Finding Common Ground...

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Chapter Fifteen: Finding Common Ground... TATIANA While waiting for Horacio to finish his shower before we joined Aruna and Orion for dinner on the balcony, I received the sweetest link from our Carson, who shared the line of communication with my sister of mischief as well— We’re about to head out to the lake house, but before we left, I wanted to thank you both for everything you did today. The folks and I have found a little common ground, which is more than I ever could have hoped for and probably wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t gone out to the swamp. I love you both—forever and always. Aruna and I both returned with our own enthusiastic words of affection, relaying our delight. A feeling that was further felt by me as a desired vision came forth and I saw the special moments that occurred individually between Carson and his parents replay... Briskly opening the bathroom door, Horacio leaned against the doorframe with only a towel wrapped around his waist, steam spilling out all around his gorgeous, colossal frame as he playfully admonished, “You should be ashamed, you little—what is it you call your sisters? Ahhh, yes—you little nosy ninny. And don’t even think about gloating, though truthfully, I would if I achieved such an astounding victory.” Ignoring his banter, I ecstatically gushed, “It’s a new start for them, Horacio. That’s why I was able to see it! I know it will take some time and effort for them to grow closer, but—isn’t it wonderful to see our sweet boy so happy?” A roll of humored chuckles rang out as my King confidently strolled up to the couch where I was sitting. Leaning down and tousling his wet salt and pepper hair, I giggled from the spritzing onslaught as he lovingly commended, “Well done, love and, admittedly, that was an especially touching moment between mother and son. However, let’s allow Carson to enjoy the rest of his time with his parents in peace—without replays. Surely there is something else to distract that nonstop mind of yours.” Slowly gliding my finger up the center of his body from torso to chin, I brought my thumb up to dramatically flick the gathered moisture towards his face, teasing, “I can think of one thing to distract me.” Laughing, Horacio wickedly retorted, “A not-so-astounding victory for me, as you are putty in my hands when only a towel lies between us. Making it the perfect weapon of choice against my Queen when plotting for amorous attention.” Pursing my lips, I dishearteningly sighed, “We are expected for dinner in twenty minutes.” Placing a quick peck on my lips, Horacio huskily rasped out with a broad grin, “A little appetizer before dinner with a second round of dessert upon our return?” My hands coming up to gently caress the stubbly sides of his cheeks, I sensually cooed, “I do love the way you think, Fury.” Dropping one of my hands down, I swiftly sent the towel falling to the ground as Horacio’s enormous brawn engulfed my body in warmth and s****l prowess that left us both satisfied—and starving for more in the end... *************** CHARLOTTE Following a refreshing nap, I was further charmed by Carson’s father after receiving an unexpected visit. And while still proving to be a more overstrung individual than I anticipated at times, he seemed much more at ease as we talked about my Rogue Eight days before finally reuniting with our family at Crescent Moon... Upon hearing of our plans, Zahlia had kindly offered to bring us dinner, which excited me, but upon hearing about it, Otto suddenly requested that he and Carson make a quick trip to his mother’s old home, something that seemed to jar Sabrina a bit as we neared the lake house... Zixin was standing with Zahlia on the porch, warmly greeting Carson's mother when we came into view, “Hello, Sabrina. It’s nice to see you again. It’s been far too long.” Her cheeks instantly went rosy as Sabrina breathlessly greeted, “Hello, Zixin. You look—very well.” Leaning to the side, she cautiously greeted, “As do you, Zahlia. It’s good to see you both.” I was surprised by Zahlia’s highly unusual crisp response, avoiding looking up as she removed the cover of her casserole dish, “Sabrina. I was glad to hear that you and Otto were finally paying Carson a visit. Like Zixin said—it’s been far too long.” Her tone softened dramatically when she spoke to me, adoringly cooing, “Charlotte, as I know your stomach is still a bit sensitive, I’ve brought chicken and rice to make sure you get some protein, dear. Light on the seasonings, of course. And I made sure to bring your favorite sourdough bread to try to entice you to eat a piece or two. As well as some ginger poached pears for dessert.” “You didn’t have to go out of your way like this, Zahlia, but thank you,” I earnestly replied, walking over to help with the place settings. “Oh, this was no trouble at all,” she kindly dismissed, “You needed to rest, not worry yourself about dinner. All I ask is that you promise to try to eat at least a small helping of everything to keep your strength up.” “Thank you for being so thoughtful, Zahlia. It smells wonderful,” Sabrina cordially called out, walking past Zixin towards the table, “And I’ll do my best to encourage Charlotte to eat a little something for us.” Still refusing to look at her, Zahlia impassively replied, “I don’t think that will be necessary, as Charlotte knows that I always have her best interests at heart.” Clearing his throat, Zixin took two long strides, placing his hand over hers as Zahlia placed a large spoon on the chicken and rice, her apprehensive eyes turning a bit shameful as they drifted up to meet his. Taking in a deep breath, she exhaled it out slowly, peering over to look at Carson’s mother for the first time, uncomfortably stating, “I apologize if I have come across as rude in any way, Sabrina. We are all very protective of our Carson. He’s such a sweet, caring young man. You should be very proud of him—and his beautiful mate. I can’t imagine anyone more perfect for him than our Charlotte.” “It didn’t take me long to realize that Zahlia,” Sabrina proudly declared, causing a reactive heat to rise in my cheeks, “Just as no one could be more perfect for Zixin than you. Something that is just as true today as it was when I said those same words to you long ago.” A look of reverence filled his gaze as Zixin fervently replied, “That wasn’t necessary, but thank you, Sabrina.” “Yes, thank you,” Zahlia heavily exhaled out before thickly urging her mate, “Perhaps we should take our leave. Our casserole should be almost finished.” Thanking them again, I hugged Zahlia tight before she quickly made her way down the stairs. Zixin followed close behind, brushing his fingers across Sabrina’s hand, warmly smiling, “We’ll be back for the dishes in the morning. I’m looking forward to seeing Otto. I hope you two enjoy your dinner and spending time with Charlotte—and your son.” I noticed the look of longing in Sabrina’s eyes as we watched Zixin sprint forward and sweetly take Zahlia’s hand, kissing the top of her head as they made their way down the trail towards their home. Once they were out of sight, I curiously pressed, already suspecting the answer, “I take it you and Zixin were close growing up?” “Mmmmm,” Sabrina almost inaudibly hummed before quietly divulging, her eyes still locked on the path, “I can count on one hand the number of people who understood and accepted me as I was back then, Charlotte. An odd, lanky little girl with a highly inquisitive mind and shattered heart. And yet, there were two who, despite that, showed me love in ways I never felt I deserved. Otto was one of them, although I didn’t find out about that until later—and Zixin was the other. The first, in fact. I loved him for that, among many other things, when I was very young.” The weight of her sadness falling heavy on my heart, I slowly drawled out, “And then you discovered you were destined to be with Otto and Zahlia was destined to be Zixin’s mate.” “Yes—and like her choice in connecting yours and Carson’s hearts, the Moon Goddess knew what she was doing,” Sabrina thoughtfully murmured in response, “Had we ended up mates, I would have undoubtedly broken Zixin’s heart in the end. But Zahlia—she was truly the person to appreciate Zixin and love him without any reservations—the once in a lifetime love he always deserved.” Turning her attention to the table, she lovingly continued, “And though it took me two years to open my heart enough to tell Otto that I loved him, he is my once in a lifetime. Our shared love and passions enabled my handsome and very adorable mate to heal my heart in ways I never thought possible, making me feel whole once more—and very loved. And Carson—he represents the best part of our love for one another—and, despite my past actions speaking otherwise, is my most prized gift in this life.” *************** CARSON Dad couldn’t believe it when I told him that Aldric had allowed me to keep Grammy’s house and he was further in awe that I had kept it just as she left it all those years ago. I was glad Ms. Ines had just cleaned it for me a couple of days ago like she had kindly done over the years. I had brought Lottie a few times when I felt the need to feel Grammy close, kinda like Dad needed to, quietly walking around, occasionally reaching out to gently touch a few of her favorite knick-knacks ... When we got back to the lake house, Charlotte and Mom had everything ready for us to eat and after my earlier conversations with them, our dinner ended up being another heartwarming, memorable moment, especially as we showed them around the house and Mom mentioned all of us staying there during their next visit... After returning to our room, Charlotte hesitantly told me about the uncomfortable interaction between Zahlia and Zixin prior to mine and Dad’s return—shocked when I informed her that while it saddened me, it didn’t come as a surprise. One of the benefits of Mom’s direct openness—I knew of the past between them... “He has always been special to Mom. Zixin was one of the few people who understood her, even encouraging Mom in her scientific studies when they were young,” I appreciatively told her, “They were so close that everyone was sure they would end up being mates, but it turns out, the Moon Goddess had a different plan.” “Sabrina said that she didn’t know Otto loved her until later and that it took her two years to tell him that she loved him,” Charlotte shockingly exhaled out as we sat down on the couch. “My dad was fiercely shy, so he usually stayed in the background, doing his own thing,” I affably explained, “According to him, he fell in love with Mom when they were seven—but he never said a word until they found out they were mates. And the reason it took her so long to tell him that she loved him was the same reason for Zahlia’s unusual harshness tonight, on top of the fact that she has never gotten over my parents walking away from me. Despite their being mates, it took Mom a long time to get over her first love—Zixin.” ****************** ZIXIN Grateful that Zahlia had quickly drifted off to sleep after apologizing for her jealousy-driven actions at Carson’s lake house, I closed my own eyes, hoping that the dinner went well for everyone—especially Sabrina... Zixin? Are you awake? her voice meekly called out in my head. Yes. Is everything alright? I warmly returned. Yes. Better than alright. Better than I deserve, actually, Sabrina quietly returned, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t cause any untoward trouble for you with Zahlia again. As I have told you before, you have caused no problems between me and Zahlia, Sabrina, I kindly soothed, And I’m glad to hear things are going well with Carson. In fact, I am in great hopes that this is a new start for all of you. It made my heart swell to hear her happy reply, It is a new start, Zixin—a beautiful one. We’re building a new foundation. And Carson and I had this unexpected moment together before dinner. Just us sitting on the couch. He even called me Mom again. It was something so simple yet meant everything to me. I can’t stop thinking about it. Knowing her, I softly urged, Just don’t overanalyze it, Sabrina. Instead, allow that moment to continue to fill your heart with the joy I hear in your voice. You know me well, but I promise that I won’t overanalyze it, she ardently confirmed, a slight pause between us before she continued, I just wanted to thank you, Zixin. Not just for dinner tonight, but—for never showing me any animosity, only compassion and understanding. Even when I didn’t deserve it. And you’ve always kept our line of communication open—again, something so simple yet has meant everything to me. Especially your willingness to go out of your way to keep me apprised of Carson’s wellbeing over the years. I’m just sorry that your kindness towards me has caused strife between you and Zahlia. You know as well as I do that a love and connection such as we are fortunate to share with Zahlia and Otto can bring forth unnecessary jealousy at times, I calmly linked back. Carson is encouraging me to focus on the positive, so I won’t say what first came to mind, Sabrina surprisingly returned, grateful not to hear her anticipated self-blame as her next words made me smile, Instead, I will say that while I agree, it would be nice if we could all four find our own common ground in understanding. I would like that as well, Sabrina, I sincerely told her, And maybe we can one day with this new foundation you’re building with Carson. Maybe, she thoughtfully replied, But, for now—goodnight, Zixin—and again, thank you. Good night, Sabrina, I tenderly responded, And, as I’ve told you many times before, remember—you deserve the joy of love that you feel in your heart right now. You always have—and you always will. **************** ARUNA I loved the feel of Orion’s solid arms around me, especially in our bed. Almost as much as I loved our late-night conversations, though tonight’s subject currently had me feeling a bit shameful about the incessant giggles that filled the air around us... “If you are going to continue to look at me horrified and dumbfounded, I’m not going to say anything else about the matter,” I amusingly chided. “I’m sorry, Aruna. I’m just trying to grasp the realization of—Zixin and Sabrina? Seriously?” Orion hoarsely whispered as if we were in a crowded room, bringing forth more humor, “I mean, I don’t really know the woman other than the first impression she made tonight, but, Sabrina is eccentric to say the least. I mean, Zahlia has her own eccentricities, but—still.” “One of the things I have always appreciated most about Zixin is his great ability for compassion and understanding,” I thoughtfully breathed out, “He always thinks, hears, sees, and feels with his heart, acting and speaking accordingly. Aldric always valued and vastly admired Zixin for those qualities. Traits that I value and admire now in Zayden, as does Nicholas.” Relaying my recollections of the past as Aldric had divulged to me in confidence, I told Orion of Sabrina and Zixin’s courtship when they were very young. Our warmhearted warrior saw in her what no one else took the time to see—that she had been deeply wounded by both of her parents following her mother’s untimely death. An already odd young girl relentlessly judged and ridiculed for her high intelligence and fierce personality, Sabrina covered her immense pain the only way she knew how. But in Zixin, Sabrina’s hardened heart had softened to the point that she learned how to love again, revealing the true beauty inside her... All of Crescent Moon anticipated the Moon Goddess to agree with what they had seen. The immeasurable love and closeness between them undeniable—until the day Sabrina turned seventeen, leaving them both confused by the denial of their heart’s greatest desire. A desire no one—especially Zixin’s distinguished family—could understand but remained understanding about for him. For their hearts to be destined for one another—only they weren’t—when it was suddenly discovered that Otto was Sabrina’s mate. A week later, an already devastated Sabrina was dealt another hard blow—the day Zahlia turned seventeen and, much to everyone’s shock, was gifted with a connection no one saw coming—she was Zixin’s mate... Like Otto, Zahlia was known to be a nervous sort—another shy wallflower that always stood in the background. Her family had been the resident bakers for generations at Crescent Moon, serving not only the Alphas, but preparing many goods to sell to outlying areas. Their reputation was well-known not only for their savory breads, pastries, and desserts, but their love of consuming them as well, all of them on the ‘thicker’ side and rather plain in appearance. This time, it was the Moon Goddess’ desire that was highly questioned. Everyone asking—how could such a handsome, amenable warrior who came from a highly respected family truly be destined for such an odd-pairing? The only one not asking that question? The man whose destiny had been laid out in front of him... Not that Zixin’s heart wasn’t torn, but while still trying to comfort and encourage Sabrina to embrace her connection with Otto, he also enthusiastically began his courtship of a stunned and completely enamored Zahlia—who struggled to overcome both her anxiousness and bashfulness towards her mate and his well-known deeply held connection with Sabrina... “While it took a little time, as you can see, Zahlia flourished with Zixin. With the exception of her nervous habit of occasional fainting spells, she found her confidence and the sweet, heartwarming love and happiness shared between them eventually silencing all the questions,” I reverently stated at the end. “Sabrina, however, did not flourish,” Orion sadly assessed, “Instead, she floundered.” “Yes, making it even more difficult for Zixin,” I softly confirmed, “Faizon attempted to help, as Zahlia grew increasingly jealous over Sabrina’s continued dependence on him and their friendship.” “And Otto?” Orion curiously asked, leading me to explain that while he came from another well-known family of Crescent Moon warriors, Sabrina’s meek, overly anxious mate never held any interest in that path. He did, however, share the same love of science with his destined connection—a she-wolf he had loved from afar for that and many other reasons, unbeknownst to anyone—except his mother... “While guarded with her heart, Sabrina had accepted Otto as her mate and eventually, after quite a bit of urging by his mother, Otto moved into her old family home,” I further explained, “But, the strain of being in close proximity to Zixin and Zahlia became too much, I think. And when the opportunity arose to conduct an experiment in a nearby pack, Sabrina leapt at the chance to leave, convincing Otto to go with her, thus embarking on their new journey as traveling scientists. Only occasionally returning to Crescent Moon—until Sabrina became pregnant.” Remembering Carson’s Grammy with great fondness, I continued, “Felicity was ecstatic, hoping that the birth of their child would further mend Sabrina’s heart and bring them all closer together. And for a while, it seemed to help tremendously.” “But, as you’ve discussed before, Sabrina’s demons returned,” Orion sadly sighed. “Yes—a fact that was heartbreaking to watch unfold,” I despairingly returned, “Aldric had been close to Carson’s grandfather, Finley, and also held Felicity very dear to his heart, desperately making every attempt he could to bridge the relationships between them all with his own love and support. But unfortunately, as you know, in the end, it was all to no avail. So, he did what he could do—we both did—loving our sweet Carson as one of our own and promising Felicity just before she passed that we would always be there for him—that her adored grandson would always know the love of family.” Turning his head towards me, Orion placed a tender kiss on my cheek before admiringly exhaling out, “That’s one lucky young man to have such incredible influences in his life.” Smiling, I adoringly cooed, “Aldric and I always considered ourselves to be the lucky ones—Larissa too. Carson’s lively spirit always brought such joy and laughter into the house.” A humored breath of air escaped from my lips as a memory of my sweet boy at six years old came back to me. Bolting up the stairs following my return from a short visit to Howling Wind. Carson was concentrating so hard on his futile effort to reach me before the other boys—only to reach me last—not that my warm hug was any less fervent. I could still see his wild mess of blonde hair bouncing about so clearly as I took in Carson’s bright blue eyes that were gleefully dancing with excitement. Unwilling to let his last place finish deter him from the immense happiness he felt inside, flashing that endearing toothy lopsided grin of his before heftily throwing his little arms around my neck... “From the day he entered our world, Carson’s exuberance and animated displays of love have always warmed our hearts,” I affectionately reflected, “Never allowing anything or anyone to darken his. My sweet boy has always risen above. Imprinting himself on his Luna’s heart forevermore—and for that, I am indeed so very fortunate.”
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