Chapter 15

2110 Words

CHAPTER FIFTEEN QUINCY The atmosphere in Alpha Mountain HQ was sober as we discussed the latest developments. Kennedy and I had flown in this morning, and we were now all gathered in the sewing room, which was far too small to handle all of us, especially with the amount of tension we were radiating. I’d been too queasy to eat breakfast this morning, which wasn’t unusual for me when I got up at o-dark-thirty, but I hadn’t really felt like eating lunch, either. The room was hot, and I didn’t have a chair, opting to stand in the doorway for fresh air, but now I was feeling a little lightheaded. I might have to duck out and eat a little something. “All this time, I thought Williams was one of the good ones. A true f*****g leader!” Hayes growled. “But he’s the piece of s**t behind all thi

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