
1091 Words

“Six”   The next morning, Kam was more than excited to drive his car to Inchareon Medical Center before going to Khumpai Integrated School. He was in high spirits, kissed both his parents goodbye and left their house. "Good morning! How we may help you?" The nurse at the front desk of the hospital lobby greeted Kam. He smiled and greeted the nurse back. He's wearing his high school uniform, making him even more nervous about asking an intern's whereabouts. Dr. Kiet's whereabouts. Kam scratched his head then took out the pink colored envelop inside his messenger bag. "Um...I know it's a bit odd but can you give this later to P'Kiet Inchareon, please?" He remembered that Kiet wouldn't be in until this afternoon just like his aunt Prae said. The nurse stared at the young man and the env

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