Chapter 44

846 Words

Asher's POV "Sia" I called for her but I didn't catch her scent at home. So I walk out and I catch a whiff slightly. It is lingering and almost fading away so that says it's been a while since she walked this path. I follow the scent and it leads me to the clearing. I took another whiff and I understood that she is on her wolf run right now. So I undress myself and shift into my wolf. Dash doesn't howl like he used to. He is eager to catch up with Hayley. And after ten minutes of the run I finally see Hayley. She is sitting at the shore of the lake and is staring at the lake. Dash sits beside her. A black wolf and the red wolf. Hayley just looks at Dash and then back at the lake again. It had been a week since the kids joined The Superno. Sienna is missing them terribly and I c

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