Chapter 12:

2296 Words

Chapter 12: After taking Deirdre’s confession, Father Moray offered to take her to see the records of the church and then on a tour of the catacombs. Deirdre didn’t even need to push him for the offer. The priest was proud of the history his church shared with those that fought to protect the weak and those seeking to become closer to God through a holy pilgrimage. The deaths of so many, Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike at the hands of the Crusaders during the invasion of the Holy Land never came up. Some people would always shade history with the heroic and chivalrous, never lifting the veil to see the pain and misery caused by a senseless war. As far as Deirdre was concerned, war was senseless. Some would always view the world through rose-tinted spectacles, but Deirdre wasn’t one

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