Chapter 22

882 Words

Asher's POV Just a few minutes later, I walked back to the living room. Roger is sitting in between the girls. They are just twelve .. well turned thirteen today, but I am still wondering how time flies. "But we are still thirty nine year hotties" Dash says and now, I am again wondering for a different reason.. Why is he this cringey? Well, The upside of having kids before you turn thirty is this. You are young and your kids are too. There is not a big generational gap. "Roger, see this" Deedee says as she shows him her wrist. I noticed she drew a small flame over there. "Well, since my dad is against the whole tattoo thing, I decided to draw one so I can call this a temporary tattoo" Deedee whispers as she rolls her eyes. Flame. Of course her mother is from Phoenix Fire Coven

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