After dinner, I go to Tye's room with him while they put us into hyperspace. We drink more and start kissing.
"I love you woman."
"I love you too."
He lays down on top of me on the couch. He gives me a deep kiss and I feel him getting hard.
Someone knocks on the door and it opens. Older me and the 2 sisters fall in the room.
Thora jumps up. "She's drunk and knocked us down."
Future me stands up. "Oh you're drunk. You 2 are not doing that. Sit up. We are going to show you how to have fun."
"I'm pretty sure they know how to have fun. Tye is pitching a tent." Coral stands up and falls down again. "Stupid space waves."
"That's not even a thing."
They crack up laughing.
I snuggle Tye, and he puts his arm around me.
Future me shuts the door and locks it. "SHHHH. Ship let me hear the hallway outside this room." She whispers it.
We hear future Dipak. "Where is she?"
Future Tye says, "She passed out in my room. I think the girls are in their rooms. They weren't happy about not being able to play with girls tonight."
"Fine. They can sleep it off. Let me know if she wakes up."
"I'm on deck."
"She probably won't wake up. Check on her before you go to the command area. Let me know if she's not there."
"Will do. You going to bed?"
"Yea, I'm tired as hell."
"Alright, good night. I'll wake you if anything weird happens."
Then someone knocks on the door. The 3 of them run to the bedroom and shut the door. Tye says, "Enter."
Future Dipak comes in. "What are you 2 doing?"
I snuggle Tye. "Getting ready for bed."
"Alright, let me know if you need anything."
After he's out, they sit down with us. "He is such an asshole." We have another drink and someone knocks on the door. The 3 of them run for it again.
Tye rubs his eyes. "Enter."
Future Tye walks in. "Woman, don't even try hiding from me. You know I will beat your ass."
The 3 of them come out of the bedroom laughing.
"I'm on deck. Everyone is asleep. Don't get into too much trouble."
She gives him a kiss. "I love you."
He smacks her butt. "I love you."
I snuggle my Tye and he kisses my head. "So they aren't allowed to kiss any other girls ever?"
"Did you ever do anything with them, with another girl?"
"At the beginning I did. Then they made me realize it was me that wanted the other girls, not them. I was kind of forcing it on them." "Then that w***e and Tye." She rolls her eyes.
"What happened for you?"
"I walked in on them making out. It broke my heart. But I should have known... she was a whore."
Thora rubs her hair. "You were so young. Don't blame yourself."
She nods. "There's an infinite number of whores in this universe. You can't stop them. Don't even try to stop 1. The boys know they have to control themselves. You only have to trust them. They control themselves. The whores don't matter. They don't stand a chance if the boys control themselves. Mine did. I know our stories are different. But I think yours will too."
Tye kisses my head. "We will babydoll."
"A w***e will always be around the next corner. It's you that has to stay in control. She can find someone else just as easily. But she won't, unless you do it first."
He kisses my head. "I only want you."
Thora smiles. "Let's go surfing."
We follow them to the people movers. They get out these long boards.
Thora puts one on the handles. "You have to stand on it until the end. It's harder than you think."
"Space waves."
Thora jumps on it and falls off. "That was a false start. Give me a second." She chugs her drink and jumps on it again.
She goes and then future me jumps on one. She does pretty good.
"Alright you 2 next." Coral smiles at me. "We've had a lot of practice." She puts one up and Tye smacks my butt.
I run and jump on it. I stand up and I am so damn wobbly. I bust out laughing and fall down. I fall into Tye and knock him off. He cracks up laughing. "I was doing good woman."
We keep getting on them and falling off. We laugh our asses off at each other.
Then future Tye shows up. "I should have known it was you. I keep getting reports of people messing around on the people movers."
Future me jumps on him smiling and kisses him. "I love you."
"I love you babydoll."
I smile and fall off. I land right on my ass. My Tye smirks. "Are you alright?"
"I like knowing we are happy in the future."
He smiles and helps me up.
Thora stands up. "We're going to go dance, Tye."
"Yes please get off these things before Dipak gets summoned."
We run after the girls. Future me drags her Tye along.
An hour later. . .
We're all drunk.
Future Tye laughs. "You went for a drink and came back with fries."
"Yea, that wasn't right." I toss a fry in my mouth.
My Tye gives me a kiss. "You taste like fries. I'll get you a drink."
Thora roams around. "Let's show them a planet."
"What planet?"
"Any planet we have control of would work. They've never seen anything."
"Can you pull us out of hyperspace for an hour?"
"Yea, I guess an hour wouldn't hurt. They are sleeping. No one would know."
She jumps on future Tye. They start kissing.
Thora pushes them over. "We're going to a planet for dancing. No one will know."
They stand up. "Then you'll get to see a different planet."
I jump up and down. Then I want more fries. "Fries please."
My fries come out and I take them. Future me smacks the whole plate across the room. "You'll get fat."
I look at the broken glass and fries everywhere. "Ok."
"Eat this instead... TYE GO STOP."
"Sorry." He runs off.
She hands me something that's green and gross. I hand it to my Tye.
He sits it down.
"LOOK" I point to the window. I can see another galaxy. It's not light trails now.
"Oh good, he stopped. He's probably seeing where we can go dance and have fun now. Give him a minute and we should move again." Future me eats a fry.
Coral nods. "He has to see what we're close to before he can move again. He's perfect at this."
"He's the best. He figures out where we are and what planets we're close to. Then gets us to them. Then we go down in a shuttle. We come back to the ship and take off before anyone knows the difference. He's amazing."
"He's so damn smart. Tre and Marcus like to act like they're the smart ones, but honestly it's Tye."
"Tye's the strong one too." Future me winks. "But you already figured that out."
Tye glances at me and I rub his back.
Thora shrugs her shoulders. "You're the leader... Well, maybe not yet. You're still quite young. But you will be."
Future me cracks up laughing. "Just don't ever tell Dipak."
I laugh with her. "Dipak must never know."