Chapter 59

1741 Words

Connor walks into the Somerset pack and looks around. It is a lot different than before. There used to be such a joyful energy surrounding the place, but at the moment a certain sorrowful atmosphere hangs thickly in the air. It is late in the day and Connor was going to wait until the morning to arrive but he cannot take up so much of the groups time and he wants to see his Uncle as soon as possible. Terrance looks at Connor. “You haven’t even asked me” “Were you going to tell me?” “Well, no” “Exactly, what is the point of wasting my words?” “Are you worried?” “Of course I am, Rosalie is family, but I have faith in the group” “You believe they can do it?” “If they can’t, nobody can” Terrance pats him on the shoulder as Connor knocks on the door of the alpha house. Baxter has been

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