Chapter 6 Dante POV

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Her parents are Johnson Glades and Linda Glades. Her father was the owner of the prestigious law firm, Glades Law. It was an old firm passed from one generation to the next. Sophie was also studying law. It seemed her life was pretty much set out for her already. Scrubbing my hands down my face, I threw the folder on top of my desk and glanced at the clock 10.30pm. Another hour then the girls will be asleep. I was meeting Darius there. My best friend wasn't holding up well either. He'd stormed in, grabbed his sword and left. Which meant he was either down in the forecourt training, or he had gone to gain more information on the 5th Kingdom. We were so close to being where we needed to be at to be able to ambush them and declare war. We were aiming for as few casualties as possible and to do that I needed to kill Lenus by the right of law, his followers would then have to bend their knees to me. That was our game plan, the same game plan we had used in the other kingdoms. We just needed to find the quickest way for me to get to Lenus, then the rest of the fighting would end, saving hundreds of lives. But he'd learned our tactics from our take-overs of the other kingdoms, he'd disappeared. My scouts that had been keeping a close eye on the 5th Kingdom as well as a few spies we had embedded in his castle hadn't seen anything of him. I won't attack without knowledge of exactly where he is. I won't turn it into a m******e of his people. Some asked that if we took over the castle without him present, basically squatting there, would that class as a win but unfortunately no, wouldn't he either had to freely give up his position or he had to be taken from it, we had sent messages to him to ask his decision same as the other leaders, but they had all declined to step down leading to their deaths ,Lenus had just not answered us at all. I glanced at the clock again. I’d been lost in thought for a while because it was time. Standing up, I stretched my muscles out. Time had flown by while I'd been too preoccupied with inner musings, I lifted the glass of scotch that sat on my desk and downed the rest in one. Grabbing my leather jacket, I headed out the door. I descend the stairs in a rush and bump into a group of guards in the main foyer. They glanced my way, sensing my presence, and they all stood a little straighter. " I'm heading out to hunt, has there been anything of worth to report, gentleman". One with a shock of red hair steps forward. He's tall and well-built. What's his name now, Grason? I think maybe Dam I was rubbish at keeping up with names. " Your Highness, there was some trouble in town this eve. Two members of the 4th kingdom, we had to intervene and the two ended up in the cells." annoyance rises I really didn't want to have to deal with any rebels tonight. " What was the issue? " It came out harshly and clipped. I want to get to Sophie damm it. Red hair glances back at the other two and another one of them steps forward, he has long dark hair in a ponytail, the smallest one of the three. " Sir, I heard them speaking of you, they were saying that you weren't worthy of all 5 kingdoms that Lenus will destroy you soon enough " I laugh which causes them all to glance nervous between one and other" They are in the cells you say ? "They all nod at me, I walk past and clap the pontytail one on the back calling out as I pass them. " I'll show them how unworthy I am tomorrow, gentleman, thank you for your loyalty to my honor " I said, genuinely. I turned and showed them my thangs, letting out an animalistic snarl " As for Lenus, be my f*cking guest for trying", I lightened up the mood with a wink and saunted out of the front door. I look around me, taking in my surroundings, then take off full pelt before any of the guards try to follow. I normally have a few guards for protection, but I can not let anyone else know about Sophie and Anya. I got to the border and bolted through and stood silent for a second listening. Our enhanced abilities mean I can hear for miles. I can hear a few vampires on their way back. They are talking about Indulgence, which is one of my clubs. Quickly, I took off at full speed in the opposite direction they were coming from. It doesn't take long for me to exit the black forest and reach the city limits. I take to the rooftops, leaping from rooftop to rooftop. I can see Darius in the distance when I near, pacing he looks strung tight and I don't blame him the closer I get, the more I scent her, its getting more difficult to be apart. With a leap, I landed at his side, standing to my full height, and glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He has a few bruises on his face that will be gone by morning. The demons he keeps hidden are on the surface. Darius, even though we are like brothers, I know he keeps things from me. I know growing up with a prince like strength and powers and not knowing his heritage troubles him. I also know his family home wasn't a happy one. He spent most of his time at the castle with me, but I knew that was to escape stuff at home. " Are you OK my friend?". He lets out a pained laugh and glances at me" I could ask you the same question brother, you look ready to rip someone apart ". Smirking, I shoot back" it looks like you already have". He rolls his eyes and walks to the ledge of the roof before dropping off. I follow suit and we balcony hop until we reach the girls. Glancing inside, all was dark. The doors open again, which makes me a bit angry with them for not protecting themselves properly. Darius grunts behind me. I know he's thinking the same. We slowly make our way down the hall and we both glance at each other confused. Both girls' scents were coming from Sophie's room. We stopped and listened again to their breathing, making sure it was deep, and even nodding, I opened the door. We both just stood there in the doorway. Taking in the scene. Anya was in Sophie's bed, they were both spooned up in the middle. It would anger me to see her in another person's arms, but I already get a feeling that they need one another somehow, like it will be something we have to respect. I looked at Darius's face to see his reaction. He had a smile on his face. His demons now look to be long gone. " How did we luck out like this?" he whispers. He gestures to the girls with his hand. " We are like brothers with a bond some don't understand. It seems we've been blessed with mates who seem to be the same". Nodding my head in agreement, I headed over closer to the bed. I placed my hand on Sophie's head. She moans in her sleep and rolls away from Anya. Her hand searches the pillow. Without thought, I slowly lowered myself to the bed. I faze her mind so she won't wake up and make this reality her dream us laid in a bed together except we have a few less clothes on and Anya and Darius are definitely not present. I feel the bed dip and Darius has Anya in his arms, and she looks to be fazed and wrapped around his body. Settling down and concentrating, I entered Sophie's dream. We lay in silence for a few minutes, my nose in her hair. Then she said " I feel like I know you, yet I've never seen you before the club and I don't even know your name". Smiling, I whispered" Dante ". I felt her smile against my chest. "Are you real ? Because you feel so real, I know your actually real I saw you at that club, but this feels real", she stumbled her words out in a confused rush. I fetched my hand up and ran my fingertips down her arm. Her body shivers against mine at the simplest touch, which gives me great anticipation for the future. " You feel real now, but you felt real when we danced and that was just a dream. I saw you at the club, but then you disappeared in a blink of an eye, which makes me think you weren't. No one can move that quickly". She carries on. I chew my bottom lip, deciding to tell her a partial truth that she will believe is just a dream. " No human can move that quickly, and I'm not human, but you are right. I am not real, my love, you are creating dreams of a Vampire". She leans up, placing her hands on my chest. She's studying my face without a hint of fear, then she smiles and lets out a little giggle. " It figures your way too beautiful to be human, but why would I conjure up a vampire as a dream man ?" I place a lock of hair back behind her ear " You tell me my love I'm here because of you". She laughs at me then mutters under her breath" bloody Anya and her vampire movies". She sits up and straddles my hips, her nightie rises up and reveals her creamy thighs" Well seen as. This is a dream and this isn't real and no one will know. Maybe I should make use of you" she smiles seductively down at me, a growl rumbles up my chest and out of my mouth. She lets out a small squeal at the sound and, before she can even think or say anything else, I flip so that she's under me, her big green eyes look up at me in shock, lust and a bit of fear. My brows draw in "Why do you look scared Sophie? " She bites onto her bottom lip, causing me to groan" I've ... well, I've never had s*x before" she whispers down to me, the bravado just minutes before gone. F*ck f*ck f*ck sh*t that excites me and thrills me way more than it should. The beast in me roars with satisfaction at the fact that no other has ever touched her before. The need to own and dominate rises up like a tidal wave and I crash my mouth into hers even though I know she's innocent. I know I should ease her into these things, but she's soon to be introduced into a dark world and even though I'll protect her like she's as fragile as glass , she must also learn that the weak and naive do not survive amongst predators and the dammed. I dominate the kiss, taking everything from her. The small intakes of breath, the soft moans make my hand grip her thigh in a punishing grip, then I bite her bottom lip, tasting the blood pulling back. I slowly lick it off, savoring her sweet taste. We are both breathing heavily, the scent of her arousal is in the air, her eyes are glassy and dreamy, then her fingers reach up and brush against her abused, well kissed lips and she smiles. Maybe not weak at all. I have to stop this, mindful we are laid on a bed with others and that this is in dream state even though our bodies wouldn't be physical on the act our minds definitely would, and I wish to be alone when I make her mine. I calm the dream down by rolling back off of her body and she snuggles back in. I wait for her to breathe evenly, then I break my link to her dreams. Slowly climbing off the bed and picking up her wrist as gently as I can, I feed off of her for a minute, then bite my fingertip and feed her a drop of my blood so she heals. Darius seems to still be in his dream, so I study my mate some more. How could her parents be so cruel to such a beautiful creature? I have no clue. A few minutes later, Darius sits up with a start, causing me to snap my gaze at him. " F*ck Dante, I'm going to have my hands full with this little brat ", he grins at me. I grabbed hold of the comforter and tucked Sophia in before casting a pointed look at him. " Do not act like it does not thrill you brother, you like them that way. You like them to challenge you. I'd say your mate will be perfect for you, it seems ". " Yes, and you would like yours to need your protection to submit gracefully to portray innocence. Tell me, does Sophie match your taste? "he asks with a quirked brown. I cast another look down at her sleeping face and remember her mounting my hips. I think once she finds herself, she won't be so innocent, not with her body's desires anyway. I ignored his question and pulled out my phone, texting Vincent to tell him to be there to keep watch in 10 minutes. I needed to get back before my absence was noticed. Darius is just finishing feeding when he climbs off of the bed. The girls automatically seek each other back out. " Have you ever heard of bonded females, Darius? Not romantically, but like the one they seem to share". He shakes his head, no. " When I have read books I have read of soul twins in females, but they are. In paranormal beings, it's normally among witches and fairies that sort of creature. They are the opposite to what the other is, so a pair of bonded witches would be five times more powerful than normal witches, as, what one lacked the other would have, because they are bonded, they would pull from the other what it needed. But these were myths within books I read many years ago. Why do you ask? The girls are human. I smell nothing paranormal about them" he stated. With one last look at them, we walked out of the room." I don't either, but they do seem to be in tune with one another and quite close with what reports we are getting back is all."I told him, then I turned to look at him with an evil grin on my face. "There are a couple of rebels in the cells that deem me unworthy, care to vent some of this frustration out with me ?" He matched my smile. Leaving the girls was torture. What better way to vent that out than inflicting actual torture? I glance up at the roof over the balcony ledge and see Vincent. I gave him a nod and then we both leaped off the balcony, our mates' blood singing through our veins. We set off, making haste back to the castle in record time. Our spirits are high as we make our descent down the stairs into the cellar where the cells are kept. The stench down here was revolting damp, urine, sh*t, blood and decay. Walking along the corridor, our footsteps sounded extra loud. We reached the cell. I unbolted it and flung the door open, fangs already extended and eyes black with flecks of red running through them. Dairus enters cool and calm, whistling a show tune, it's a little game we like to play, giving our captors a mental mind f*ck. Our guests' eyes snap at us. They are shackled to the wall by their wrists and ankles. "Care to tell me what's the problem gentleman ? I would do it pretty quickly. You see the unworthy prince is in quite the fowl mood tonight ", Darius sings songs. The bigger of the two is the first to speak. "Piss off assh*les ". A low growl from me shuts him up. Surprisingly, it's not from me or Darius, but his cellmate. The bigger guy darts his eyes at him then abruptly shuts his mouth. The smaller one looks us up and down with pure disgust. He spits in our direction, then snarls out "You will never be any f*cking prince of ours". Ahh, so the smaller guy is the one in charge here. Time to make an example. Without a thought, I snapped the smaller one's neck, wrenching his head from his shoulders and letting it dangle from my hands. " Now we have him out of the way keeping you in check, why don't we try having a little chat" I said to the other one. He screamed in horror as I placed his friend's head right in front of him. He was gulping for breath, his mouth opening and closing to add to the fear. I slid myself down the wall and sat directly at the side of him, our shoulders touching. I leaned over and whispered in his ear. " This unworthy prince suggests you talk before I set you to that same fate". I slowly sat back up straight and looked over at Darius. He had a smile on his face. He loved these games as much as me. " He … He was my older brother ". Well, oops, read them wrong. Oh well, he still serves as a point made. Darius slides a chair up and takes a seat in front of the guy." Listen, you don't want to end up like your brother, do you? We just want to get some answers from you and for you to pledge yourself to be loyal to the Prince. Your brother had too much hatred, we heard what happened in the village" Darius told him. The guy looks down and licks his lips "Can you please move his head ?. Even now, I feel him glaring at me for what I'm about to do" he sniffled and looked away from said head. Darius quirked a brow at me and I let my thangs and eyes change back before I reached forward and moved his brother's head to the side out of his sight. He takes a deep inhale, and then he starts to talk quietly" I have always believed in your cause, I want to live among humans in peace. My ... My brother not so much. He has always been arrogant. He sees humans as weak and us the superior species. He's older than me and raised me when our parents died. He tried to install that belief in me many times and I would go along trying to make him proud" he huffed and shook his head like it had always been a losing feat. A pained look crossed his face and tears leaked from his eyes." For many years I believed, as he did too, until I fell in love with a human girl. We were still with our kingdom then, so my brother never bothered as to where I would go. He had no reason to keep me at his side at all times. He was a royal guard for the Prince of our kingdom, you see". “ So I used to sneak away and meet her. She was so beautiful. Then one day I couldn't find her. But Jason was in her apartment. He followed me one day and found out everything. I wanted to kill him that day, but he told me he hadn't killed her, he had fazed her and sent her away, and if I ever didn't follow his lead again. Well, he could get to her easily. So I followed him when he worked against you. I was trying to get her location from him. I have some information that will be of use to you. All I ask is for a promise that you won’t kill me. I will not rebel against you , all I want is to seek out my Stephanie to know that she definitely is safe" he asked, looking directly at me, ballsy, I thought. I crouched up from my sitting position. Normally, I wouldn't be so soft. But I sense no lies from him. Maybe it's from recently finding a mate myself. I don't know, but I placed my hand on his neck and looked him in the eyes. I want him to see my honesty when I give him my promise and ask my questions. " I promise I will not kill you today or ever as long as you prove loyal to me, I also promise when the time is right I will help you find your lost love. But I need to know what information you hold, and I need to know that the fact I have just killed your brother does not stir up feelings of rebellion in you ?". The hopeful look on his face already gives me some of my answers, but I need him to say it and to sense no lies. " I will not rebel. I loved my brother and, for some things, I will miss him.He was the only family I had left, but in a way, I am now free to live the life I choose for myself. I can live a life with my Stephanie. I pledge my life and loyalty to you, My Prince, and with that loyalty I will tell you this. My brother was very secretive. But I overheard him having phone conversations multiple times. I believe he was spying for the fifth kingdom, feeding back weak points to your security and stuff like that, but I know he also tailed you a few times to learn your routines and actions. I heard him on the phone speak of a building you both have started to frequent as of late, but he said he didn't know the reason, as you also had guards watching what ever is in that building he didn’t want to get too close to be spotted.” He paused and licked his lips, as my heart started to pound in my chest. “My Prince. I once even heard him address Lenus on the phone, speaking like old friends" he adds on. There's no air, I'm finding it hard to breathe, then I snap into action. I uncuffed our captor and helped him stand. " What is your name? " He looked startled by my reaction to his information. I know my face tells him that whatever is in that building is important to me. " My name is Micheal Sir". " Micheal thankyou for your loyalty, I accept it, and I will help you as you have helped me and your second. You will reside here in the castle. You will be on room arrest for a week. I will have food delivered to you. Do not speak of your knowledge to anyone. You are not being punished, Micheal, but I need to see that you are loyal to me and Darius and I will visit you, and we will discuss at more length how we can help you with Stephanie. If you prove loyal to me, I will even give you a job and a place within the castle with your love, so you can keep her protected. Our people have come a long way, but let's not tempt fate by having a human among the villages just yet, shall we ? The castle will be the safest place for her to start”, I told him in a rush. “ Then, if you wish to leave after a time and live in the human world with her, you can, but I need to be able to trust in you first. Is that understood Micheal?" If his smile got any bigger I would fear it would break his face as he eagerly nodded to my requests. "Does Stephanie know of us, Micheal?" Darius asked him. He finally spoke up, his voice strained. I know he wants to rush off to Anya, like I did Sophie. Lenus knows not about them or what they mean, but he knows that something is in that building. Even if he thinks it is something small, he will use it against us somehow. " Yes, she did. She would never tell she loved me for me my nature didn’t instill fear in her at all ". " Go into the living quarters room 508, that is where you will reside. We will have a maid fetch you clean clothes and food, and anything else you require," Darius ordered him. With a nod, Michael goes to leave. He takes one last look back at his brothers' remains. I watched his face closely. His face hardens, he looks back up and nods at us in respect, then disappears. Dairus follows behind at a slower rate. I know he's going to make sure he follows orders, to see that his loyalty is, in fact, to us, at least so far. I race up out of the cellers and head to my office. Once inside, I ring Vincent and Kristophe and inform them of the news. I tell them to expect scouts sniffing around the building. Kristophe agrees to go and be on watch with Vincent. The door barrels open and Darius comes in looking wild and frantic," What are we going to do, Dante?". I picked up the bottle of scotch and took a hit. Then looked up at him with a sneer. "We are fetching the girls home. We need a plan on how to get them into our living quarters unseen". Darius nods and takes the bottle from my hands, taking a hit himself. Then we got to planning that by the end of that day the girls would be home. I was elated and terrified at the same time.
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