Chapter 9 - Going home.

1103 Words
Chante I woke up feeling a little disorientated when I noted it was already midday. “Wow.” I sighed out loud. This new way of life was really going to take some getting used to. I got up and took a shower. It was Friday and my roommate was out at work. She would probably be home a little later, which I really wasn’t looking forward to. I knew she was going to bug me into going out, and all I really wanted to do was curl up on the couch with a good book or movie. The past couple of days were incredibly intense and I just needed downtime. I went for a run and made myself a healthy lunch when I returned. I had just fallen asleep in front of the television when she walked in with her usual high-pitched, excited voice. We hadn’t seen each other much over the past couple of days. We used to be best friends at school. I remember us sitting together and talking about our amazing futures we were looking forward to. She was living our dream, but I was living my secret one. She never understood why I wanted to become a cop. She was very sad the day I announced I was going to the police academy and as soon as she got a job, she got us this apartment. I was beginning to wonder if it was such a good idea for us to share one. My schedule was hectic and hers included partying at all hours of the morning. “Hey babe.” She flopped down on the couch beside me and I had to move my feet, or she would have crushed them. “What a day, huh?” She giggled. “What am I saying? You’ve been sleeping all day while the rest of us slaved away.” She got up and grabbed a bowl filled with grapes from the fridge before flopping down on the couch again. “I didn’t tell you. Some of the criminals shot at me. At least once per shift.” I studied her. I had always known she was superficial, and I was testing her. I changed after leaving the police college. She remained the school girl who just wanted to have fun. “Hmm, listen, I’m going to a club. I know what your answer is going to be, but I’m still going to ask. Do you want to come with us? I can do a make-over. Maybe even trim your hair a little.” Yeah, she was really superficial! I sighed as she started pulling at my hair and I shook my head and pretended to yawn. “Nah, I’m good. Twelve-hour shifts while you are sleeping kind of tired me out a little.” I didn’t mean to sound snarky, it just came out that way and I could see she was furious when she got up and left me alone. I couldn’t even remember why we were friends or how we became friends. Don’t get me wrong. She was a really good person. I think I had just outgrown her. When she reappeared from her room a couple of hours later, she looked stunning, and I made sure to tell her while I made dinner. Of course, she was incredibly conscious of her weight and didn’t eat a single thing but the small bowl of grapes before leaving. I pondered moving back to my mom’s. I had only been gone a couple of days. She couldn’t possibly have turned my room into her own personal spa yet. I grabbed my phone and searched for her number, then pressed dial before I could change my mind. My roommate was going to be furious, but she would find a new roommate quickly. People would give their front teeth to live in one of the newly refurbished apartments in this part of town. “Hey, baby! How are you doing?” My mom’s kind voice floated over the line. “Hey, mom. Is my room still available?” I got straight to the point. I would have to rush to make sure I made it to work on time each day, but I had no other choice. There was no way I could stay here much longer. I loved my friend, I just no longer lived in the same world that she did. It had been a mistake to move there right from the start. Since I only had my clothes to move, it would make it easier, and I could even go back home tonight. I pondered staying, so I could talk to my roommate before I left, but I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with her when she came back drunk and with some guy on her arm. “Of course, honey. Your room is just the way you left it.” My mom sounded relieved, and I appreciated her more than ever before. She wasn’t the kind of person to say I told you so, especially when she did. She didn’t think moving in with my roommate so quickly was a good idea. After we hung up, I packed my stuff and me and my two suitcases made it downstairs to the waiting taxi. I left my roommate a note, so she wouldn’t be worried, and made a mental note to call her in the morning. As the taxi made its way to my mom’s home, I remembered something, but I quickly pushed it to the back of my mind. Officer Campbell mentioned he was looking for a roommate, but there was no way I could move in with my training officer. That would just be too weird. The taxi pulled up outside mom’s house, and she was waiting to greet me. She nearly strangled me with her tight hug and we went inside. She was right. My room was exactly the way I left it. I literally only took my clothes to the apartment. Maybe I even knew deep down things weren’t going to work. I sighed as I flopped down on my bed and mom appeared at the door. She helped me to unpack my stuff, and we had tea before retiring to our respective rooms. At least, here mom would make sure I had meals when I was supposed to, and she would even pack my lunch. Yeah, I sighed deeply as I crawled under the covers and closed my eyes. This was home. This was where I belonged. This was where I should have stayed in the first place. Mom needed me.
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