Be My Date

1491 Words

Zoe hadn't expected for Chioma to reacted that way as she watch Chioma gets into her red SUV and angrily drives away, while driving out from Lonald Entertainment house. Zoe smiles and shakes her head as she turns, and sees some of the movie crew members also staring at her as some are standing outside and around the premises and discussing, while some where laughing as Chioma actually openly embarrasses her. Just as Zoe turns to leave the premises and feeling for the ground to open and swallow her up, she sees Amara walking out to exit the gate too, and she wonders what Chioma want from Amara, that made Chioma to approached her before, and asked of Amara, as she also saw Chioma approached Amara too in the the signing out room. "Hi! Amara!" Zoe calls out to Amara, as whatever it is that

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