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Desiree’s POV The last couple of days have been crazy. I got a mate - even though he was an asshole who hurt me, lost a mate – so glad he rejected me and I have grown from it, got two other mates – that can’t feel the bond because of some crazy woman. Reveal Tina and Ambers plan to use magic on ranked members to get a position. Meet my brother – who is cool, by the way, lose a friend – at least it’s to my brother, and they still live close. My cousins meet their mates – I am glad they are happy. I shift into a pure white wolf – which is rare and provides me with additional powers. So much in a couple of days, but it’s been fun. Claudia and Kane left today for Bloodmoon and I will miss them both, but they will be good for each other. I started my training today with Yvonne, Maria and the head female warrior. The plan is for me to join in on scheduled training, and they will provide me with solo training. My grandparents will be leaving in a couple of days, so they want to train with me and the girls while they are here. I also need to do research on hybrid powers and the white wolf. Knowledge is power. Also, I need to talk to the twins, knowing they are our mates and having to wait until they recognize it is starting to affect Celestia. She is sad and whining. Wolves are not supposed to be separated from their mates. She needs Steele and Granite and I love her too much to keep her from them. I will talk to the twins at breakfast. I am heading to the packhouse after 2 hours of wolf training and 2 hours of magic training. I am so tired and hungry. The girls and I meet up after showers to get our grub on. I walk into the dining room and there are 4 girls sitting around the twins. Two are just sitting around them, but the red head is caressing Anthony’s head, and he is rubbing her thighs. Since her skirt is so f*****g short, you can see his hand inching up to her ass. Then there’s this blond whispering in Antoine’s ear and rubbing his arm. I know they don’t know I am their mate yet, but what the hell? Aren’t they supposed to be looking for their mate? Why are they acting like they are players and not men ready for a commitment? I am trying not to get upset, but where did these girls come from? Did everybody hear Tina’s in the cells so they are taking their shot with them? I thought they only wanted their mate. Why are they entertaining this? If they truly wanted their mate, they would act that way no matter what. Are they allowing these females to be like this around them because their mate is not physically here? Have they still been sleeping around, while they look for their mate? These females are way too familiar with them. I can’t take this. I know the bond is one-sided right now, but if I stay I will kill someone. I go to the buffet table and make myself a plate. I then leave the dining room and find somewhere else to eat. I start crying, and I’m so sure if I am sad or angry. Leticia’s POV We started training today. We told the Luna we did self-defense training at the coven, but she feels we can learn different styles and more hand-to-hand combat training. Though ours is not as intense as Desiree’s, we train for the same 4 hours. We have showered and are now hungry. We enter the dining room and make our plates. Wesley and David are sitting at a table with the twins, so we head their way. Once we sit down and greet them with possessive kisses so all these bitches know they are taken, we start to tell them about our day. After a few minutes, we don’t see Desiree; she entered the dining room with us, but she never came to sit down. Now she is nowhere in site. “Where’s Desi?” I asked Sharon. “She was with us on line. I don’t know where she went” “You think she went back to bed?” “No, she was just as hungry as we were. I’m concerned. We need to find her.” We get up to go find Desi. The boys ask where we are going and try to get us to eat first. We tell them to wait for us, we will be back after we know she is okay. Our cousin’s safety trumps a hungry belly any day. We search the packhouse and find her eating by herself by the pool. “Desi? Why are you out here by yourself?” Sharon asks. “I just didn’t want to eat in the dining room” “Okay, you gonna just tell us what’s wrong or do we have to keep playing 20 questions. I see you have been crying” I say. She sighs, and you can see her holding in her tears “Alright, but don’t tell anyone. The twins are my mates. I scented them on my birthday. But because of the magic, they can’t scent me. I can’t sit and eat with all those girls around them. It’s like everyone knows Tina is gone, and they are swooping in for the kill. But I don’t understand, because they are supposed to be finding their mate. Those females were way too familiar with them. They say they are looking for their mate but still doing things with other females. I know they can’t scent me, but their actions aren’t of men waiting for their destined mates. I know I have to wait for them to figure out the bond due to the potion, but while I wait, my heart is getting torn out every time I see them with other females.” She starts crying again “Oh my god Desi. We didn’t realize. This is hard. Do you want us to say something? They don’t know” I say “No, they have to figure it out on their own. I know they don’t know it’s me and that’s why I can’t be upset with them, but that doesn’t make my feelings any easier. And if they truly want their mate, they should not be behaving like this anyway. Maybe they just want their mate to become the alpha and not because they are ready to settle down. If that’s it, I won’t be used for them to gain their title, then be disrespected as they want their cake and eat it too.” We sit and talk about it a bit more, and she cries some more. “Go eat guys. I’m okay. I have afternoon solo training soon anyway. That will take my mind off of them for a while.” We went back to the dining room. Wesley and David are still there waiting for us but the twins and their fan club have left. We finish eating in silence. “Okay, what’s going on?” Wesley asks. Sharon and I share a look but don’t say anything “It’s our job to help you when there is a problem, but you have to tell us what the problem is”, David says “It’s not our problem to tell, and you can’t fix it” Sharon says “Whatever it is, is bothering you two, so at least let’s talk about it, so you are not stressed”, David says “But as we said, it’s not our problem to tell” I say. “What happened to Desiree?” Wesley growls angrily. “Wes we can…..” “Leticia, if there is something wrong with her, we need to know. I can’t have her hurt anymore while she is here. Not only is she a friend of the alpha, she’s your family, so our family”, Wesley says “You have to promise not to tell the twins”, Sharon says, and the two boys look at each other and nod. “Desiree is the twin's mate. She scented them on her birthday, but because of the potion, they can’t recognize her. And it seems that since Tina is gone, all these new girls have appeared. And the twins act like they don’t have a problem with all these women all over them. They say they are looking for their mate, but their actions don’t support that. She is heartbroken and having a hard time dealing with this. Then she wonders if they really want a mate to just be able to get their titles, based on their actions”, Sharon says “s**t!!!” David says “Exactly. I thought they were waiting for their fated mate anyway. Why are they allowing all these girls to be around them?” I ask “They are just frustrated. It has been two years. They have been looking for their mate and then magic gets involved, stopping them. I think they are just reacting to the situation”, Wesley says “Okay, that makes no sense. I understand that this process may be frustrating, but allowing these women to be all over them and not setting boundaries is going to bite them in the ass. These women know what they are doing and this is going to turn into a bigger problem, I promise you that. Either way, she knows they can’t scent her yet. But they are hurting her, and she has been hurt enough by the mate bond.” We all sit there contemplating the situation and trying to figure out how to fix it without revealing she is their mate.
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