CHAPTER 2: The Grumpy Genius' Secret

1984 Words
Keiji's Perspective: My father and I are currently walking, and I am uncertain of our destination as we enter a secluded place. I am merely following his lead. Curiosity consumes me about the unknown location we are heading towards. My father's instructions were vague, leaving me clueless about the purpose of our visit. We traversed for several minutes until we reached our destination. Before me stood a massive door, adorned with intricate designs. Sh*t! A surge of excitement and anticipation enveloped me as we approached. Mixed emotions of nervousness and excitement coursed through me. Two guards stood sentinel at the door. As the door creaked open, light flooded the previously dim path, revealing a startling sight of numerous guns. Confusion clouded my mind. Why had we come to this place? "Keiji," my father's voice broke through my thoughts, prompting me to turn towards him. "Isn't it impressive? What are your thoughts?" I could only nod in response. "Keiji, my son," his tone held a weight of significance. I noticed his restlessness, hinting at an impending revelation. "Speak your mind," I replied, my gaze shifting between the imposing array of guns. I even attempted to lift one, but its weight proved too much for my slender arms. "When you reach 16, I want you to study abroad," he stated, catching me off guard. "What? What more do you have to say?" I asked, filled with curiosity. "Let me reiterate—" "I understand, I heard what you said. But why do you want me to study in another country?" I inquired, my concern growing. "Keiji, listen carefully. You will eventually understand why I'm directing you towards studying abroad. Just trust my guidance. Once you're 16, your educational path will lead you to Canada. It's all for your benefit," he explained calmly. "What is your intention? Why are you orchestrating this for me? Have I done something wrong that warrants such a drastic change?" My voice rose with a mix of confusion and frustration. "You have done nothing wrong, Keiji, my son. My aim is to shield you from harm. Son, I want you to gradually comprehend the reasons behind my decisions. You're still young, not yet equipped to make certain choices. As your father, it falls upon me to make decisions on your behalf. Furthermore, you still have ample time before embarking on your educational journey in Canada. Cherish each moment and day you spend here," he elaborated with a sense of paternal concern. "Why must your will always prevail? Why? Do you truly understand my perspective? Can you grasp how I navigate decision-making? Do you perceive me as incapable of mature judgment? I am capable of discerning what's best for me. Why must you dictate the course of my life? You enforced my entry into taekwondo against my will, subjecting me to hospital visits due to injuries. Despite my physical limitations, I persist in attending school. Your decisions have also shaped my mother's life. And now, you propose sending me abroad for studies? What more do you seek?" It was the first time I confronted him with such intensity, challenging his authority with a blend of defiance and vulnerability. "For now, you may not fully grasp my intentions. Keiji, please don't be angry with me; I know what I'm doing." "Why not just have my older brother study abroad instead? Why me? Dad, I'm pleading with you, please don't distance me from Mom. Don't separate me from you all; I am content with my life here," I implored. He simply patted my arm, offering no response to my plea. "Don't worry, there is still time for my perspective to evolve. But once my decision is made, it will be final. Just follow your father's guidance, my child. I know you will eventually agree; for now, you are not yet ready to decide," he concluded with a sense of authority and finality. With those words, he departed, leaving me to ponder amidst the allure of the guns. "I shall leave you momentarily to contemplate and appreciate the allure of firearms," he added before departing. His words lingered, evoking a maelstrom of emotions and inquiries within me. ____ Mio's Perspective: It's 7:00 in the morning, and I still have to go to school, so I took a shower and got dressed. After getting dressed, I immediately had breakfast and prepared my packed lunch for school. "Mom, I'm leaving now," I bid farewell to my mother. "Oh, alright, take care, Mio. By the way, has Keiji arrived yet?" my mother asked, as Keiji and I usually go to school together. I hitch a ride with them to school since their route passes by my school. "Not yet, because I haven't seen any cars outside," I replied. "Is that so? Just sit there and wait." I waited for Keiji. I was puzzled because Keiji usually comes early to pick me up, but today he hasn't arrived yet. Several minutes passed, but Keiji still hadn't arrived. I was puzzled and worried; it was unlikely for Keiji not to show up today. He usually texts me immediately if he can't make it to school. The usual reasons for his absence are either an injury or illness. I couldn't wait any longer, so I bid farewell to my mother before leaving. "Mom, Keiji still hasn't arrived. Maybe he won't be coming in today," I informed her. "True, he hasn't even texted you. It's getting late, darling. You should just take public transportation," my mother suggested. "Alright," I replied sadly before leaving. Worries crept in; could it be because of me that he didn't show up today? I felt guilty for my words yesterday. I regretted being curt with him; perhaps he took offense. What a stroke of bad luck. Keiji is already upset with me, he didn't give me a ride, and now I have to commute, and I'm running late. It's frustrating. It's my fault too. The situation weighed heavily on me as I navigated through my emotions and self-reflection. "Hi Mio! I'm glad you're here. I wasn't able to do the assignment last night, can I copy from you?" Mio's classmate asked. "No, I didn't do the assignment either," Mio replied disinterestedly. "Oh, I see. It's fine, I'll just copy from Del then." "Do you have no brain? Just copying without understanding. As if it's that easy to provide answers. You all just copy without realizing the effort put into the work you're copying to answer it," Mio thought, her frustration evident. "What did you say? Who are you to judge? Have you never copied before? Acting like you're someone special," her classmate retorted angrily. Mio remained silent, lost in her thoughts. As Mio's class ended, she still couldn't shake off her thoughts about Keiji. She was consumed by overthinking, trying to unravel what truly happened to him. "Hey Mio! Wait for me," her classmate called out to her, but Mio remained silent, lost in her thoughts. "Hey, are you okay? I've noticed you've been lost in thought since this morning. Is everything alright, Mio? Do you have a problem?" her concerned classmate inquired, observing her distant demeanor. "Huh?...What?!! Lost in thought?!!" Mio was taken aback, realizing she hadn't even noticed. People around them started to stare. "We're attracting attention; your voice is quite loud. You seem surprised, not even realizing you've been absent-minded for a while now," her classmate remarked. "Uh...heheh, is that so? I guess I just lack sleep, that's why I feel detached," Mio explained, attempting to downplay her distraction. "Oh, so that's how you are when sleep-deprived. You probably stayed up late last night, right?" her classmate probed further. "Yeah! It seems like that. Hehe, I rarely stay up late anyway. By the way, do we have any assignments?" she changed the subject. "Not at the moment." "Well, that's a relief. Alright, I'll head off now since my home is in that direction. Take care!" "Alright, you take care too!" her classmate waved as Mio walked away. ____ Mio's Perspective: I decided not to take the bus home; I wanted to walk around to clear my mind. However, even now, my mind remains cluttered, unable to find peace. I gently tapped my head, trying to ease the turmoil within. While walking, my mind continued to race with thoughts. My eyes widened. I ran towards the bus stop and waited for the bus. Once aboard, I passed by our house, as I was headed to Keiji's place. When I arrived at Keiji's house, I immediately entered through the gate as there was no guard on duty. I kept pressing the doorbell until it was answered. A beautiful woman greeted me, probably in her mid-20s. "What do you need?" she asked. "Is Keiji here?" I inquired. "Yes, he's in his room, resting," she replied. Resting? "Why is he resting? What happened to him?" I asked, feeling concerned. "He's not sick; he just wants to stay in his room for now," she explained. "Why? Who are you? Do you need something from Keiji?" She added. "I'm his friend, may I come in?" I requested. "I'll just call Keiji first, please wait a moment." I waited for a few minutes, hoping he would recognize me. After a few more minutes, she came down, but Keiji was not with her. "Where's Keiji?" I asked, scanning the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. "Young lady, you can go upstairs to his room," she said. "To his room? Um...alright," I responded. I went upstairs and when I reached outside Keiji's room, I knocked on the door. He immediately opened it, but to my surprise, it wasn't him who greeted me. It was a girl wearing their school uniform, similar to Keiji's. "Hi, are you Keiji's friend?" she asked, her voice as lovely as her appearance. "Y-yes, I am," I stuttered, unsure of who she was. "Come in," she said. I entered slowly and saw Keiji lying on the bed. He glanced at me, and I could see the surprise in his eyes when he saw me. He sat up from his lying position. "Mio, why are you here? I didn't know you were coming; you should have texted me." ____ Keiji's Perspective: F*ck, why is Mio here? What is she doing here? I didn't even know she was coming; I didn't receive any text from her. And Rosey is still here. ____ Mio's Perspective: "I'm sorry, am I disturbing you?" I asked, feeling saddened. "Not really, but you should have texted me first so I would have known you were coming," he replied, glancing at the woman. "Rosey, could you step out for a moment? I need to talk to Mio briefly," he requested the woman. Her name is Rosey, which truly suits her beautiful face. "No problem," she said softly. I was truly delighted by her; she was also very kind. "Mio, do you need anything?" he asked. "I just wanted to talk to you." "Talk? What do you want to say?" "Why didn't you come in earlier? I waited for you at home, but you didn't arrive, so I ended up being late for school waiting for you," I said. "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that I couldn't go to school this morning. I'm really sorry, Mio, I was so stupid," he apologized, and I could tell his apology came from the heart. "Take a seat." he added. I promptly sat on his bed. "What was the reason for not going to school today?" I asked seriously. He suddenly held my hand, causing my cheeks to flush, a sensation I felt. "Mio, it's just... I don't feel like going to school today," he explained. I felt something different, why is this happening? He simply held my hand, yet my heart rate seemed to quicken. I remained silent for a few minutes, prompting Keiji to ask me.
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