Poof! Pop! Up Top! Won't Stop! Part I

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Chapter Sixteen: Poof! Pop! Up Top! Won’t Stop! Part I ZAHLIA “I’m happy for Carson. I’m happy for Carson,” I muttered under my breath as I stared at the skillet, fighting to concentrate on making Zixin’s eggs perfect, continuing to try to convince myself, “As long as that dear boy is happy, I will be happy for him. He deserves it after all these years.” “Yes, my beautiful bride, Carson does deserve it,” Zixin lovingly murmured from behind, startling me to the point that I almost knocked the pan right off the stovetop. Fortunately, I caught the handle just in time before breakfast was ruined... “I—I’m sorry. I—I didn’t hear you come in,” I shamefully stuttered out, steadying the heavy cast iron pan back onto the hot eye, too embarrassed to turn around, “There’s bacon on the counter and your eggs should be done momentarily.” I could hear Zixin’s footsteps nearing, as well as the crunch of bacon in my ear before he adoringly blew into it, “Fried eggs and bacon? Wednesdays are oatmeal day. Which means my lovely wife is still feeling unnecessarily guilty about last night. How many times do I have to tell you that all is well between us? I’m not mad, Zahlia.” “Well, you should be. After all our years together, there was no need for me to act like a silly, jealous schoolgirl, especially in front of poor, sweet Charlotte,” I admonishingly chastised—myself, of course, ”And as it is Sabrina, who has not one morsel of subtlety or indiscretion in that skinny little body of hers, I can only imagine what was said after we left. It’s bad enough that Carson knows all the sordid details, though kindhearted as he is, he has never mentioned it.” Zixin was suddenly facing me, his back against the counter as he softly stated, “And the only reason you know that is because I have always been completely open and honest with you about my long friendship with Sabrina. I’ve never lied or kept you in the dark about hearing from her or any of our conversations—including last night’s link—even knowing how much it distresses you, no matter how delicately I inform you and assure you that I am forever yours and yours alone.” Flipping his eggs onto the plate beside me, I irritatingly blurted out before I could stop myself, “While I have always been heartbroken for Carson, I preferred the years that woman finally went silent and stopped linking you. Look at what the recent return of her checking on her son with you has done. Though truthfully, I wish Sabrina had stuck to that instead of showing back up here. I don’t know how she and Otto can even show their faces to that poor boy after treating Carson so abominably over the years.” I hated myself the instant I spewed the vile words out and, as he knew me well, my Zixin pulled my plump body into his formidable arms, devotedly murmuring, “You and I both know that you don’t mean that, Zahlia. Your heart is too beautiful for those words to be nothing more than you’re being angry with yourself about this overreaction of yours. Something I have understood from the very beginning and, at my current elder age, actually find it rather endearing that you still feel jealous and possessive where I’m concerned—the last part preferably being kept between you and me.” Leaning down, he tenderly added before placing a soft kiss upon my lips, “And as I have said countless times over the years, my love, from the day we crossed paths at the training field and the word ‘mate’ rang out between us, my heart has resided in the palm of your hand. Where it will remain indefinitely, even in the afterlife. Nothing and no one will ever change that, Zahlia—because you, my stunning sweetheart, are the most beautiful thing in the world to me and my love for you is boundless and neverending.” I have always loved that my handsome warrior was so tall and how my hands could barely clasp around Zixin’s neck like they were now, embarrassingly breathing out, “My love for you is just as eternal and endless, Zixin, and I feel just awful that I forced you to make that declaration again, though I will selfishly admit that I always adore hearing it.” Following another soft peck on his lips, I broke my hold to grab the plate, handing it to him, “Now, eat your eggs and bacon before they get cold while your ridiculous mate cleans up and continues to remind herself that Carson’s happiness is all that truly matters before we make our way over to the lake house to pick up more dishes.” It was a good thing Zixin had taken firm hold of the plate—both of us startled as a burst of Tati’s green lit up over our sink—the dishes from last night’s dinner appearing out of thin air as Carson’s voice rang out in our heads—POOF! PLATES! Zixin and I both busted out laughing as he lightheartedly continued, instantly melting my heart, Hope you don’t mind, but I thought I would have Auntie lend a little hand this morning. Thank you for making dinner for us last night, Zahlia. It really meant a lot to me. And if it’s okay with you and Zixin, I’d like to stop by to personally thank you after the folks head back tomorrow. Sorry about the Poof, Plate thing. You know how I am. I couldn’t help myself. Love you both! You are more than welcome because we love you, my dear, sweet boy, I affectionately returned as Zixin benevolently looked down at me, And you know that you never have to ask permission to pay us a visit. My door is always open, and I’ll have your favorite blueberry cobbler waiting when you arrive. Tears crept into the corners of my eyes, my inner-most thoughts flying out of my mouth before I could stop them, “Tell me the truth, Zixin. Is part of the reason Sabrina left—was it because of me? Do I hold any blame for Carson’s heartbreak?” Sighing heavily, Zixin wholeheartedly declared, “There were many reasons for Sabrina’s struggle, Zahlia, but I can assure you, no fault was yours. In the end, it was her tragic past that drove her decisions.” Biting my quivering lower lip, I earnestly asked, “Do you think they realize how special Carson is—how special he has always been? That instead of running away, Sabrina and Otto should have stayed for him and themselves, Zixin? That had they just fought harder to bond with their son—especially Sabrina—Carson could have mended all the broken pieces of their hearts long ago?” Setting his plate down on the counter, Zixin took me back into his arms, softly murmuring, “I don’t know, Zahlia, but I, for one, hope so—especially for Sabrina. She’s always needed Carson in her life, even when she convinced herself that she didn’t. Let’s just hope for everyone’s sakes, especially Carson’s, that his parents have realized how much fuller their life can be with their happy-go-lucky son in it.” Eyeing the pile of dirty pans, I affectionately sighed before laughingly adding at the end, “I genuinely hope that you’re right, love. Bless that sweet boy’s heart—Poof! Plates!” ***************** CHARLOTTE I thought it was sweet of Auntie to ask if I wanted my fitting this morning so Sabrina could be there—setting everything up in one of the spare rooms in Luna’s wing before we arrived so she could help Carson with his sweet gesture for Zahlia—a loud, awed gasp echoing out when I came out of the bathroom as his mother caught the very first glimpse of my wedding dress... “Oh, Charlotte! Oh, you look absolutely breathtaking!” she excitedly gushed, “It almost makes me wish I hadn’t eloped with Otto. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this.” I have to admit—I was completely floored by Auntie’s creation, the whimsical lace and tule with perfectly placed rose appliques covering the long, shimmering champagne low-cut silk slip underneath. It was A-line with a fitted waist, wide beautifully ladened tiny rose lace shoulder straps, and, as I turned to look at the back in the full-length mirror, the most stunning lace butterfly in the center of my back—in honor of Auntie—Sabrina sweetly coming up to secure the four buttons designed to look like it’s body, allowing me to see all the beautiful details on the wide glittering wings... “What I wouldn’t give for your exquisite long lines and curves, Charlotte,” Sabrina dreamily murmured as she slowly circled around me, “I could never pull off a plunging neck and semi-bare back like this. And the skirt—it’s just perfect for a beach wedding and a fitting representation of you and Carson. Light, airy, and fun!” Tears pooling in my eyes as I stared at her in the mirror, every word felt like they hitched in my throat, “I’m really glad that you’re here, Sabrina. That you came to see Carson. That you’re all building your new foundation. And that you and Otto will be there on our wedding day. Please promise me that it won’t end there—that you’ll continue to be a part of our lives, even if it feels difficult sometimes.” Whirling my upper body around to face her, I earnestly vowed, “I know what it’s like to feel different. Tink has always felt that way, so I understand that there will be times that you will want to talk about it—and I’m here for that, whenever you need—and there will be times you need a little space. But please—don’t allow there to be so much distance that Carson and I lose you because—it would shatter both of our hearts.” Sabrina went silent, slowly smoothing down her brown cowl-necked shirt, toying with the bottom of it as she reverently asked, “After so little time together and with all that you know—knowing the love that you clearly have for Carson—how can you want that so desperately, Charlotte? How can you be so easily accepting of me and so—understanding and kind—with absolutely no reservations?” Taking in a deep breath, I honestly exhaled out, “If I learned anything from growing up as part of the Rogue Eight, it’s that everyone is imperfect, and we all make mistakes. And yes, you and Otto have made many mistakes with Carson—but you have both taken several leaps towards making things right with him. And something else I learned—the greatest lesson—is that family is everything.” While still standing tall and remaining stoic, Sabrina stepped forward, taking both my hands in hers as she replied, “Imperfect is very much an understatement when it comes to me, which is why I have no idea how I have ended up so fortunate to be easily given another chance with my son after my many mistakes. But I am immensely grateful for that, Charlotte, and for the chance to have such a beautiful and caring daughter in my life. So, I can tell you wholeheartedly that no matter the distance our work puts between us moving forward and how difficult it may feel for me at times, I fully intend to take advantage of every single moment I am afforded by regularly returning home to share as much quality time with you and Carson as Otto and I can.” Sabrina’s body went rigid when I threw my arms around her, “I’m holding you to that. I’ll even enlist Auntie’s help if you try to disappear again!” As she stiffly patted my back, I was reminded of Carson’s warning that his mother wasn’t one that did well with outward expressions of affection, instinctively releasing her and leaning back, apologizing, “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable.” Her hand flying up to her chest, Sabrina cleared an obvious lump in her throat, assuring me that she was fine before sweetly adding that it had been some time since she felt such a warm hug just as Auntie came in—her eyes going wide before giving me a similar gasp of wonderment... “Well, I’m glad to see that you love your gorgeous creation as much as we do, Auntie,” I animatedly greeted, peering back at Sabrina, “And I don’t think I’ve ever had a more perfect moment than this one. Hopefully, Constance and Tink will be here soon. I can’t wait to surprise them!” I wasn’t sure what to make of Auntie’s response, covering her mouth with her hand before slowly drawling out in a daze, “Oh, my darling girl! You have no idea the irony of your words.” ************** TATIANA When I gently advised that perhaps Charlotte should change back out of the dress so we could bring Carson and Otto into the room, she completely confused—until her words and mine suddenly clicked and she realized the unexpected news, leaving her completely stupefied—her mate mirroring her reaction as I lovingly informed them both that my potion had worked better than I ever expected— His eyes popping wide open, Carson breathlessly stammered, “We—she—really, Auntie? Are—Are you sure?” Clapping my hands in front of my face, I exultantly gushed, “Positive. Based on the glowing aura that is now around our dear Charlotte, it seems I misread the age of the child in my vision last night—you two are expecting! Congratulations, my darlings!” Sabrina faltered slightly in her stance, her hand flying up to grab hold of Otto’s shoulder as she incredulously sputtered out, “Wait—Tatiana—you saw the child?” “I did,” I proudly returned, “But it is up to Carson and Charlotte whether or not they wish for me to divulge any of my insight.” “I—I—” Charlotte choked out, tears suddenly streaming down her face as she turned to face Carson, who was still in a drop-jawed daze, all of us laughing as she powerfully thrust herself forward in a sudden action that forced Carson to clumsily save them both from hitting the ground as she shouted out in glee, “Carson! The potion—it worked! We got our wish! We’re going to have a baby!” It was taking my sweet boy a bit longer to come around, a stunned, hoarse “H—holy crap, it—it worked!” before he elatedly lifted Charlotte’s feet off the ground, spinning her around and around several times, shouting out in euphoric delight, bringing bright smiles to all our faces, “LOTTIE! WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!” Right on cue, Beast, Tink, Jace, and Constance walked in at that very moment, both girls’ tones full of stunned disbelief as they sang out in unison, “You’re—WHAT?” Breaking out into a sprint as soon as Carson set her feet back on the ground, Charlotte ran towards her sisters, beaming ear to ear, “It’s exceeded everything I dreamed of! We’re all three going to be pregnant at the same time—for a little while, at least!” “Well, Sabrina,” Otto blithely breathed out, gingerly wrapping his arm around her waist, “I think this has decisively proven that our return home could not have been more perfectly timed.” In an unexpected move, albeit a bit awkward, Sabrina quickly took the four necessary steps forward to attempt a rare hug, embracing her re-dazed son as she earnestly stated, “I couldn’t be happier for you, Carson. Congratulations. You are going to be an amazing father.” Otto appeared just as touched as I was as he too made his way forward, fervently hugging Carson after Sabrina stepped back, both flashing their heartwarming cute, crooked smiles, “Of that, I have no doubt. Congratulations, Son.” Following more congratulations all around, including Jace and Beast’s overjoyed reactions—my gentle giant returning the favor, lifting Carson high in a tight airborne bearhug—Horacio vivaciously burst into the room, proudly boasting, “That’s my little Tempest! Get over here!” Giggling, Charlotte ran to him, jumping into Horacio’s waiting arms and sweetly squealing, “I am the storm!” Lifting her up into the air, Horacio chortled out, “Damn straight you are!” As I was taking in the beautiful sight, I felt firm arms wrap around my shoulders from behind, peering up to meet with an overcome Carson’s tearful gaze as he ever-so-gently turned me around to face him, thickly choking out, “Our child will always know the huge part their Lovey played in helping us bring them into the world. And I can’t—I won’t—ever be able to thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me—and for Charlotte. Other than to say I love you more than you could ever possibly know, Auntie—every single day.” Reaching up to place my hand gently on his cheek, I softly murmured, “And in that, my dear Carson, you give my life so much meaning—just as you have from the moment you first greeted me with my favorite endearing smile. My love will always be eternal for you and Charlotte—two hearts that have always been so breathtakingly pure and true.” Tears fell as I was enveloped in the most beautiful air-restricting embrace, my ear pressed so tightly to his chest that I could hear the deafening, pounding beats of his overwhelmed heart as Carson’s chin dropped down to rest on top of my head. “It’s my turn now,” Charlotte’s close muffled voice called out before Carson released me from his hold and I turned to see continued tears spilling from her eyes before I felt the mighty weight of her arms around my body, “Yours will always be the precious gift I hold most dear, Auntie. That and your eternal love, which is equally felt and always, always richly returned. I love you more than words could ever describe. Thank you for helping to make our greatest wish come true.” As she reluctantly released me, Jace and Horacio made their way over to stand on either side of me, kisses being placed on either temple as Tink wheeled herself over, anxiously inquiring, “So I’m starting to lose count of all the kiddos that will be running around and destroying the house soon, but are you and Chatterbox going to let Auntie give us some juicy details about the latest triplet cousin who I am hoping beyond hope will be like their Aunt Tink, providing me the ultimate satisfying victory over my victim? I can see it now—a little me calling Chatterbox Daddy!” Jace was instantly amused, knowingly chuckling under his breath, “And in three, two, one—" Wrapping Charlotte up tight in his well-defined arms, Carson guffawed in perfect timing, “Holy crap, she’s right! The gene pool! How has that never crossed my mind? Lottie, please, for my sake—I need insight—please? Please, please, please—PLEASE!” Giggling, she gently patted his broad shoulders, “Trust me, if we have managed to create a little Clementine, I need to know as soon as possible too.” Flashing me a pearly white smile full of excitement, she adorably encouraged, “Auntie?” Softly laughing, I enthusiastically informed them, “While the gene pool does lean more towards the dominance of the maternal side, your child’s fun-loving humor won’t be quite as wicked, taking more after his father in that aspect. Physically, however, your son will favor his Mystic Fire grandfather tremendously in every way, including his strong, formidable stature. But much to my delight, he will have his father’s sparkling deep blue eyes, sandy hair—crooked smile—and have a huge heart that is the epitome of both his parents.” Biting her lower lip, Charlotte brought her hands up to gently wrap around Carson’s, elatedly gushing, “Oh, Carson—it’s a boy!” Dropping his chin down, my sweet boy tenderly kissed her heavily moistened cheek... Tink’s reaction was next. Beast quickly by her side after seeing my sweet girl’s overly emotional state as she murmured in awe, “Not to take away from Chatterbox, but Dad’s smile was kinda crooked too. Is he—is he really going to look a lot like him, Auntie?” “Mmmmm, as I said—tremendously so,” I reverently replied as Horacio firmed his grip around my waist. “If my sisters wouldn’t mind, that’s what Carson and I would like to name him—Cyrus,” Charlotte eagerly relayed, peering over at Constance, who gave her a tearful nod, and Tink, who heavily sniffed, attempting to fight back her pent-up emotions before choking out— “Well, yeah. That’s the perfect name for him.” Looking at Carson, my sweet girl admiringly added, “You did good, Chatterbox. Trust me—my nephew is going to be awesome. The perfect ally to have when mischief is in play.” Aruna bustled through the door then, her warm smile bright and loving as she elatedly congratulated our darling couple. The boys, Otto, and Horacio left moments later, leaving us to our dress fitting while they went to seek out Nicholas, Gavin, and the others to tell them the joyous news. Sabrina made her way towards Aruna and myself as Constance and Tink went to help Charlotte change... “I don’t even know where to begin to explain how grateful I am for the two of you,” Sabrina earnestly murmured, slowly tucking a thin strand of her brown hair away behind her ear, “Thank you feels so insignificant to describe the happiness and hope you’ve helped me find with Carson and Charlotte, and hopefully—with my grandson. It’s quite—overwhelming—all the new beginnings I’ve been afforded in such a short period of time. Not that it changes my resolve to build this new foundation, as Carson has called it. If anything, I believe it has strengthened it.” Both of us were pleased to hear Sabrina say the words as Aruna and I quickly informed her that no thanks were needed as Carson’s happiness—and his parents’—has always been of the utmost importance, encouraging his mother to embrace their new beginnings and if it ever became too overwhelming, seek us out, as we were always there to help in any way she needed. It was then that Sabrina reluctantly admitted that she had two current great concerns in the quietest of tones—one of which I could easily remedy, while the other would require some convincing and time—including more time with her son, I felt—to provide her with ease of mind...
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