9. The Adjuster

1246 Words

9 THE ADJUSTER ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Later that Day Daniel walked to the reception area of the Hilton Anaheim hotel across from the convention center. He asked the female attendant to ring the room of Jim Wilkins, the adjuster from Allegiance assigned to the Prato case. “One moment,” the attendant told Daniel. “Mr. Wilkins, I have Mr. Mendoza in the lobby waiting for you. Yes, I will.” She hung up the phone and said, “He will be right down.” “Thank you.” Daniel walked to the seating area and decided to quickly call Marissa Robles. The call went straight to voicemail. He wondered if she had reception with the firm phone in Chihuahua. Perhaps, he thought, Marissa forgot to have Cheryl extend the international calling plan to Mexico. Daniel left a voicemail. By the time he finished

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