Chapter 6

1397 Words

- Cornelia Warner - Momma clung to me as soon as I walked through the big doors of my home, she didn't say anything, just looked over my face again and again as if she was afraid I'll vanish. Papa looked worried as well, he seemed to have aged twenty years more than he actually was. Guilt seeped into my heart and I hugged momma as tightly as I could. I didn't even want to imagine what it would be like to live without them. "We were worried sick Cornelia! Didn't we tell you not to wander around on your own?" Papa reprimanded and pulled momma away from me. I thought he was going to scold me more but he just came close and held me in a tender hug. "I'm sorry papa. I thought I was going the right way, didn't think I would get lost." "It's good that you are alright. Anyway it was the

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