Chapter 13

763 Words
Asher's POV "So how does your first outing in forever feel?" I ask Sienna to which she just laughs. Ivan, Sienna and I are currently on our way to the inauguration of the supernatural school. They named it The Superno. Turns out in Latin, Superno means supernatural. I didn't know that. Roger is with Lucia but Deedee and Gigi are coming with us. Because both Sienna and I won't be home for another couple of days so there is no question of leaving kids behind. "It actually feels weird, I am not sure why" Sienna says as she pats Gigi's head slowly. You can easily make Gigi sleep. Just pat her head gently for two minutes and BOOM! She is already sleeping. She is the nicest one I have seen among Deedee, Roger and Gigi. She rarely cries and usually likes to entertain herself with or without toys. Oh! But her favorite person in this entire world is Asher so yes.. she is already qualified to be awesome. Deedee is staring at everything through the car window. She likes watching moving things. She is already addicted to the mobile phone thanks to Drake. He told us that human kids are obsessed with Cocomelon and he would like to prove that supernatural kids are different. But turns out kids are just kids. And now my daughter is obsessed with Cocomelon. She hears that sound and she comes to you wherever she is. That is how she is addicted. The school is located in deeper parts of the forest and it takes us six to seven hours to reach there. There is a huge estate that is constantly protected by witch spells so it is not visible to the human eye. And if it is visible to someone, they can just get in and know more about why they can see it and not others. "I can't believe our kids will be attending school in no time" Ivan says, making Sienna and I exchange glances once and then look at our babies. It is very cruel of babies to grow up this fast. I was happy watching both Deedee and Gigi grow up but momentarily I forgot that one day I'll have to send them to Superno. There is an option.. If I don't want to send them, then I won't. But for many werewolf kids to join the school and get education on who they really are.. it is my work to pave the way. If the Alpha's kids are not going to that school, then why should other parents send theirs? Moreover I feel Deedee would be safer there than here. Because the entire Phoenix Fire Coven has their eye on Deedee. They think she has the capacity to destroy anything she sets her mind on. But I believe in Sienna and I. Our parenting would not even make her think of destroying anything. Moreover she is Deedee. The one who held Gigi's hand when Gigi was a week old, just because she was crying. She stays up all night if Gigi stays up. She is not the nicest but not the naughtiest either. "Here we are," Ivan says, as he drives through the gates. I see a huge school. Like.. really huge one. I wonder if human lands have a huge school the size of Superno. There is a lawn welcoming everyone with greenery and a big fountain sitting in the middle of the lawn. The words The Superno are written in bold over the wall facing the lawn. There are cars already parked and we just walk in after parking ours. There are already various kinds of scents. Vampires, mermaids, elves.. you name it. As soon as we enter the school and follow the scents.. it leads us to the auditorium kind of thing where everyone is already seated. I guess we are a tad bit late. Sienna gives everyone an apologetic smile as we proceed to take our designated table. The founders of the school are giving us their speech and what the school has to offer to all the kids. I dozed off after a while because their speeches are way too boring. And I bet the same person wrote all the four different speeches that these four people are telling. Because they sound the exact same. I didn't even know when I fell asleep, but I did. I know I am sleeping because I am in a dream. A dream that I wish for it to be reality. (Dream in the next chapter. Might be a little steamy!)
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