same thing I did. We pulled up outside the office building. The guard was at his post and he let us in this time. I called his supervisor, who confirmed his identity and I quickly apologized, but they both seemed relieved that we were going the extra mile. If something had been wrong, we could very well have saved a life. I felt better when we left this time and so did Campbell. He seemed a little more at ease as we patrolled the streets in the darkness of the night. The nightlife in this part of town was booming at this time of night, which was actually strange. It was incredibly dangerous for these people to be out on the streets. I sighed deeply. “What’s going on?” My partner frowned and I rolled my eyes. “I’m sorry. I just … Well, I can’t understand how these people could be out at night. Don’t they realize how dangerous it is?” I felt stupid to ask when he burst out laughing. “I’m sorry I laughed.” He apologized and I nodded. “It’s just that you still see the world through your rose-coloured glasses.” “No, I don’t!” I really felt offended! How could he say that after everything we had seen on the job the past couple of days? I didn’t flinch once, did I? Okay, so I didn’t voice my thoughts just in case he laughed at me again. “Anyway, a lot of these people have no other choice but to be out there this time of the night. They are working.” I couldn’t look at him as he shrugged. I was disgusted and didn’t have to ask what work he was talking about! It was clear as day what they were doing on the streets! “Why aren’t we arresting them?” It finally dawned on me. “Ah, I was wondering when you were going to get to that.” He laughed. “Because we have special task forces working on capturing the men behind it all. If we catch the little fish, we get one of them off the streets. If we can build a good case against their bosses, we get to turn the tables, and we get a lot more of them off the streets. Not just the girls, but the dealers as well.” He looked happy when I asked, and I suddenly didn’t feel so stupid anymore. We were called out to a disturbance at a club, a bar fight and a house party that had gotten out of hand. It felt as if someone up there was trying to tell me something with all the party goers we had to arrest, but I wasn’t going to listen. I prefer my life exactly the way it was. I liked my apartment and the quiet. I had never been one of the party girls. It irritated my roommate to no avail, but I didn’t care. All my life, I had only one goal and not that I was so close to achieving it, I wasn’t going to mess it up by partying all night! Freddie I found it strange that she seemed so innocent sometimes. Her questions betrayed her innocence, which I didn’t expect after reading her father’s file. It still baffled me that he hid everything he was up to so well from his family and his colleagues. I still didn’t trust my new rookie completely, but I was slowly starting to form an opinion about her. Either she was an incredible actress, or she really didn’t know what he had been up to. “Have you decided whether you are going to see your father?” I frowned after we handed in our gear and were done for the night. “No,” She sighed deeply. “I don’t know what to say to him.” I could see the pain in her eyes and my heart almost went out to her. It couldn’t be easy for her. Or she was just really that good of an actress, I reminded myself. I couldn’t entirely trust the daughter of one of Cat’s men. I couldn’t let my guard down for one second. Cat might be in jail, but she still had influence on the streets. It wasn’t safe for me and it sure as hell wasn’t safe for her, no matter which side she picked. All I could do now was bide my time. If I gave her enough rope, she would eventually show her real colours.
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