Rejecting Partnership

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Emeka shifted his gaze from Arinze to Miss Silvia that steps into his office to see him. Silvia greet - "Good afternoon boos." She stood in front of Emeka, as she wore a black suit matching with inner white sleeve, and she is fair in complexion, and 25-years of age. "Yes, What do you want?" - Emeka asked her causally, and he sees Arinze eyes scanning her from head-to-toe. Silvia reply - "Boss, The CEO of Black Diamond Entertainment House, is here to see you." "And you're here to inform me about it?. Why not place a call across to me or tell him, that I am not around?" - Emeka snapped coldly Silvia respond - "I'm sorry boss." Emeka tries to keep his cool, and he says - "Just tell him that I am not available to see him, and I am in a very important meeting now.. Now leave my office, and when next you repeat this silly mistake then you have yourself fired." "I'm sorry boss" - Silvia apologised again, but Emeka curt her off - "Just leave, and you Instruct him to leave as well, As I'm not interested in seeing him." "Okay boss" - Silvia says and she finally exited Emeka office. Emeka stare away to Arinze that bursted out laughing after Silvia left. Arinze asked - "Hahaha bro, Why're you being so harsh to her?." Emeka doesn't respond to Arinze and he switch on his computer, to see what was ongoing in his entertainment company, from the first to fourth floor records above. Arinze says - "You have a very beautiful secretary nonetheless brother." "Stop that Arinze!, And note that here's an office!" - Emeka warns, as his fist clenched and he stop clicking on his computer. "So what? Ain't I allowed to admired God given beauties, just because we meet in an office. So I shouldn't admire her again?" - Arinze question and Emeka's brows knot. Emeka replied - "Enough Arinze!. Now leave my office as I've some important things to do for now." Arinze stares at Emeka in shock and he asked - "Are you sending me out of your office brother?." Emeka shakes his head and reply "Yes!, If you continue talking about beauties, then you leave, As I've some things to do for now." Arinze finally stood up to leave, and he said - "You know that I cannot stop talking about God given beauties, as they're my interest as for now. See you at home tonight brother, As mother request that we should come home, and have dinner with her and father." Arinze adjust his black suit and Emeka reply to him - "Fine " Emeka watch as Arinze finally exited his office, and he sigh and shake his head, as he continues with his office work in checking on the work progress of his entertainment house, by using his computer on his office desk in front of him. So far Emeka doesn't have any girlfriend, and he knows that his mother want to pressurised him about marriage again. As it wasn't in his interest, and he doesn't like the women in general. As he believes they are flocking around him because of his money, and family wealth. Not necessarily because they love him or truly cares about him, or wanting to see him progress.. "They're only after my money and fame, and to answer my family's name, what else? As the Lonald family is one of the biggest in this state" - Emeka murmurs inside his office, as he shake his head in disgust and continues with his office work just after Arinze left him. Emeka remembered the cute lady that he saw at the receptionist desk, when he arrived. He remember how beautiful she looks as she only packed her natural long blonde hair in a bun, and her pretty yellow face was less of makeup, and he couldn't help but remember the look of admiration in her eyes, when their eyes meet. Emeka knew that he glares at her, as he hate to see women admiring him, or gawking at him. But seeing her admiring him too, he feels somehow different about it, and he doesn't even know what she came to his entertainment house to do. But he certainly hopes to see her again and to get a closer view of her pretty face, As she doesn't look classy or sophisticated like those other ladies that he saw gawking at him too, and pretending to be classy, Just to entice him and wanting him to ask them out. Emeka sighed and continued with his office works by clicking sharply on his keyboard to check his company report progress. And his musicians were trending in the number 1-10 spot on the trending songs of the week, while their movies has supercede millions of views and streams on all streaming platforms, As their broadcasting channels have lot of viewers too.. Emeka is happy and please with his achievement, as he work so hard to build his company's name, Even as his father is rich, and he have his father's full support and connections worldwide. He still strives hard to ensure to put a better content out there to all their viewers and those whom loves to watch his entertainment videos. Few hours later, Silvia knocks on his office door again, and she walks in and says - "Boss, The judges are through with the auditioning all the new applicants that came to audition for the new movie shoot." "Okay. Send the list of their names to me, let me see their names" - Emeka reply.. "Okay boss" - Silvia finally walk out from Emeka office, and she walks to her transparent glass office and sent the file containing all the names of all the new selected actors and actresses to Emeka computer, using her own computer on her office desk. A lot of people came to audition for their new movie tilted "Time of wind." As the auditioning was free and opened to anyone aspiring to be an actor or an actress and above the age of 18yrs. The movies is centre on how one can grow from grass to grace, and how a poor girl from a humiliated poor family background, could suffer through hurt and betrayal, and still end up marrying the richest man in her state. Emeka stares at the list of new selected Actresses and Actors on his computer. And he sees only their names written on the attached document, with no photos attached to it.. "Well if am staring at these names, and hoping to seeing that beautiful lady name on it here, then I am probably joking, as I don't know her name, and no photos to show me who among these names is her." - Emeka frowns and finally click out from the list, and he realised that he had skipped his lunch, just to focus on his office work. Signing out from his computer, Emeka switched it off and finally stood up from his office seat, As he walked out from his office to go home.. Just then, The CEO of Black Diamond Entertainment House, walks into the third floor again to see Emeka. "Emeka, Emeka.. So you're really around, and you don't want to see me?" - CEO Henry Raymond asked, as he finally approached Emeka, that is non-smiling to him. "Yes, What do you want here, As you can see that we're all busy?" - Emeka remarked as he question CEO Henry coldly. CEO Henry smile and reply - "Of course, I know that you're all busy but I came here to partner with you, and you don't even want to give me a listening ear." "Hmm" - Emeka sigh and stared at CEO Henry coldly. He spoke - "Go straight to the point why you will like to partner with us. As I made it clear to you the last time that I don't want any partnership deal with you. And It as simple as that.. If you want, you can shoot your own movie and don't involve my company's name attached to yours.." Emeka warns as he stood in front of CEO Henry.. CEO Henry frowned and he asked - "Why're you being so mean to me Emeka?. As Is just a business proposal to boost our companies. And most other entertainment houses do this too." "Then go to them and stay away from my business. As I've been observing you and noticing that you literally copy everything that my company does and promote out there.. First, you copy my style of broadcasting, Secondly you copy how my artist shoot their music videos, and even getting a matching name for your own signed artist too, And thirdly you're now trying to copy how we shoot our movies too... Are you trying to partner with us, or you're literally wanting to steal our brand?" - Emeka question out in anger and embarrassing CEO Henry. CEO Henry laughs out and reply - "Steal your brand?! Hahaha." CEO Henry saw that Emeka isn't smiling with him, and he calms and explain - "I'm not trying to steal your company Emeka, as I'm only doing what the viewers want." "What the viewers want, By copying us?" - Emeka asked out again. "No, That's why I want us to partner to make it official... Honestly I like your brand and want to be like you" - CEO Henry admitted, but Emeka shook his head and spat - "You can never be like us, and don't come here next time to ask for my partnership deal, Else! I will sue you to court and your company, for copyright and theft. So kindly take your leave now and never show your face here again!." Emeka warns in a cold stern voice and walks away from CEO Henry, As he entered into the elevator and went to the ground floor leaving CEO Henry speechless. CEO Henry face darkened, and he stares at the few people that were staring at him on the third floor in silence...
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