
1972 Words

“What is this?” Sawyer looked down at the tablet Selene was holding out in one hand as she passed him a glass of water in the other. He had finally accepted that he needed to move upstairs, but he was spending 90% of his time in the room. “It’s an antibiotic.” He took the glass of water but was reluctant to take the pill from her. “It’s getting better, honestly. This is really not necessary.” Selene looked annoyed and thrust the tablet towards him again. “Do you want to guess how I got you this stupid thing?” “My sister?” “No. I spent hours searching through things I don’t fully understand on the internet and finally managed to persuade a human at an anonymous s****l health clinic that I have chlamydia so they would send me these. So if you don’t take this after I had to humiliate

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