No id

431 Words
Unknown identity Episode 2 " We are heading to the hospital for your check up Emilia told Wendy " What checkup Wendy asked " The doctor ask that you complete your treatment for quick recovery Emilia said " Hmmmmm Wendy wasn't paying attention to what Emilia was saying she was deep in thoughts. " Wendy we are here you can come down now Emilia led the way to the doctor's office. Have she remembered anything The doctor asked " well only her name Emilia said " That's nice how are you my dear The doctor asked " Am fine Wendy answered "Do you feel pains The Doctor asked " Yes my head Wendy replied " Rest at all times The doctor gave her a pill to swallow for the pain. " We can leave now right Emilia asked " Yes but please I want a minute with you ma'am The doctor said " Sure Wendy please excuse us Emilia left with the doctor. " In order for her to recover first, she needs to interact with people and also relate with her environment,If possible take her to school, The mall and even Central parks. " I will try Emilia embrace the lady and left. Emilia and Wendy arrived at the station and went to the investigating team office. " Any leads Emilia sipped her coffee " No we searched school records,Driving licenses people with the name Wendy and even social media,we didn't find anything not even a clue of who She is A detective said looking at her " Wendy what's your last name Emilia asked " I can't remember Wendy replied " We should turn her over to an orphanage home, you can't look after her forever, we don't even know who she is Emilia's partner let it out " Jackson not in front of the kid Emilia whispered " It's the truth Emilia we couldn't find any matching pictures with hers do you know what that means she might be a ghost He whispered " Shut up if you don't have anything to say Emilia scolded " Really which teenager isn't on social media Jackson maintained his ground " Maybe she has another name in social media and I am not complaining about her living in my house Emilia left to speak with Wendy who was with the tech team. " Emilia this girl is really smart The tech director said " Hmmmm Wendy I was searching for you " You were busy so I left " Sorry about what he said Emilia apologized " It's fine she smiled
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