CHAPTER 1: Misunderstandings

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"Reid! Are you losing your mind?! Don't you ever utilize that brilliant brain of yours? Do you honestly believe I would simply acquiesce to your flawed choices?" the woman, Keiji's mother, exclaimed with frustration. "Please, just take a moment to compose yourself. I don't want this discussion to escalate into an argument," Reid responded calmly, trying to diffuse the tension. "Do you really think I can just calm down? Your impulsive decisions always leave me on edge. Remember, I am still your wife, and I have every right to have a say in our decisions," her anger subsiding slightly. "I understand you. Is that business really that dear to you?" "It's not just dear, Reid!! I love it deeply, deeply! It's the only remaining memory I have of my parents!! Don't you understand me?" Keiji's mother cried, tears streaming down her face. "Your business is losing money, do you want us to lose all our wealth?" "Reid, I beg of you, please reconsider selling the antique shop. You cannot comprehend the profound importance it holds for me," pleaded Keiji's mother to his father. "Yumi, allow me some additional time to make a decision," Reid uttered, his words filled with a sense of depth and contemplation, before he departed. Reid was startled to see Keiji standing by the door. He witnessed and heard his parents' conversation. Reid paused, smiled at Keiji, before he left for good. Keiji's mother approached him with a gentle touch, guiding him to the edge of the bed where he was seated tenderly. "Mom, is it true? Is it true that Dad will be selling the antique shop? Didn't Grandpa and Grandma pass it down to you?" Keiji, at only 12 years old, bombarded his mother with consecutive questions. Despite his tender age, his thoughts seemed remarkably mature. "Kei, let us refrain from discussing it any further. Your father and I will handle it. We will have a proper and meaningful conversation about the antique shop. For now, your father is still contemplating his decision," Yumi responded, Keiji simply nodded. ____ "Mom and Dad had a fight just because of an antique shop," Keiji said. "What? But why? Is there an issue with your antique shop?" Mio, Keiji's friend, replied. "I overheard what Dad said. He mentioned that our antique shop is no longer profitable, so he's planning to sell it," Keiji answered in response to his friend's question. "Oh.. I see. Auntie Yumi must be devastated. That antique shop holds great sentimental value for her as it's the only remaining connection to her parents," Mio said sadly. "Let's not talk about that anymore." "Hmm.. alright! Let's just play then." "I've grown up now, I won't play anymore." "Huh? Even kids who are just 12 years old still play, and here you are saying you won't. Well, it's probably because you attend an expensive school for your education. You must be mature and intelligent by now." "I'm not bragging about my mature thinking at a young age, this is just how I naturally think. There's nothing else for me to boast about," Keiji replied seriously. Mio was surprised, indeed, he was intelligent. "Wow... It's only now that I realize how lucky I am to have such an intelligent friend. If that's the case, can you help me with my projects and homework?" "Why? I thought we were both smart? Can't you answer and do all of that yourself? Smart people are always busy, so I don't have time to help you," Keiji bragged. "Really? Then why do you have time to talk about pointless things with me right now?" Mio said, making Keiji ponder deeply. They remained silent and did not speak for a few minutes. Suddenly, a child arrived, causing the tranquility of the lake to be disrupted. "Hey Mio! I'm glad I found you. Come on, let's play," the child said. "Zara! Oh, you're here." Mio stood up to approach Zara, his male friend. "I'm feeling restless at home. I've grown tired of my toys. Would you like to play?" "Absolutely! No problem!" Mio responded without hesitation. Suddenly, Keiji stood up, catching Zara's attention, causing him to turn and look at him. "Who's that with you, Mio?" Zara asked curiously. "Ah, him? He's my friend, Keiji. Keiji, this is Zara, my friend. Would you like to join us in playing?" Keiji furrowed his brow, showing a hint of confusion. "What a beautiful name, but he seems a bit grumpy," Zara commented, provoking a rise in Keiji's temper. "Well, your name is lovely too, but it sounds more feminine," Keiji retorted with an angry tone. "There's nothing wrong with revealing your true self, are you gay?" Keiji added, his words and tone had become increasingly insulting. "What? What are you saying? Are you insulting my name?" Zara asked curiously. "Nevermind. I'm leaving. I don't want to be friends with immature people," Keiji's final statement before he walked away. "K-Keiji, where are you going?" Mio was about to chase after Keiji, but Zara stopped him. "Let him go. I don't think he enjoys playing or making friends. It's true that he can be grumpy," Zara innocently remarked. ____ "HAHAHAHA, what are you saying, Mio? He is tall even though he's young. You might end up in the hospital if Keiji lands a single kick on your leg," Mio's mother said with a chuckle. "But Mom, Keiji wouldn't do that to me. We're friends, and especially because I'm a girl. Nobody would like him if he hurts girls," Mio replied angrily. "Mio, your anger towards each other will eventually pass. Just let Keiji be. After all, he's younger than you. Try to understand him as an older sister," her mother advised. "When did he become my lil brother? Maybe if he has a younger sibling, they always get beaten up," Mio retorted. "Why would they get beaten up?" her mother asked curiously. "Mom, seriously? He's a taekwondo player, and he's been practicing since he was only 9. Now, at 12 years old, he's close to becoming a black belt. He's probably really good at kicking," Mio explained at length. "But why did you say they would get beaten up when taekwondo focuses more on kicks? You're saying too much," her mother questioned. "I don't know, Mom. You figure it out," Mio said, leaving her mother laughing while cooking in the kitchen. ____ Mio's POV: We had so much fun earlier with Zara, playing together even though it was just the two of us. It would have been nice to have Keiji with us too, but he was being really grumpy. I don't know why he's acting like that, his attitude has changed over time. Maybe it's the way their teachers handle and teach them in their school. I know that teachers in expensive schools have different teaching methods, but that shouldn't be a reason for Keiji to drastically change his behavior. I hope he's not mad at me now. He was completely different earlier, his tone of speech was off. It's hurtful how he insulted people, even my other close friend. He's not my only best friend. Keiji can also get along and be close friends with Zara, but it seems like Keiji has very high standards when it comes to friends and the people he talks to. I can't bring them together, I'm sure they'll just end up fighting. This problem I have to fix is huge. ____ The next day, Mom asked Keiji to come to our house. I panicked, unsure of what to do. We haven't been getting along, and now we're going to see each other again. Mom can be so frustrating. I found out that Keiji came over because I could hear their voices from the room. They were making a lot of noise early in the morning. I quickly changed into my casual clothes since Keiji was the only visitor. There was no need to dress up in fancy attire. When I came out of my room, they immediately looked at me. "Oh, why?" I asked curiously. They both remained silent, so I just went to the kitchen and drank some milk. I stayed in the kitchen for a few minutes. Then suddenly, Mom entered. "You're already so grown up, yet you still drink milk?" "Oh, is there a problem with that? Even 60-year-old adults still drink milk. Anyone, young or old, can drink milk." I said seriously. "You're something else, just kidding... you're so serious." She laughed. "It's nothing." "Oh, why do you have that look on your face? Why do you seem irritated or angry? Aren't you going to talk to Keiji?" It was going well until she brought up the topic of Keiji and me. "I don't know, this is just how I am when I wake up." After she brewed coffee, she left again. Since I finished drinking milk, I washed the cup I used before leaving the kitchen. I was planning to go to the living room to watch TV when suddenly someone called me. I didn't hear Mom's voice. Of course, no one else would call me except Keiji. I just turned around when he called my name. "Don't you want to watch TV?" he asked while sipping his coffee. He really likes coffee, even at his age. "No," was my only response, in a cold tone. "But don't you usually watch TV early?" so many questions huh? "Ohh... HAHAHAH, I thought you didn't know." I couldn't do anything about it, I was forced to go there and watch TV. I couldn't refuse him because his anger towards me might worsen. Mom just smiled and looked at both of us. We weren't talking, just watching TV. I also have a strong sense of pride, so I can go without talking to him for a few days. Then, Mom suddenly asked Kei, "Kei, how old are you again?" "I'm 12 aunt," he replied. "Ohh... so there's a 4-year age gap between you and Mio." So what if it's 4 years? "Yes, it's not that far apart. We're like the same age." Wow, really? "Oh, same age?! No wonder you treat me like I'm just your younger sister. Because you think we're just the same age?" "Yeah, because you seem more immature than me. I thought you already knew that." His sarcastic response really got me heated. Meanwhile, mom couldn't stop laughing. She's really taking his side. I didn't bother responding to let him know just how angry I am with him. "Auntie, should I go now?" Keiji asked permission. "What? Are you leaving already? You just arrived. Have breakfast first." "It's okay, there's someone here who's getting really annoyed. It seems like she want me to leave already." So go ahead, kick him out, Mom. "You're really something, this isn't even her house. She have no right to make you leave, I'm the one who has the right." Ugh!! You're so annoying, Mom!
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