1| We Move Now!

1782 Words
CASSANDRA I opened the door, being very careful not to make a sound. The house is dark. Mama should be home later. I strolled to my room on the second floor. "Cass, where are you from?" I stopped, and my heart was pounding really fast. I quickly pulled the end of the scarf and covered part of my face. I thought Mom wasn't home. "Cass?" said Mama. She went to turn on the light and walked over to me, who was still frozen like a caught thief. "Cassandra, why are your clothes so dirty? What happened to you?" Mom is trying to find out. I quickly turned away. She can't see my face. "I just got back from the library. I met my school friends earlier and–" I am not lying. I did come from the library and met them. But about the dirty clothes, I can't explain to Mom. "And what?" I saw Mama narrow her eyes and look at me suspiciously at that time. While I kept looking down, even trying to avert my face from her. "You met your friends? Isn't that great news? I've never seen you talk about your friends. Are you comfortable with the current school?" "What is this? Why are you suddenly talking about my friends and school? Usually, you never care and are not interested." Suddenly my emotions are out of control. "I…" Mama looked down while playing with the whiskey glass in her hand. It is evident that she was nervous and was thinking about something. It's still late, and she's already drunk? Good grief. "Just say whatever it is, Mom. I don't like riddles like this." "Oh, Cass… I'm really sorry for keeping you in such trouble. It must be tough to constantly move and adapt to a new environment. You don't even have many friends because of that." "Then what's the problem? Isn't that what we usually do? I'm not even interested anymore in having friends." "But, I'm really sorry if I must disappoint you this time. Even though you just had a friend. You guys even went to study together." "Just say it, Mom. What do you want to talk about?" I really want to quickly go to my room now. "Actually… there really is something I want to discuss. I kept putting it off until I realized that time had passed quickly." "What's wrong, Mom? Did something bad happen?" "You know, Cass. We've lived alone for years and kept moving around." "Well then? Are we moving again? I'll pack my things right now." Usually, I will be annoyed and angry when I hear the word move. But, this time, I want to move as soon as possible. I want to leave this goddamn town. "Wait, you didn't ask what was the reason for our move this time?" My mother was surprised by my agreement. "Is there a need for a reason to move? I'm used to it." "And you don't want to know where we're moving, Cass? You… look a little different today. I'm sure something has happened to you. Usually, you always refuse and object when I ask to move. What is it?" "Mom!" I protested. "That's not the case–" "What's the problem, Cass?" I've opened my mouth to speak but in vain. I'm silent again. I just don't want to add to the burden on Mama's mind at this time. I know Mama's problem itself is complicated enough. "Cass, did something happen to you today?" I drifted off into my own thoughts. Three days ago, I did the foolish thing in life for the first time. But I have no regrets. It's just that a group of girls from school came and attacked me in front of the library earlier. Even so, I was delighted that I managed to piss them off. "The problem–" "What?" Suddenly Mama grabbed my shoulder and turned me around so we were face to face. I quickly looked down, but she held my face. She even pulled the scarf I was wearing to cover my face. "What about your lips?" Mom almost screamed. "Cass, you got into a fight again? Look how big the bruise on your cheek is. Your lips are also torn. This time who?" "Mom!" I am sick of it. In my mother's eyes, I'm just a troublemaker. "Why do you always think I start the fights? Don't you ever think that I'm a victim?" "You? Victim? Impossible!" Mom started pacing in front of me. I laughed in disbelief. "I've been trying not to get into trouble at any of my new schools. But you may never know what it's like to keep moving and changing schools yearly. I've always been thought of as a strange foreign student. They will continue to mock and bully me, even without any reason. Just because I'm a transfer student." "Oh my gosh! How come you never told me all this time, Caas? You always said everything was fine." "Yeah, what difference does it make if I tell you? They will still bully me. If I told them, they might even hurt me even harder. So, I must endure until you decide for us to move again." I glanced at my mother. She is now sitting at the dining table, holding her head. She took a deep breath before speaking again. "In that case, okay. There's no reason for you to stay here, right? We're moving. Pack your things, and you will go to the school that was made for you!" "What?" I frowned. "Is there a school like that? Why didn't you just send me there instead of us moving and running if there was?" "Cass, I have to tell you right now. Sorry if the timing isn't right. I… will marry again. And we're moving into your new father's house!" "WHAT? Moving into a new daddy's house? Mom, how come you never said anything to me? This is really too sudden!" I saw Mama become gloomy, and I felt guilty for her. I softened my tone while still hiding my face under the scarf. "It's okay if you want to remarry," I said resignedly. My mother's eyes twinkled. "Oh, Cass… really? You don't mind?" "Of course. I even feel happy. After all, it's been years since you left Papa. I think it's time for you to feel your own happiness." "In that case, he will come here to make our acquaintance and pick us up." My mom suddenly got excited again. "What?" This time I was the one surprised. "Moving tonight?" "Yesterday afternoon, he came to this city to pick us up. Tonight too, we will move into his house and live there." "But, Mom–" Ding. Dong. The doorbell rang loudly. Mom and I looked at each other and then turned towards the door. When I realized, Mama had grabbed my hand. She dragged me forward and, together, opened the door. Mama was so excited and enthusiastic about welcoming the guests she seemed to have been waiting for since this afternoon. My hands were bruised from the punches and kicks of my schoolmates; now, they ached and throbbed. Mom pulled my hand tightly. Open door. Standing a handsome man in his late 40s. "Hi!" greeted the man kindly. "Thank you for inviting us." Without awkwardness, Mom hugged the man. "Davian, thank you for taking the time to come here. You even went to the trouble of picking us up." So my future stepfather's name is Davian? He is a very handsome man and looks so youthful. Where did Mama find this man? His face is very familiar. Have we met somewhere? "Come on, Davian, please come in!" take my mom. Davian turned to the side and spoke to someone I didn't see coming. "Come on, over here and introduce yourself!" I also wonder who Davian is referring to. I stood behind Mom and looked over her shoulder. My eyes opened wide when I saw the figure standing beside Davian. Vice versa. He seemed surprised to see me there too. "What happened to you…?" I pointed at him with shaking hands. Mama and Davian turn to need clarification. They turned to me and demanded an explanation. Because I didn't say anything, they turned to the young man standing beside Davian. He is a very handsome young man. No wonder I felt familiar when I saw Davian for the first time. They really have very similar faces. "Hi, my name is Erick Efron. I am the eldest son of the Efron family." Even though Erick wore formal and closed clothes, my eyes couldn't escape the image of his muscular body and the memory of his skin glistening when covered in sweat. God, what was I thinking right now? I'm really crazy. I closed my eyes and pinched my wrist to bring back my sanity. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment because my imagination was too high. "Cass… Erick is your future half-brother. Don't be rude by staring at him like an i***t. I know he's a handsome young man. But you can't fall in love with him." I was even more embarrassed because my mom teased me. I answered Erick's greeting briefly. "Cassandra Brown." At that moment, I wanted to run away from there. This is so embarrassing. Erick is… My fear is not over. Because behind Erick, there was another person. Its existence is hidden in the shadow of the dark side of the porch. When he took a few steps forward and stood under the porch light, my knees felt weak instantly. "You… Why are you here too?" Someone has to explain it to me. "He is my youngest son. His name is Zachary Efron. You should really know each other. When your mother told me you attended Rodam High School, I was enthusiastic. Because Zach also studied there. Do you see each other often at school?" Zach has such a cold face. If Erick is full of smiles and even tends to tease, Zach is very stiff and arrogant. His gaze so pierced me. There was hatred in his eyes. Unfortunately, Davian's good looks succeeded in passing on to his two sons. "Oh, sorry, Cass. I really didn't get to tell you," Mama said regretfully. My ears instantly clogged. I deliberately closed all my senses of hearing and sight. Right now, I want to avoid hearing any explanation from them. Why? Why do they have to be my half-brothers? I can still accept the anomaly if the sect leader or even the president of this country becomes my half-brother. But of the millions of people in this world, why must it be Zach?
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