A visitor

1275 Words
The day of the funeral… Liana's pov The sky rips open and rain starts pouring as if even nature wants to cry with me. I am alone standing next to three cops in charge of handling my parents' case. A big ground engulfed in green fresh grass surrounded by white flower trees. Birds chirping in every tree is nothing less than a melodious tune. There are other graves covered in dust and dead flowers. Their families must have abandoned them a long ago. The cops are standing under black umbrellas as shields for their heads against the rain, but on the other hand, I allowed rain to be my solace. The tiny drops of rain slowly sliding down my body are the only entity bringing a smile to my pale lips. Mom's favorite season was monsoon, after all. No one else attended the funeral. An omega always dies a lonely death. I am enough for my parents, they don't need anyone's pity or sympathy. Moreover, someone inside the clan is responsible for my parents’ death. A drop of tears rolls down my left eye, yet rain makes it impossible to notice. “Liana” The cop attracts my attention. My head slowly turns to him. “We selected a few good families for you, but the thing is…” The hesitation in his voice tells me that those families refused to take me in since I'm nothing more than an omega. “There’s an old orphanage quite far from Velverine. They might take you in.” The cop mumbles, not confident with his choice of words. I can't go to the orphanage at any cost because if I leave Velverine then how will I find my parents' murderer? “Just allow me to live alone.” Words come out of my mouth in frustration. *Sigh “We can't allow a girl under 25 to live on her own…that's the rule Alpha Lucien made for everyone.” His fingers reach his wrinkled forehead and he starts rubbing the lines roughly. Everything must be too much of an annoyance for him, including my presence. “So pack your bags, okay?” He just wants to dust off his hands off my case as soon as possible. All of a sudden… A black lavish car stops in front of us. The car door’s open and high black heels touch the wet green grass. Next comes out a black umbrella and then the woman inside the car. Golden beautiful hair, gorgeous green eyes, and an elegant aura. She's wearing a long black dress as if she's here to attend my parents' funeral. The cops bow to her. Evelyn Maxwell. “Is everything okay, ma’am?” The cop next to me asks, still bowing to her. A breath slips free of her mouth. “I am here to attend the funeral.” She answers in her soft sad tone. Evelyn Maxwell, the gorgeous lady of the Maxwell household. The Maxwell family lives in a white castle like the royals. An Influential family who somewhat dominates the Crest Moon clan and maintains a very special relationship with Alpha Lucien. Alpha Lucien is Evelyn Maxwell’s biological elder brother. But why is someone like her attending my parents' funeral? Her green eyes meet mine in the rain. “You must be Liana Baker, right?” “Uhm…yes!” She steps into my space and her warm palm brushes through my right cheek. “You're beautiful just like your mom.” My eyes widen. “Do you know my mom?” She looks at Mom's grave and tears roll down her pretty eyes. “She was a friend, a very good friend.” “Mom never mentioned you!” I am quite blunt with my words. She smiles. “We were good friends in school but then we lost contact, and she even left the main town with her family.” “I tried to find her contact so many times but no one knew a thing about her…until the news of an omega couple's death reached the main town.” “Who could have done it?” She wrinkles her forehead. “The postmortem report revealed that both of them were strangled with a rope first and then got stabbed in their hearts.” The cop informs her of all the important details. “Find the killer by all means!” She commands in her serious tone. The cop nods his head. Her soft gaze lands back on my face. “You're going to stay with us.” My heart drops to my stomach. The Maxwell family of all people wants me to stay with them. It's quite hard to believe, yet it's an opportunity to find the truth behind my parents' murder. The only problem is… I don't know how I will stay in the same house with the four Maxwell brothers. The Maxwell brothers rule Wind Falls College on the tip of their fingers. They are in senior year and two years older than me. Everything happens in college with their so-called permission since their uncle is the Alpha of our clan. They're not exactly bullies, but they're not kind either. All four of them are arrogant and consider themselves superior to everyone else. They have everything…looks, money, power, fame, and probably that's why the girls are so crazy for them and boys want to be like them. I have been attending Wind Falls College for almost two years, yet my feet never crossed paths with them, not even in the corridor. They're untouchable and a mere omega like me is nothing but an invisible burden on the clan. I always stayed hidden, away from the crowd, away from the Maxwell brothers or any other rich kids. Now with this situation… What will happen if they see an omega in their house? “What are you thinking?” Evelyn’s sweet voice pulls me out of my anxious unsettling thoughts. *Gulp “I don't know…” She rests her palm on my left shoulder. “Don't refuse me, dear.” “Your mother was my good friend and this is the least I can do for her now.” Her eyes are sincere. *Breath “Okay!” This is my only way to live in the main town and investigate the truth. She holds my palm with her gentle grip. “You're now part of the Maxwell family…you’re my responsibility and I will protect you against everyone.” “But ma’am!” The cop interrupts her. She faces him. “Since her parents are dead she needs a new family that legally adopts her or else whose name she will use for documents?” “Not to mention her ties to our clan are now cut off.” According to Velverine rule book… Every girl under 25 is tied to the clan through her family. If in any case, her family dies then her ties are cut off. There are only two ways to form ties with the clan again… Either someone adopts her and gives her a new family name. Or Someone marries her. If none of the requests are met then the girl leaves the clan and starts a new life somewhere else like a lone wolf. No wonder the cop was ready to send me to an orphanage far from Velverine. “Hmm…” “Then I will legally adopt Liana.” It was unexpected from someone so powerful as her. “Ma’am” My voice mutters softly. She looks into my eyes and whispers… “My sons will be very happy to welcome their new sister.”
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