Looks Surprised

1471 Words

Emeka jaw drop as he sees Chioma acting skills. Never had he thought of Chioma to mimic a poor wretched girl that is impecunious in nature. Emeka quickly stares away from Chioma even though he's impressed with her acting skill, and he stares to the two top judges hired as they both gave her a yes. The hall goes on a round of applause again for Chioma as she steps down elegantly from the auditorium and she picks up her shoes and walks back to her previous seat to wear it. Emeka continues to stare at the next performing act, as Lady Becky Williams also continues to walk out on stage to call out all the next performing contestants. Soon, it finally get to Amara Davis turn and Lady Becky Williams walks out on stage and calls, "Welcome our next performing new act - Amara Davis." Amara imm

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