015 Endure Humiliation

1524 Words
Viscount Xavier no longer cared about her, and went on slowly thrusting in the anus, sweat seeping out of his head, obviously also trying to restrain himself at the moment. After a few moments of gentle thrusting, he realised that the canal was gradually easing up, the walls of his intestines being fully stretched and compromisingly wrapped around the intruder, and only then did he exhale and begin to thrust his crotch up considerably. The carriage was still bumpy, so he thrust in and out of it, knocking Leslie's white buttocks pink and red. Leslie high arched buttocks, fingers still tightly grasping under the soft cushion under her body, people have completely fainted, but when the huge p***s inside the body coldly scraped against a certain point in the intestines, but also involuntarily shivered a little. Viscount Xavier could see that it was probably an extremely comfortable place, so he increased his strength and hit it hard, and after dozens of strokes, there was finally a grunt and a moan from Leslie underneath her. Viscount Xavier let out a light chuckle of accomplishment and reached down to scoop up her swollen, shaking breasts, "What? Feeling good?" As he f****d her he scratched and rubbed the young breasts, which were becoming more and more erect as their owner moved, his fingers sinking deep into the flesh of the breasts and panting in enjoyment, grabbed and kneaded the breasts, squeezing them round one moment and flat the next, the n*****s stood hard and erect outwards. The lustful sound of flesh collision slowly mixed with the sound of sticky water, Viscount Xavier happy and wantonly sprinting, f**k her a few hundred down after stopping to pull Leslie up and rolled over, both hands grasped in the neckline and pulled, released that pair of snow-white round breasts, and then held her legs with a p***s pile-driving like a "popping" hard to the top, eyes firmly staring at that pair red and swollen breasts as Leslie's body shook and threw like the waves of the sea. Leslie's belt was still tightly tied around her waist, while her lower body was not wearing anything, her upper body's neckline was wide open, and her greedy private parts were all exposed, even Viscount Xavier had to admit that her nude body was quite seductive, and was very capable of arousing a man's s****l desire. The more he looked, the more he felt stimulated, the speed of inserting the v****a was getting faster and faster, the lower abdomen hit on the labia with one top and one top, hitting Leslie continuously secreted lewd water v****a opened and closed one by one and even clamped a few thick hard pubic hairs of Viscount Xavier; the c******s which was tied by the thin rope because of a long time was not liberated, has swollen like the size of a soybean grain, the head of the tip was glowing with reddish-purple luster as if it would rupture once it rubbed and Bleeding. Viscount Xavier f****d her for over half an hour., and finally released his semen in Leslie's back hole with satisfaction. It had been a long time since he'd had any, and this thick bubble of sperm filled her anal to overflowing. Just as he was about to wrap his arms around the little w***e and fondle her for a while longer, he suddenly noticed a lot of milky white liquid dripping from her breasts. He curiously went to twist the tip of the bright red breast, however, the tip of the breast is slippery and tough, under one grasp it even bounced away from his hand.Viscount Xavier was even more puzzled, lowered his head and sniffed, and found that the liquid was a bit sweet, so he couldn't help but stick out the tip of his tongue and licked a bit. This lick made him laugh incredulously. "I didn't think that you could lactate milk." Viscount Xavier took hold of one of the breasts and gave it a slight squeeze, and saw a sudden squirt of milk from the hole. He pulled his c**k out of her anus and untied the thin rope binding her c******s, then took Leslie into his arms and pressed his fingertips to the n****e and gently rubbed it, muttering to himself, "What a natural little cow." Leslie felt like she had fallen into a sea of rough, rolling rapids on all sides, washing over her in drowsiness and pain. By the time she awoke from her nightmare, it was dark and she was alone in the carriage, still in the same dirty clothes. Someone had raised a couple of campfires outside to boil water for cooking, and a burst of shouting and joking reached his ears. She stared blankly at the roof of the car, numbly thinking, obviously her lower body should have lost consciousness, but why does it still hurt like this when she moves slightly? She did not think for a while, someone lifted the curtain and climbed in, it was Viscount Xavier. Seeing that she was awake, Viscount Xavier handed over a soaked hand towel in his hand and said, "Since you are awake, wipe yourself." Leslie didn't say anything and simply stared at him blankly. Viscount Xavier sat down next to him and frankly met her eyes, "What, you don't want to wipe yourself?" Leslie still didn't move. Maybe it was because he was still in a good mood after venting his s****l desire, Viscount Xavier didn't take her into account this time, instead, he undid the dirty clothes on her body, rolled up his sleeves and scrubbed her little by little from the neck. Leslie not do not want to move, one is the body is difficult, two is the heart is calculating things. It seems that this Viscount Xavier really treats herself as a prostitute, if she explains her identity to him and force him to let her leave, it's not impossible, but she has difficulty in moving nowadays, and there is no way to reach Five Mile Hill by herself if she leaves Viscount Xavier; but if she doesn't leave, she's here again to serve this bossy, arrogant rich boy, what should she do in the end?... ... Viscount Xavier's thinking was much simpler, he thought that the little w***e had just been napped hard by himself, and now she was going to play with her temper, and seeing as she tasted good, he didn't mind coaxing her a bit. The warm hand towel made its way down the small of his back to between his legs, and Viscount Xavier whispered, "Look at how much slutty water you've leaked out of yourself, it's staining my pad." Leslie snapped back to her senses and reflexively wanted to curse him, but held back and followed his hand to look underneath herself. He saw that both thighs were covered in water, which must have been the same lewd liquid that had squirted out when she was f****d. Viscount Xavier wiped her legs clean with a hand towel, then covered her labia with it. The hot, steaming fabric immediately stirred Leslie's legs as soon as it was applied to the highly sensitive area. "What? Hot?" Viscount Xavier asked, but continued to rub in circles with the hand towel pressed against her labia. Leslie gritted her teeth for a moment and finally spoke, "It hurts, be gently, please." Viscount Xavier hooked up the corner of his mouth, "From now on, if you have something to say, directly." Leslie lowered her eyes to hide the vicious killing intent in her eyes and silently filled in Viscount Xavier's big name on the death list. Viscount Xavier cleaned up her body, took out a set of clean clothes and skirts for her to change into, and called his men to change the soft cushions in the car, and he took Leslie out to eat.Leslie's lower body still hurt, and she was limping, and the people around her were looking at her differently from the previous days, and that kind of contempt and curiosity made her feel very uncomfortable, and at the same time regretted that she didn't explain the whole thing to Viscount Xavier. At the same time, she regretted not explaining the misunderstanding to Viscount Xavier, but once she missed the best time for this kind of thing, there would be no chance to talk about it again. Leslie forced herself to be numb, not to care about other people's eyes, when she regained control of the Magic Sect in the future, she would bring people to slaughter Viscount Xavier's family. Someone brought up two bowls of boiled meat soup, Viscount Xavier took over and gave Leslie a bowl, Leslie has long been hungry, nonchalantly picked up and ate, ate the empty bowl a stretch to indicate that also want to. Xavier Viscount eyes with a tease: "your anus has just been I open the bud, three days will not be able to get well, I'm afraid that you eat so much inappropriate right. " Leslie paused, and immediately changed to a couldn't-care-less look, and ate a second bowl.
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