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Desiree’s POV It has been 5 days since my long talk with the twins. I think I got them to see what I was saying. They have been a lot more attentive. They also have been stern with the women of the pack that they are not available. Both Celestia and I are happy about how things are going. She has spoken to Steele and Granet, and they are all ready to move forward, as she says they’re just waiting for the stupid humans. We went on a date yesterday. It was a picnic at the lake. We went swimming and ate sandwiches. I was surprised because all the food was made and organized by them. I guess they really are trying to be good mates. Our time also consists of lots of kissing. Something both of them are perfect at. I have given them till the end of the week, but I think I will be accepting them tonight. I hope I’m not making a mistake. Training is going really well. I do magic training with Leticia and Sharon. My grandpa said he will be back next week with friends for more training. I train with the ranked females and warriors training with the pack. We don’t do wolf training because we don’t want others to see my wolf yet, but Celestia said she doesn’t need to train. She is a warrior wolf and knows how to fight. Once I am announced to the pack, then we will shift and work on our magic in wolf form. No one knows we are able to do magic in both human and wolf form yet. I head to the pack house after magic training with my cousins. It’s breakfast time and I am starving. All this training keeps me hungry; luckily, between the exercise, training and wolf metabolism, I’m not gaining any weight. I actually have gotten more muscular and stronger since training started. We enter the dining room and I spot the redhead trying to talk to the twins. They seem to be ignoring her and brushing her off. You can tell she is upset. They have been doing this for the past couple of days. I don’t think this will stop until they announce me as their mate. I start to walk towards them. “Brenda, unless what you have to say to us is related to pack business, we have nothing to talk about. Do you understand?" Anthony yells, releasing his alpha aura. The whole dining room is quiet after hearing his comment to her. She runs out of the room crying. After a minute, everyone goes back to eating. I walk to him and put my hand in his. He looks at me, squeezes my hand and mouths, sorry. Everyone goes back to eating and conversing. The twins and I are making plans for a movie tonight with our friends. Anthony’s POV Yelling at Brenda is not what I wanted to do, but she wouldn’t listen. Since our conversation with Desiree, she has been my priority. I had a long conversation with my brother and my wolf and our conclusion is that we want Desiree, and we are not going to mess this up. We spent breakfast talking and making plans for a movie night. Our picnic was amazing. I was proud of us that day. We made all the food and organized the whole thing. That was our first real date. Anthony and I have been with girls in the pack and even considered ourselves dating them, but it wasn’t really dating. We had s*x, they did stuff for us; but we never reciprocated the actions. We never took them out, bought them gifts or anything like that. If they were upset, it really didn’t matter to us. We would never have had the kind of conversation we had with Desiree and we sure as hell would never have apologized for upsetting them. Now that I think about it, I don’t know why any of these girls would want to be with us. We have never treated them well. That supports my sisters' beliefs that they don’t want us but the Luna position. After breakfast, we head to my dad's office. He has been giving us more and more of the daily pack and company duties. His plan is to hand the pack over to us this fall. He says if everything goes well and Desiree accepts us, that gives us around 4–5 months to solidify our relationship before taking over the pack. My mom plans to start teaching her the Luna duties this week; Leticia and Sharon have already started learning from Yvonne and Maria. Everything seems to be coming together. “Dad, what’s the plan for Tina?” I asked. “I sent all the evidence to the council last week. I should be hearing from them sometime today. I informed them that we are comfortable with them executing the punishment” “Why? She used magic on us. Shouldn’t we be the ones to punish her?” I asked “With you guys focusing on Desiree, I didn’t think you wanted to worry about Tina. The options will be death or banishment. I didn’t think you wanted to kill your ex-girlfriend” “I understand, but we deserve justice since it was done to us. We will wait for their decision and then discuss her punishment”, Antoine says. Alpha Trevor I have been slowly passing over more and more responsibilities to the boys. Now that they have found their mate, it’s time they take over as alpha. I hope they can fix this situation with Desiree. She will be an amazing luna. We are going over the monthly pack budget when I get a phone call. I spoke to Elder Edward from the council, and they approved Tina to be put to death for the use of magic on the twins. They are willing to pick her up and take her to the council building for punishment, or we can perform her punishment here. I decide to talk to the boys about what they want to do. Okay, boys, I have spoken to the council about Tina. They have reviewed the evidence and support our suggestion of death for her crimes. I originally felt sending her to the council was the best option, but after listening to you earlier, it seems you need to perform the execution for your own peace of mind. To know you received justice for crimes against you. I am leaving the choice up to you. Whatever is going to happen should be done immediately; not only for you but for Desiree. They looked at each other and then me. “We want to execute her punishment. We can do it today. I think we need to make her mother and cousin aware”, Anthony says. “Okay, I will let you take the lead on talking to Alpha Teddy and making the arrangements for her execution” I say The boys then call Alpha Teddy and inform him of the council's decision. They give him and Tina’s parents the option to attend and decide what to do with the body as her only family. They choose to come to the pack to pick up her body afterwards. Alpha Teddy tries to ask about Desiree, but Antoine politely shuts him down. They will be here this afternoon. The twins arrange for Tina to be sedated and given wolfsbane. This is to happen at the pack hospital. They know what she did but don’t want her death to be violent, like that of a rogue or enemy. We make all the necessary calls, and will take her to the pack hospital after lunch. Desiree’s POV Training today was intense. I did magic training with Sharon and Leticia, and then we went to warrior training. We are doing well at learning skills and advancing in training. We all took some sort of fight training before we received our power when we were home in GA. We amped up that training when we started magic training at the coven. So, technically, we have been training to fight for 4 years now. We were also taught gun use and safety by our uncle, Lance. We would go to the gun range every week to practice before we started magic training. Leticia even won shooting competitions. Training here has been difficult for us. Most of the pack welcomed and accepted us. Others, mostly females, not so much; they continue to try and prove that we should not be there. Even more now that they know Leticia and Sharon are mates to the future Beta and Gamma. After Sharon almost got seriously hurt, they were separated to fight with those who had not yet received their wolf yet. The stupid thing was they are both strong, skilled and able to stand their ground against the warriors, but these females are conniving. I have to do regular warrior training because I do have a wolf and adjusting my training is not helpful, nor what I came here for. I took great pleasure in making the girl who tried to hurt my cousin submit the next time we fought. These bitches don’t know who they are dealing with. We are all eating lunch when Alpha Trevor tells us about the plans for Tina this afternoon. I am glad the twins can finally put this behind them. Brenda comes to them again when we are leaving the dining room, but again they refuse to speak to her. She is very persistent. I wonder what is going on. They are walking me to my private lessons with Yvonna and Maria when we see Tina being taken from the cells to the packed hospital. She is yelling and fighting against the guards escorting her
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