Chapter 7

1152 Words
23 Months Later Desiree’s POV When I agreed to this training, I underestimated how much work it would be. My aunt took advantage of me not working during the summer months, and we trained for hours every day. I was also able to sign up for classes, so I graduated after the fall semester and started college for the spring semester. To my aunt's dismay, I decided to go for agriculture instead of architecture. I focused on my love of nature. Also, I learned supernatural beings can live for hundreds of years, so I need to work on the sustainability of this earth for my kind. She would have liked me to join the family business but commended me for my goal to help the planet. Grandma said we would just add another business to our family’s dossier. The training sessions are intense and sometimes overwhelming, but it has been a lot of fun. I have learned so much. I feel stronger and more confident. When I first found out about being a hybrid, I doubted myself and questioned everything, but that has changed. Every day we focused on a new skill, and I trained with different people. My grandma taught me spells and potions. I have the mind reading ability like Aunt Susan, so she worked with me on that. I can control all 4 elements, so grandpa and 3 other elemental witches helped me control those. Joseph and grandpa did fight training with me. I did basic magic education, cardio training and yoga along with the twins. I questioned yoga and grandma said it helps me be more agile in a fight. I also have the power to slow down or freeze time, move objects with my mind and telekinesis; we had to ask another coven for witches to help me with those powers because no one at Aunt Susan’s coven had them. That led to another incident. Flashback The witch from Lana’s coven bought her son Paul with her for my teaching. He was cute and really sweet. I had turned 17 by now, and he was 20. We started dating. Nothing too serious because I had training pretty much all the time. After a while, I was able to find a Jiu-Jitsu/MMA training facility by the coven. Even though my training still took place at both the coven and at home, most of it was at the coven now. I was older and had spent a lot of time with my family, so both me and my parents were comfortable with me being there for longer periods of time. Once I found the fight training facility, I was allowed to go twice a week and my grandpa let me borrow his car to get there. I was dressed for training in my shorts and sports bra with a racerback shirt over it. I stopped to see Aunt Susan before I left and ran into Paul. He started yelling at me about the way I was dressed. I explained that I was on my way to training, but he wouldn’t listen. He slapped me and I fell to the ground. He proceeded to call me a w***e and a slut. Accusing me of sleeping with someone at training and that is why I was dressed this way. His screams had drawn a crowd by now, including my aunt and my cousins, the twins. He said I am dressing inappropriately and throwing myself at humans, how I am having s*x with humans but refuse to have s*x with him. By this time, I had arisen from the ground and tried to talk to him again. I tried to calm him down and explain myself. But he just kept yelling. By now I am hurt because he thinks this of me, embarrassed by the scene he is causing and angry because of what he is saying and that he hit me. His tirade went on for another 2 minutes when I went to walk away from him. He grabs my left arm, turned me around to him and screams “Don’t you f*****g disrespect me. I am your man, and you are a worthless w***e. You will learn to listen, or I will make you listen”. I lost it after that. Who the f**k does he think he is? I grabbed his thumb from the hand that was holding my arm and pulled it back until I heard it pop, and he let me go. I then kicked him in his nuts and when he bent down to grab his member, I kneed him in the face, knocking him out. I then left and went to training. I stayed away the rest of the day, calling my cousins to tell them what happened. I ate lunch and got my nails done. When I returned to the coven, he was at the front door waiting for me. I called my Uncle Joseph and had him removed. I did not deal with him until I wanted to. The next day, he caught me after my training with his mom. He tried to apologize. He kept saying that if I hadn't dressed that way, he wouldn’t have gotten upset. So, the whole situation was my fault. I proceeded to tell him he was gaslighting and he was an asshole. I don’t want anything to do with him. He yelled that he was the man, and I can’t break up with him. I am just a woman, and I will do what he says, and we are not breaking up. I was not doing this with him again. Using my powers, I manipulated the air around him, subsequently shut off his air supply, and he started to gasp. I proceeded to tell him; “Paul, you have anger issues and need to see someone about it. Don’t you ever think that you can tell me what to do or how to dress. We are no longer together, so don’t come near me again”. I let him go and walked away. He and his mom left a couple of hours later. Good thing my training with her was pretty much done. Flashback ends I guess I just have bad luck with men. So far, I have had two boyfriends and they have both hit me. One tried to control me and the other tried to rape me. I think I should just stay by myself. The sad thing is; I want the love I see in so many couples, especially my parents. I see that connection and love in my grandparents along with my aunts and uncles. What is wrong with me? Why can’t a man love me this way too? These thoughts have nagged me since that incident. I don’t focus on it because I am an exceptional person, and if someone else can’t see that, then that is their problem.
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