
1475 Words

“Francesca?” She curled up a little smaller on her bed as if that made her invisible when Jonas pulled back the curtain. None of the others had come back with him, but she had seen him walking across to the van with a white styrofoam box in his hands. “I thought that you might appreciate this. You haven’t eaten today.” She didn’t uncurl from her position or move to take the food from him at all. “Just leave it at the end of the bed so you can go back to them.” “I don’t want to go back to them. I want to stay here with you, I asked them if they could give us a little privacy and they are happy enough to be off this bus that we can take some time to…” “…to what?” She looked annoyed, but he wasn’t bothered. This was exactly the same as she had responded every time there was any chance

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