27. Time Jump Complete

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"I guess I started my command off with a nap." "It was a good nap." "Yes, it was baby. Let's go figure out where we want to go for the week." He guides me into the ship hallway. "Tre what is this?" "Oh son of a bitch." I start to cry. "Baby, they brought us on the ship. Let's go find someone for me to yell at." Both Dipaks and Tyes are in the command room. My Dipak is really confused. "Why are they here?" Tre punches older Dipak so hard in the face. He flips over a table backwards. "YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO FORCE EITHER OF US TO BE HERE. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A d**k AND I REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANYTHING YOU PLAN." He jumps up. "Just listen." Tre punches him, and he flips over the table again. "NO. IF YOU EVEN LOOK AT HER, I WILL KILL YOU. KEEP YOU AND ALL YOUR BULLSHIT AWAY FROM HER." He turns to the Tye's. "YOU BOTH STAY THE f**k AWAY FROM HER. I DON'T WANT TO SEE EITHER OF YOU. AT ALL. Let's go baby. We'll find bear." I run to him. He picks me up and I wrap around him. He carries me to his room. Older him is in it. "I'll go. Room's yours. I put her bear and bunny on the bed. She's got soap and oils by the bath. They did bring Frode. He does all the training he possibly can. You'll be with her most of the time. When they absolutely need you for something, we'll let the younger Dipak and Marcus take care of her. We're not trying to take over or traumatize her anymore than she already is." Older Tre kisses my head. "I can't believe I'm seeing you so young again. It's shocking for us too. We love you to death. And we are going to try to spoil you, every chance we get." He hands me a stuffed penguin. I give it the biggest hug and snuggle Tre. He smiles at me. "Blinds up." Then he walks out. Tre pats my butt. "Look baby." I look at the wall, and we're in space. I can see right outside. The whole wall is a window. I run to it. We're above a planet. "TRE LOOK." He wraps his arms around me from behind. "That's earth from space baby." "We live there?" "Yes we do. See the land part under the clouds?" "And the blue is water?" "Yes. Our planet sure has a lot of water, doesn't it?" I get as close as I can to the window. "It's mostly water and clouds." An alarm sounds and the lights go red for a few seconds. Then someone knocks on the door. "Enter." Future Marcus steps in. "I wanted to let you know what is about to happen. We are going to pull away from the planet. You'll still be able to see it. We need to get away from the traffic though. Then we are going to time jump to 10000 years into the future and pull back in to the planet. One of our drives died, and they have a replacement for it. So we need to pick it up before we leave. The alarms will sound a couple more times while we move and then time jumps." "CAN WE GO?" "No. We can't take you down there." "BUT PLEASE?" I let my eyes get teary and I hold my penguin. His eyebrows shoot up. "I'm sorry. But we're in a hurry. It's only a quick trip down. You wouldn't get to see anything. I'll make sure we stop somewhere you can get off the ship. Ok?" I cuddle penguin and let a couple tears fall out of my eyes. "Ok." "Maybe we can come up with something. I'll tell Dipak you want to see it. There's a good view from the command room if you want to see pulling into the planet." He smiles at me. "You want to come with me?" I wipe my eyes and nod. My Tre and future Marcus walk with me to the command room. Both Dipak's are under one of the tables with a bunch of buttons on it. The Tye's and my Marcus are sitting at the conference table with some papers. Future Marcus clears his throat. "The baby girl wants to see earth in the future Dipak." "No. She'll end up seeing..." The tears fall out of my eyes again. I hold my penguin. He stares at me from under the table. "Well shit." He jumps up. "Don't cry." My Dipak laughs and Tre rubs his eyes. "You can come down in the shuttle. But you can not get out. You have to wait for me to get back. Can you do that?" I wipe the tears off and give him a hug. "Marcus, you'll have to go and sit with her. Make sure she doesn't get into any trouble." "Yea, that's fine. I'll take her for a little ride." My Dipak goes to jump up and hits his head on the bottom of the table. "f**k. And like hell you're giving her a ride." "In the shuttle jackass." "One of us is going." "Yea, either of you is fine." The alarm sounds and all the lights go red again. Then some people I don't know come in. One puts something on his head and starts talking into it. I can hear him from the whole ship. "T minus 120 seconds and counting. Sequence has begun for time jump." "Pulling away now." "T minus 90 seconds." The ship moves fast away from the planet. We get so far away, I can see the planet and something else in front of us. "What is that?" "The moon." "T minus 60 seconds. Prime location achieved. Powering down thrust." "That's what I see from earth?" "Yes." "Where's the stars?" Future Marcus smiles. "We'll show you those too, angel." "T minus 30 seconds. Entering final time jump sequence. Please power down all non-essentials." The alarm sounds. I hold on to Tre so tight. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. "I love you baby." "I love you." We stare at earth out the window. "T minus 10 seconds." "9 seconds." "8 seconds." "7 seconds." "6 seconds." "5 seconds." All the lights turn red again. "4 seconds." "3 seconds." "2 seconds." "1 second." All of a sudden, the earth is different. But I can barely see it. There are ships everywhere. Some as big as ours. Some bigger. They are stopped above earth. There's so many. Me and Tre freeze. The lights go back to normal. "Time jump complete. Welcome home."
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