Chapter 19

1082 Words
Katherine's POV I sat in my cabin, waiting for the news. I have sent twelve witches to get Avery's daughter. All of them are powerful by the way. Moreover they are specialized in channeling power so it was another plus point on our side. I have no grudge or whatsoever on that little child. But Alpha Asher should understand that she is not just his daughter. She is Witch Avery's daughter as well. Witch Avery who belonged to this coven. Now their daughter bears the genes that could either destroy the world or make it a better place. Which is not in any person's hand. It is in her mind. It depends on what she views the world as. I am not asking him to give me his child so I could kill her. I am just asking him to give her to me so that I can teach her witchcraft. So I can show her the right path before it gets too late. Alpha Asher thought of this as a father and not an Alpha or a supernatural being. "What did you do?" Emmett asks me as he walks into my cabin. Emmett is my potential groom. We don't have any feelings for each other but we are just carrying on with the wedding so our covens can merge into one. I need to produce an heir and he needs an army. That's how we got into this. Not only I don't have any feelings for Emmett, everything he does makes me feel irritated and annoyed. I don't know if it has to do with his existence or whatever. I can't even stand properly when he is around me breathing. "What do you mean?" I ask him back with a straight face. He barely spoke one sentence to me and I am already annoyed. "The witches I lent you. They got killed" he says and my eyes go wide in shock. The witches who I sent just because they have the power of channeling.. They are from Emmett's clan. Phoenix fire Coven witches can only perform Witchcraft around fire elements or with fire elements. "W-what?" I ask him back in shock. "I lost the contact. I traced the location through their belongings and had an Oracle look up to it. They are all dead. Torn into pieces. No one is in single piece" he says, his nostrils flaring as he takes threatening steps towards me. Oh no. "They were the finest I had" he screams at my face and I push him away. "I don't know where it went wrong, okay?" I scream back at him. "I am calling the wedding off. You can never be a leader when all you do is lead your own people to death" he spats as he says and walks out of the room. I try my best to stay calm. I run outside and see Emmett is not that far from my cabin. I scream at him once and then run towards him. Before he has a chance to talk, I grab him and place my lips on his. He is taken aback for a few seconds but kisses me back again. Now before you jump into conclusions.. I still hate him but I need something from him. When you know words cannot get you something from a man, actions make the job easier. "Help me teleport. That's all I ask" I whisper as I pull away and he just nods without a word. What a fool. I tell him that we need to get inside the pack house of Crimson Moon Pack. Emmett is a master in teleportation and his key element in witchcraft is air. He is the only person in our world who can disappear into thin air. That is now coming to my aid. I tried my best in every possible way and now all I can do is get my hands on the baby by k********g her. Emmett stares at the map for a few minutes and then grabs the soil from the container. When Avery was the Queen Witch she made sure there was Crimson Moon Pack soil stored here for future purposes and I bet she didn't see this purpose coming. He chanted for a while and then held my hand. Before I knew it, we were in Crimson Moon Pack's house. In the nursery. There are two kids but my eyes already noticed Delilah. Her witch genes are glowing in her aura. I smile at her and she smiles back at me. "Come with me, you. I will take care of you I promise" I whisper and she even giggles at me. My heart warms as she does that. I am about to grab Delilah but the other baby screams and cries in such a way that the door is opened in an instant and I see Asher and Sienna. "You b***h" Sienna says as she takes a step forward but Asher even takes another step forward by throwing a knife at me. Everything goes in slow motion as Emmett covers me and chants again so we are back in my coven. I pull away from Emmett only to see the knife plunging through his heart. He covered me and took the hit? All the other witches rush to us and they all try channeling their power so they can try their hand at resurrecting Emmett. But all I feel is pure rage. Why is he failing to see what I mean? I lost my people. I lost Emmett's people and now even Emmett. The audacity that Alpha has. Without a second thought, I do what my mind asks me to do. "The day Delilah Nelson, daughter of Asher Nelson is destined to find her way to the Phoenix Fire Coven. But the day she finds her way and reaches her destination, is the day her father Asher Nelson loses his life. I am hereby calling upon the goddess of fire, to link the daughter's destiny to her father's life" I pray for the goddess of fire and keep chanting until I see a ring of fire surrounding all of us. I smirk when I know the curse is placed. I stare at Emmett's body before me and the witches still doing their best, I place my hand on his chest. I keep praying and chanting until I feel his heart beating again. Alpha Asher, now you will see your daughter coming to me one day.
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