11. Questions

849 Words

11 QUESTIONS SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA A Few Minutes Later Tyrell returned to the conference room along with Caitlin. She seemed uncharacteristically anxious and nervous. Tyrell was unsure if it was being away from Maleah so long that made Caitlin feel that way, but he barely knew Caitlin. He had only been representing them for a month or so. Tyrell wondered if there was something that he said during the original meeting that upset her. “Is everything alright?” he asked as he sat down on the chair closest to the door. He pointed to the chair next to him, signaling Caitlin to also sit down. She complied. “Tell me what’s on your mind?” “I-I’m not sure if you can give me advice because you represent Freddie’s parents.” Caitlin buried her head in her hands. She was obviously upset. Tyrell

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