016 Dodged a ‘Bullet'

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Waiting for the meal to finish, Leslie climbed back into the car, rummaged through the packages to find the wound medicine Quincy had left for herself, and in front of Viscount Xavier took off her trousers and forked her legs, and medicated her miserable anus, and where she couldn't apply it from the inside, she went to ask Viscount Xavier to help her. Viscount Xavier saw her suddenly change her temper, but also instructed himself, can not help but laugh, stared at her for a while took the bottle of medicine, poured the medicine on the fingertips, aimed at the half-open fleshy eye stabbed in. Evening sleep, Viscount Xavier rightfully want to hold Leslie to sleep, but Leslie was full of disgust for him, refused to let him close, the two tangled for half a day, Viscount Xavier once again fumed: "f****d all the time, but also pretentious what? If you don't come over I'll strip you and f**k you again!" Leslie coldly swept him a glance and took a deep breath, "I'm going to the toilet." Viscount Xavier slammed his sleeve, "Hurry up!" Leslie got out of the car and slowly moved to a hidden spot in the woods, found a large tree that was hidden enough, squatted down and unzipped her skirt to start peeing. Suddenly the bushes behind her rattled, she was busy looking back, only to see a burly man wearing a blue cloth shirt flashed out of the darkness, Leslie saw him look familiar, a moment's recollection revealed that this man was one of the two brothers who had stood behind Viscount Xavier earlier. Hands scrambled to lift up her skirt, she grabbed the waistband of her trousers and asked sternly, "What are you doing?" The man's face looks serious, a single step towards her closer, Leslie knows that she is not his opponent, and even backed up, but after a few steps back, my back hit another hard chest, not waiting for her to turn back, the chest of the owner abruptly opened his arms to embrace her in a full embrace, and at the same time, put his face in her ear with a low smile and said: "Caught you. " Leslie felt an inexplicable familiarity with the voice, and with an unexplained pang of fear in her heart, she inclined her head and chortled, "Who are you?!" The visitor pressed his small arm erotically against her ample breasts, "What a heartless little b***h, it's only been a few days and you don't recognise me?" Leslie was becoming increasingly aware of the familiarity of the voice, or to be precise it was this person's panting that brought back very bad memories. "You! You're ..." Before she could finish his words, the man buried his face in the crook of her neck and kissed him, "Remember?" Leslie snapped and yelled, "Bastard! It was you who came into my room that night!" The man laughed out loud and said, "Yes, it was your husband me." "What the hell did you put in my body, you f*****g rapist!" "Good stuff, of course." The man pressed a hand between her legs and yanked on the red tasselled pendant through her trousers with a tug that suddenly had Leslie writhing and gasping. "Well? You've had a great ride, haven't you? Little slut, you even went to hook up with Viscount Xavier's young master, I knew that you are not a good thing from the way you kept begging that young man to f**k you b***h in the inn!" Leslie forced back the moan that spewed out and violently twisted her head to bite his ear. The man let out a low yelp when she bit him, and angrily said to the burly man, "What are you still waiting for? Hurry up and strip her skirt, let's teach this slut a lesson together." Without saying a word, the strong man came up and ripped open Leslie's trousers, inserted a finger into her cunt, stirred it twice and then said in a rough voice, "Brother Ursula, this b***h's cunt is really tight and delicate." The Ursula in his mouth is none other than Ursula-Back, hearing this he sneered, "That's for sure, last night I let you rape her while she was in the bath, but you worry too much. that and only stole her clothes, but as a result you let that Viscount Xavier brat get the cheapest advantage instead!" Leslie listened to their dialogue, and immediately understood that all these strange encounters on her own road were all done by these two brothers, and she was furious, screaming and cursing. Ursula-Back covered her mouth and reprimanded, "What are you screaming for, you want to attract people to come and f**k your slutty hole together?" He was going to threaten, but he didn't realise that not far from his words came the impatient voice of Viscount Xavier: "Lilith, what are you doing so long?" The two rapists shuddered in fear at the sound, Ursula-Back stuck Leslie's neck and coerced, "Don't say anything about this to Viscount Xavier, or you'll be in for a treat!" Viscount Xavier waited in the car and did not see the little w***e come back, so he jumped out of the car to look for her, and after a while of wandering around in the woods, he found Leslie, he looked at Leslie who was covering the small of her back, and the two cousins behind her frowning, "Ursula, why are you two brothers here too?" Ursula-Back's face was full of smiles, "Ugh, I'm going out to the loo, didn't expect to bump into Miss Lilith, so I chatted a bit." Viscount Xavier swept his icy gaze over these three people, and finally waved his hand at Leslie: "Hurry up and go back to bed." Leslie silently followed him, Ursula-Back kept her smile on her face until those two people walked away, and then he bit her teeth hard at the direction Leslie left. * Viscount Xavier's caravan travelled for five days in a row and still didn't get out of this barren mountain, all the people were a bit tired and loose, only a few attendants who were guarding Viscount Xavier's carriage had a new pleasure, looking back all day long, hoping to listen to the sound of their master's lovemaking again. The man next to him gave him a jocular poke, "Haven't you heard enough?" The man drove his horse closer to him and laughed wickedly, "There's movement, it seems to be screaming again." The man closed his eyes and listened for a moment, "You said that Miss Lilith usually looks cold and indifferent, but why is she so inseparable from men? Our young master hasn't come out for the past few days, he just stays in the carriage and gets bored with her." "Alas, you don't understand, the more aloof a person looks, the more unstoppable they are when they start to flirt." He said here suddenly stopped, perked up his ears to listen to the back, his face looked very excited: "Hey, hear that, come to the power hey!" In the carriage, Leslie was being held dishevelled in Viscount Xavier's arms, with the expression on her face was one of both resistance and enjoyment, Viscount Xavier's one hand in her front rubbing her breasts, the other reaching into her trousers to fondle her cunt, and all the moans that accidentally got out were thanks to these actions of his. Leslie because before he hurt his anus, even coated with three days of medicine, today the wound only healed, but also thanks to Quincy left the secret medicine, otherwise ordinary medicine which can have this kind of effect. Xavier Viscount in the past few days is also more honest, in addition to the must hold her before going to bed to touch a pass, but also did not have too much out of the ordinary behaviour. This morning, Leslie took off her skirt and found that her anus had recovered to be as tight as before, and Viscount Xavier started to move his hands again. Viscount Xavier came to Leslie's ear and said, "You're so wet down there and you still say no?" Leslie gripped both hands on his arms as if to push back, and exhaled a lingering gasp through her nose. She could feel Viscount Xavier's palms rubbing against her warm breasts, occasionally tweaking the tips of her erect n*****s; she could also realise that the lips of her cunt had been rubbed wide open, her little c******s was sticking up, and the nectar coming out of her cunt-hole was wetting the tasseled pendant. Viscount Xavier pressed on the fat labia for a while, and then grabbed the c******s and started to ravage it, the little thing trembled and swelled up again as soon as he grabbed it, and at the same time the cunt slit contracted to ooze out more lewd water, and the Viscount pushed her onto the cushion at once: "You're done being comfortable, and it's time to let me have my fun." Leslie reluctantly plopped down and puckered her arse out.
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