Who am i

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Unknown identity Episode 3 Jace and his friends arrived at his house. " We are watching the movie here tonight Barry sat on the chair. " Yea whatever Jace sipped his cola. " So when does Brianna get's here Adams asked " We are here Brianna waved " You left your door opened Jace Nora shut the door. Jace has been dating Brianna for a year now. They met through Barry his best friend and Adams is also a close friend to both Barry and Jace. " Barry you didn't shut the door Jace yelled. Meanwhile Wendy was already home, Emilia dropped her off earlier, She wore jace shirt and one of Emilia's short. Wendy heard noises and went downstairs to check it out and she saw jace. Earlier Emilia told her to inform him to help her clean her room. " Is that the shirt I bought for you on your birthday Brianna asked jace looking at Wendy. At this time everyone in the room was looking at Wendy. Jace ran to her and whispered " What are you doing home and for goodness sake why are you wearing my shirt and in fact that particular shirt " Who is she Brianna asked Jace knew saying she was his mom's work wasn't pleasant. " A family friend Jace lied. " Oh Hello Barry waved " Hi Wendy replied " Wendy Excuse me for one second Jace dragged her to a corner." First take off that clothes after I finish then stay in your room don't ever come out when you see my friends Jace ordered " Why are you yelling at me, would you have preferred me showing up n***d Wendy frowned. " My girlfriend bought me that shirt He pointed out. " Fine Wendy left " What's her problem Jace said " Jace you let your friend wear that shirt, I tour round the mall for that Brianna frowned " Am so sorry, Let's watch the movie Jace tried to cover up the situation. " No longer in the mood,Let's go Nora Brianna left " Brianna wait Jace tried to call her back " Forget dude she just overreacted Adams said " You know My sis Barry added " Gosh why did she even wear the shirt Jace said releasing his anger on the remote control " Anyways who is the blondey Adams said " Yeah she is pretty Barry Added " I introduced her before,now you guys can leave now Jace was upset at the moment. This movie was a plan by Brianna and she left because of Wendy. " Dude the movie Adams said " We can do it next time Jace went outside. " He is such a mean person Barry joked " Yeah let's go to my place Adams said " Do you have a cute family friend like jace, Barry asked " No but I have a great HD TV and movies " So your house it is Jace entered the room to scold Wendy. " Why didn't you knock Wendy asked politely " simply because I don't want to,That shirt laundry it and keep it where you found it Jace eyes was already filled with anger. " Well I don't know where it goes because your mom gave it to me Wendy said looking out the window " God damn it Mom Jace yelled " save all of that for when she gets here, She is back Wendy pointed at the car . Jace went straight to his mom. " Mom really my shirt ,Brianna got it for me on my birthday " Not even a welcome mom " Welcome mom Lily who just came in greeted " You see the good ones are easy to know Emilia teased " Mom am damn serious here,Don't miss work with my stuff Jace said in a rude manner. " Now you listen to me,Young man don't ever call Wendy that, She is human jace Emilia scolded "Not cool Jace Lily said sipping her milk. Wendy just stood by the stairs and she wondered who she was
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