Chapter 5

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- Cornelia Warner - "Do you know your way around here?" I asked as he guided me through the thick forest. I couldn't see anything in the dark so I was holding onto his crumpled shirt for dear life. He seemed to be moving around with ease, he was definitely not human. But I dare not ask who he was. If I asked for his identity then mine would be revealed too, that was a risk I wasn't ready to take. "Yes." He said, bouncing over a rock and I followed his action, barely cation myself from tripping over. He held my upper arm to steady me and we kept walking. "Were you stuck there for long?" "Two years." I gasped in horror. No wonder he looked so rugged. His hair and beard must have grown in the span of two years, not that he looked bad. But I was curious to know how he would look after washing up. "I'm so sorry you had to bear that!" I said in an attempt to make him feel better. "Why are you saying sorry? You helped me. The ones who were responsible should be sorry, and they will be once I get my hands on them." He growled dangerously. I gulped, feeling bad for the people who did this to him, they weren't thinking when they locked this bear like man in that dirty room. We kept walking and walking until I could see the glimpse a clearing. It was the same place where Dee and Felix were waiting for me in the car. The car was still parked! The man was still walking in front of me so I pulled at his shirt a little to make him stop, to my horror, the material of the shirt couldn't withstand the little pressure of my dainty hands and it ripped. A little piece of his shirt was left in my hands and we both stared at it. My legs started to shake in fear. If he decided to beat me and burry here, no one will be able to find me. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to ruin your shirt!" I apologized and hung my head, joining my hands in front of me in plead. I took a small peak up at him and saw him assessing the damage done by me. He shook his head and let go of the end that was torn. "It's fine. I've been wearing this thing for goddess knows how long, it's ruined anyway." He said with no hint of anger. There was indifference in his voice, maybe a hint of amusement? "I'm still sorry. If we ever meet in the future, I'll buy you a shirt. I promise." I vowed, determined to keep the only promise I've made in my life. The little promises to my mother for candy when I was littl,e didn't count. "Don't take it so seriously, who knows you will have to buy me a new one in the future." "I will do it then. Although the chances are close to 0, even negative. I'll keep my promo if we ever meet." I grinned, through his beard I could see a small hint of a smile and my grin widen. "Ah, my car is parked there. My friends are probably searching for me so I should go there. You are free now so you should go back to your family as well." I told him, my fingers unconsciously wrapped themselves around the piece of his shirt. "Hmm." He hummed and I started to walk the path to my car. I took small glanced back at him, he was still there. Watching me as I went farther away. One last time I grinned at him and waved childishly, just so he remembered me in the future. He did wave back, with much less enthusiasm. Did I just make a friend? I wouldn't know, but I was happy with that. I turned around and kept on walking, once I was close to the car I noticed it was empty so I got in the passanger seat and turned on the heater. I tried to see him again from the window but it was dark so I couldn't see anything. Maybe he already left, he must be missing his family dearly. I hope he reached them as soon as possible. I will probably be locked in my castle all my life after today, there was no chance of us meeting in the future. But just in case if we did, I wanted him to remember me. "Cornelia! Where did you wander off to?! We were going nuts!" Came the angry voice of Felix, soon the car door opened and I was pulled into a bone crushing hug by Dee. I smiled and hugged her back with equal force. "I got lost, but I'm fine now." ----------------------------------- - Aetius Barak - I watched the girl get in her car and shut the door close. I waited in the shadow of the trees until her friends came for her, only because it was still dangerous out there. She may be out of the forest but it didn't garantee her safety. A few minutes later a pair rushed towards the car. The only reason I didn't attack them was because that girl wasn't showing any sign of fear, it seemed like she knew them. Her friends who were looking for her. I barely heard them call out to her and then tuned them out. I didn't have to listen into their conversation. 'Our pack must have looked for us too. Go back!' Blaze, my wolf, reminded me. Taking a last look at the three, I turned around and ran deeper into the forest. No one knew this part of land better than me, no other would could navigate this forest better than me and this forest itself had become my biggest nightmare, the one's I trusted the most had become my worst enemies. I had ventured deep into the forest when I stopped to take a breath. Two years. I had lost two years of my life bound in that building. Two years of my pack thinking their Alpha was dead. Two years and my thirst for vengeance hadn't vanished, instead it grew as every unknown second passed with me tied in those bloody thick silver chains. It was time to go back and stake claim on what had been wrongly taken away from me. I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled off my jeans and tied them on my leg to change into later, in a heartbeat my pale skin was replaced with midnight fur and my eyes narrowed into blue slits of a predator. I stretched my limbs and ruffled the fur on my body, blaze was happy to be out after too long, his energy renewed and excited for bloodshed. Leaping into air, I became one with speed. I let Blaze take over my body for the first time in two years. The stuff muscles of my body surged with power as I brushed over the trees and pounded my paws on the soft soil. I could smell freedom in the air, the shade of trees doing nothing to blind my vision on my way to my pack territory. An Alpha was Alpha wherever it was, and it was time to show them.   
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