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Desiree’s POV After a rough night of crying and cursing, I go to training with very little sleep. It results in getting yelled at and knocked down a lot. After an hour, Lead Warrior Melinda sends me on a run. It gives me time to think. I don’t know what I did against the mate bond, that my mates don’t want me. The first abuses me and the next puts me in the hospital. What am I being punished for? My end result is to focus on what I need to do. If I don’t get a mate, that will be fine. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a mate. I run for over an hour, just processing my thoughts. After, I go to get a shower, then have breakfast. I get my food then go to the library. Avoiding certain people is my best bet today. I am sitting in the library after eating my breakfast. I read through a few pages in one of the books and just wasn’t retaining the information. I put in my headphones and just chill to some NeoSoul and jazz music. I am bobbing my head to Jill Scott when Celestia starts to prance in my head. The next thing I hear is the library door bang open, a loud growl, then I am lifted off the couch with Antoine yelling MATE. “Please put me down” I say calmly. “Desiree, you’re our mate” he says with a big smile. “Yes, I know. Please put me down” “Are you not happy? Did you know?” he asks as he puts me down. I try to step back, but he steps forward, keeping our bodies close. “I’ve known since my birthday. I was just waiting for you guys to figure it out.” “I figured it out and I’m ecstatic. Once the spell wears off, Anthony will realize it too”, he says happily, but slowly his smile fades. “Oh s**t, yesterday, Anthony, f**k” “Yeah, my mate, your brother hurt me so bad I passed out for 2 hours and ended up in the pack hospital. So forgive me if I’m not as happy about the situation as you are right now. My luck with the mate bond is not so great”. I start to cry. “No Desiree, he didn’t know. He would never have done it if he knew you were his mate. He’s just been going through something with the Tina situation” “Okay, I’m going to leave now.” “Desiree, please don’t do this. I prayed to the moon goddess for you to be our mate. I want you so bad. You are beautiful, kind, caring, smart and strong; you will be a perfect mate and Luna. Please give us a chance.” “I’m not rejecting you Antoine. But after last night I need some time.” “Can we come see you tonight?” I shake my head yes and walk to my room. Antoine’s POV Desiree is our mate. I can not express in words how happy I am about that. She is everything I want in a mate and Luna. But he hurt her. So, now I need to go kick my brother's ass. He has never done what he did last night, and after wanting our mate for over 2 years, he picks after our mate has scented us to have s*x with some random human. The pain was so severe she passed out. She knows he would not have done it if he knew she was his mate, but after Alpha Teddy, now this, she is not having much success with the mate bond. I link my brother “Where are you?” “My room. Just finished training. Why?” “We need to talk. You f****d up” “Again? Seems all I do is f**k up” “Let’s stop with the dramatics, okay? I’m on my way so we can discuss some new information.” I walk to my brother's room and prepare myself for his reaction. Anthony is the older twin by 10 minutes. He is logical and methodical, he doesn’t show emotions much. He puts the world on his shoulders. He’s responsible for everything and everyone, but that can be overwhelming. When his plan doesn’t work or an outlier occurs, he comes down on himself very hard. Every once in a while, he overthinks things and becomes so dramatic. I guess that’s where I come in. I am strategic, but my left brain to his right brain, balances us. I am more laid back. That’s why dad said we both should be alphas of Crescent Moon because together we cover all the bases. I can usually bring him back after his theatrics, but last night he was in a headspace that even I couldn’t pull him from. I know Tina using magic on him is really bothering him and has him doubting his abilities as an alpha. I’m afraid telling him about Desiree may push him to a place that I truly can’t reach him, a place I haven’t seen before. I may need help this time. I link my dad on the way to put him on standby. I told him that Anthony is having trouble with what Tina did to him and I would give him details later but he may need additional help dealing with this situation. He says he understands, and I cut the link as I enter my brothers room. Here we go!!??
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