Beat The Heat

2010 Words
The small waterfall that feeds the spring can be heard trickling down the side of the moss covered mountain. Cool water flows over round rocks made smooth over the many years. Long grass and flowers grow alongside the gentle flowing creek. Mystara and her friend Telly are laying by the water, enjoying the sunlight and the few living things that call this place their home. Tellvara is laying on her stomach with her chin resting on her hands that flat on the ground. A few ants are carrying a little green caterpillar back to their ant hill, but there is no way for it to fit down the tiny hole. They will have to begin taking it in piece by piece she thought. What a horrid fate. Her eyes move away from the gruesome scene to a patch of white and yellow flowers growing nearby, swaying in the breeze. After a moment, a brilliant blue butterfly lands gracefully on the delicate flower and uncurls its long strange tongue. She knows from her studies that this butterfly used to be a little green caterpillar too, but it lived and grew into something new and beautiful. Not everything in life has to be tragic. While one caterpillar doesn’t make it, the other one does. Mystara is laying close to her friends side, placing different pieces of things in the water to watch it magically float away with the current. A piece of grass, a leaf, a petal. She takes a long strand of grass and dips it into the surface of the water, then she takes it out to hold over Telly’s calf. Little drops of cold water run down the long blade of grass, gather at the tip and then drip down onto the soft pale skin of her unsuspecting friend. She lets out a pleasing gasp at the suddenness of the cold water on her hot skin and giggles for more. The droplets of water drip onto the back of Telly’s thigh this time, just below the frayed hem of her tan dress and run down both sides of her legs. Goosebumps run down her skin, making Mystara let out a mischievous laugh while playfully torturing her friend. More drops of water fall onto the hot flesh of her friends long leg. Without thinking, Mystara’s fingers glide through the water on her friends leg, causing her to let out a happy moan. It has been four days so far, out of four weeks. On the very first night they laughed and joked about leaving the Keep to seek out a little fun. But it had not been any fun at all to talk about something they yearned for, that they could easily do.. Yet, could not. They are bound by their own willpower and self control to stay within the protective compound of Spring Keep. One more year unmated gives them that much more time to study and increase their powers without the responsibility of raising young. Mystara glides her fingers through the water that wets her friends skin. “Your skin is burning up, Telly. Maybe you should go lay in the shade of the willow tree for a while.” Mystara sighs lazily. The warm sun does feel almost too hot for them today. “I like the sun. I like the way it feels on my hair and the bottoms of my feet. Even though everything else in between keeps getting hotter and hotter.” Telly sounds tired too. Laying in the sun always makes them tired. Mystara’s hand gracefully turns the water on her friends warm thigh into a thin sheet of sparkling frost. She is relieved that her powers have not weakened, her very least favorite part of being in her heat season. Losing such a key component that makes her who she is. Having the frost to temper the heat only makes sense. “Oh, Myst! That is freezing, but oh.. It is so nice.” Tellvara’s thighs come together and the frost melts almost instantly. She pouts. “It is no fun being this hot!” “What if you had a mate to temper your heat? Could you stand being hot then? When you are both so close that you begin to sweat at the friction of your bodies. Oh, Vaneesha and the Moon Goddess!” Mystara rolls onto her back and yells up into the sky at nothing and everything. “If I had a mate.. I would never want him to be out of me!” Tellvara declares as she pops up onto her knees in the soft grass. “Hopefully, he will feel the same.” She takes her long blond hair into fingers. “What is the matter?” Asks Mystara. There is not much her friend can get past her. Something is definitely on her mind other than her heat. “It is just that.. While my head was still completely clear I had wondered. Just because we are in heat and desire to be mated, does not mean we are desirable ourselves.” Tellvara’s face blushes in shades of red and pink. “Telly, don’t be ridiculous. Every male creature in the world wants to put his “ego” inside a certain wet and warm somewhere. We have been warned how easily it will be. What is harder is listening to our instincts that lead us to our true mate.” Mystara says with a warm friendly smile. She sits up to stroke her friends shiny hair in a caring way and then pulls her in for a hug. The two warming witches hold each other close and feel themselves heat up, at this point they have both reached their full heat. Mystara does not want to tell her friend how much more excruciating her season has been this year, already. Thankfully, she has found a combination of herbs to give her just enough relief for now without Telly having to know. This will only last another week at most. They loosen their embraces on each other enough to look one another in the eye. The silvery tint of their frosty eyes has faded, revealing two beautifully unique shades of blue. Mystara’s eyes are only slightly darker than her friend’s. On their knees, they are just off centered from each other. They both turn to each other at the same moment and bring their faces together. It is far from being with an actual mate, but it helps ease the tension growing in them. Their hips begin to grind into one another as their hands and imaginations roam. What would it be like to be held by their mates strong and wanting arms? Little angry moans of pleasure can be heard as hands move quickly in certain places. Soon enough, they’re both laying with their backs in the cool shady grass under the willow tree, snuggling and napping shamelessly without the burden of their heat. By day eight of twenty-eight, they reach the most miserable one yet. It is not the sun that is making their heat so unbearable on this day, it’s the air. It is so hot, thick, and muggy the witches can barely breath. There is no breeze outside to come in through the cabin windows and no shady place to find comfort without the stagnant air. The humidity is driving them mad. Sweat is beading up on their foreheads, upper lip, chest, and back. “I can not take it anymore! It can not be like this, it is only day eight! Day eight! Mystara exclaims, jumping up from the grass. “That is it! I am jumping in the pond!” Without any other warning she takes off down the little spring creek and jumps right into the center of the pond, sending a small splash of water up into the air. Water ripples out from her and sloshes against the water’s edge. Tellvara falls onto her back laughing and then is quickly on her way to join her amusing friend. Mystara pops her head out of the water and spits a playful stream in Telly’s direction. Tellvara responds by splashing a wave of icy water back in her direction. Brr! The pond is much cooler than they expected. Water is being splashed back and forth while the witches enjoy themselves for once. Suddenly, they raise their hands above them causing a wave of water to freeze in the air. Then another wave and another. Soon they are together inside of an icy dome. Good to know their frost magic is still so strong, though, to be fair Mystara is much more powerful than her friend Telly. They both shiver and draw closer to one another. Their warm hands slide on their slippery wet bodies, imagining their mates touch as their fingers slide into their own slippery wet and wanting slits. Together, their moaning echos within the icy shelter until they both find their release. Just as a light sprinkling of rain begins to fall and melts the ice away from around them. They hold hands and start to run around in the rain. The slick grass beneath their feet causes them to slide and laugh. Their soaking wet clothes cling to their bodies as they dance around in the rain. The thunder rumbles in a way only a summer storm can, thrilling the two frost witches. Every time a bolt of lightning lights up the sky and the thunder shakes the ground, they both laugh and laugh! It feels nice to behave this way sometimes, it is such a cold and rigid life in Snowcrest. Finally they are tired of their dancing and make a nice warm fire inside with a lovely mushroom soup heating above it. Their cozy cottage is ever so peaceful, nestled within the Keep as smoke slowly rises from its stone chimney. Once their hair is dry and their stomachs are full of warm soup, they decide to go lay out in the grass and look up at the stars. A blanket goes down on the grass to protect them from the damp earth. Their eyes gaze upwards first to admire the elegant moon, which is just now waning down past its third quarter. The next full moon will come three days before their heat season ends. Only during a full moon can a witch access her frost power at its maximum potential, especially during her heat. Mystara concentrates on the stars above her, connecting the dots and remembering the names of the constellations from what she has learned during her education within the coven. She hears a whisper for her to look at the moon and so she does, unquestioningly. The lightness of one half catches her eye, while so does the darkness of the other. The wind carrying a far off sound blows across their faces, cooling their skin. Mystara feels a tingling sensation cover her entire body from head to toe. She bites down on her lower lip. Something like goosebumps mixed with a wave of her heat washes over her. Her toes curl and her hand grasps at the cool wet blades of grass off to her side as her eyes fix back onto the moon. Concentrate. Breathe. What was that?! Never in her life has she ever felt something so.. So strongly pulling at her. Could it be a side affect from the different herbs? Unlikely. She sits up and glances over to her sweet friend Telly, who seems to be fine and has also fallen fast asleep. Good. Rest is hard to come by during a heat season. Maybe it was nothing then. A chill from being wet earlier. She lays back down and enjoys the quiet. Very faintly, from far away a lone wolf’s howl can be heard. Mystara is suddenly overwhelmed by another wave of tingling pleasure.
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