2| Traumatized First Love

1950 Words
CASSANDRA I really ran and hid like a loser in my room right now. I secretly overheard Mom and our three guests chatting happily downstairs. This fate was indeed extremely terrifying and cruel. Zach… is my first love! He was the first love I finally found after years of constantly changing schools and places of residence. Meanwhile, Erick… was just a strange young man I met three days ago. Unfortunately, Erick is the man who has taken my virginity. Even worse, they were both brothers and really handsome. How could this terrible fate happen to me? I covered my head with a pillow. Stupid! Stupid! I'm so stupid! A soft knock sounded on the door. "Cass, hurry up, pack your things, and only take the essentials. We're leaving tonight for Everna. I told you we'd be staying at Davian's. The remaining items will be transported by courier. You listening to me, Cass?" "Y-yes, Mom! I hear you very clearly." My voice echoes as I speak under the sheets. "Then take a little bit of time. Don't keep our guests waiting." I was still sitting, hugging my knees under a thick blanket. "What should I do? Why did this happen so suddenly and beyond my mind?" We have just moved to this city six months ago. Six months ago, I met Zach for the first time during the new student orientation at the best art school in the country. Since I was in junior high school, I've wanted to go to art school. I had to whine to persuade my mother to move to this city this time so I could go to Rodam High School. Studying at art school was really fun. Because the students are given the freedom to be creative. Their appearance always looks fashionable and has a distinctive style. It was at this school that I met Zach. His figure was too shiny. He's such a handsome young man with a style I like. We are both new students in this school. The difference is Zach soon becomes a popular student. While I was sinking into my solitude. I was always ostracized and automatically distanced myself from other friends. I was always the object of bullying at every school I went to. In my eyes, Zach is like a star shining in the sky and very far from reach. He was always surrounded by the best of friends and was always a popular student among the girls. He's smart too. Truly the perfect young man. For six months, I continued to admire Zach in silence. Three days ago, one of the girls in class suddenly approached me. I thought I knew that girl had a purpose. But stupidly, I let her come near me. I really wish I had a friend. "Cass, do you have time after school? We'll go to karaoke together. Would you like to come? Zach is coming too!" I should have declined the invitation. Because I know they will only use me by making me a slave, they can only order. But I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to interact with Zach in person. "Yes, of course. Where will we meet?" I also accepted their invitation. I went to a karaoke place usually attended by students after school on Saturday nights. I saw that there were four girls from my class and others. They were already waiting near the karaoke entrance. A few minutes later, a group of male students came. I recognized some of them as students from our school as well. The figure I'm most waiting for is, of course, Zach. He really came. I'm so enthusiastic. I've practised enough conversation to say hello and initiate a conversation with Zach. In fact, when we actually faced each other, I felt very embarrassed. I'm so insecure. Because that day, Zach really looked stunning. I am sorry. I should have been able to choose better clothes and make myself more beautiful. "Don't think you can tease him, Cass," one of my friends whispered. "We didn't invite you here for fun. But we want to show them who the bad ducklings are." I can only clench my fists and be patient. As I thought. The karaoke event could have been more annoying. I really just became their errand boy. The four girls and Zack's friends look like they're having so much fun. They didn't even know I was there. However, I noticed that Zach seemed unenthusiastic about karaoke. He just sits and drinks soda in the corner. "Cass, go buy us some sodas and snacks!" rebuked one of the girls at me with a scornful face. I'm also fed up with the smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol that they secretly carry. They freely smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol in karaoke places even though it is prohibited. I quickly got up and immediately went to the food and drink vendor in the karaoke area. "You didn't enjoy the show?" I was surprised because suddenly, Zach was standing behind me while I was waiting in line to get a drink. "Why?" I asked enthusiastically. But I still try to show an innocent face. "I can see that you are always gloomy and not enthusiastic at all." "I'm used to this," I replied coldly. "I'm just not used to crowds. Moreover, they really–" I can't go on. They don't treat me as a friend. I think Zach is also one of them. I am very disappointed. "I feel the same thing too. Even though other people see me as cheerful and easy to get along with, I get sick of seeing them crowding around me." I was surprised to hear Zach's confession. All this time, he enjoyed his friendship with the people around him. Now I can see there is a dark side to Zach. When I wanted to talk to Zach again, I didn't realize that one of the girls had been eavesdropping on our conversation. Suddenly she appeared out of nowhere and purposely bumped into me. All the cola I brought spilt. "Oh, sorry, Cass… I really didn't do it on purpose. Your clothes are getting wet and dirty." Zach was getting a drink at that time. Seeing me fall down, he just turned to look at us without saying anything. As if I'm such a fool in his eyes. My clothes were completely wet from the cola spill. Even the white colour turned brown, and my underwear became clearly printed. I hissed and glared at the girl trying to humiliate me in Zach's presence. I left the spilt drinks and immediately ran to the toilet to clean myself. Not content with spilling cola all over my clothes, the girls followed me to the toilet. One even strangled my neck and pushed my back until it hit the toilet wall. "Little slut! How dare you flirt with Zach? I brought you here to show them that you are just an ugly duckling and we are the beautiful swans. Nobody asked you to flirt with Zach and talk to him! Zach is ours!" My hands clenched tightly at my sides. I winced at the tightness and incredible pain in my neck. This girl really choked me really hard. I'm out of breath. I can't fight her even if I really want to. If my fight gets caught by the school, they'll give me another red note. If that happened, I would lose my chance to attend another school. This is truly my last chance to preserve my record of any act of mischief. "Let go, you bastard!" Because I couldn't stand it, I gripped the girl's right hand so tightly that she groaned in pain and released her stranglehold from my neck. "f*****g b***h!" shouted the girl. "I won't let you flirt with Zach." I can't just sit idly by, or they'll kill me right there. The girls completely surrounded me. I pushed her chest until it hit the mirror. Kurep strangled her neck. "What did you say? You say I'm a w***e? Zack is a complete nobody in my eyes. He's just an ordinary schoolboy who is completely undeserving of my attention! I will not lower myself to tease and attract his attention." "Hey!" cried another girl. They came and dragged my body. They were trying to free their comrades from my stranglehold. We were about to wrestle in the toilet when someone cleared their throat from the next door. They let me go. "Don't test my patience!" I threatened the girls. "I came here to fulfil your invitation for karaoke. Because I think you guys deserve to be friends. Looks like I've been wrong. You guys are nothing more than bullies who have no self-confidence. You will only feel calm and happy when you see someone else being humiliated. And girls like you absolutely don't deserve a guy like Zach!" I left the toilet. When I was outside, one of the girls grabbed my hair. I parried and knocked the girl to the floor. "Stop bothering and touching me. Okay? I have absolutely no interest in Zach or your fake friendship. Because I already have a boyfriend who is even better than Zach." "What nonsense is this? How could you have a lover." I really lost my sanity, then. I will go to any lengths to silence their deceitful mouths to maintain my dignity and honour. Just then, a young man passed in front of the toilet. Without the slightest hesitation, I immediately grabbed his arm and hugged him. "He is my lover! So don't ever bother and bother me again. My boyfriend is even more handsome than the young man you are after. You guys are simply not on my level." The girls were flabbergasted. "You… going out with a more mature man?" I'm getting proud. "Yes! It's not easy being a girl who is admired by grown men." When I introduced the stranger as my lover, I was so panicked and scared inside my little heart. What if he denies and says I'm a liar? The girls would bully and embarrass me even more. The handsome young man took my hand from his arm. End my day! He will expose my deception! I can only be surprised. Instead of being angry, he hugged me from behind so possessively. The young man lowered his head level with my face and smiled at the three girls before me. "Hi, I'm her boyfriend." "Impossible!" the girls shouted. "You guys are just a couple of scammers!" "Do you need proof that we are lovers?" asked the young man casually. My heart beats fast. It's a miracle if that stranger joins my game and acts like my boyfriend. "Show me that you are a couple! Show us that you are not pretending." Already lied. I can't back down. I turned to the young man. I reached his face and landed a light kiss on his red lips. The handsome young man was shocked. The girls were equally surprised. Then they look so embarrassed and disgusted. Finally, they just left us in front of the toilet. After the girls left, I quickly apologized to the strange man. He didn't let me go. He was still gripping my hands and staring at me so intensely. "You have to pay for it. The help is by no means free. If you don't want to pay, I'll tell the girls I'm not your boyfriend." "No, please! How much money do you want?" He whispered something into my ear. I really got goosebumps hearing what he wanted in compensation. "Come with me now!" "Where to? B-but…” He dragged me out of the karaoke area by force.
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