Chapter 6

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Susan’s POV Desiree and her parents arrive at the suite. We eat and talk. She tells me about school and her plans for college. I find it odd that such a smart girl has not decided what she wants to do. I tell her about our family business and tell her she is always able to work there. Cole Architecture has been in our family for 3 generations and is the main source of money for the coven. We have also gone into business with other supernaturals and invest wisely. I let Desiree know that, financially, she does not need to worry. “You ready to discuss the situation” I ask. Everyone nods and sits down “Desiree, witches' power differ. Witches are known to be cunning, tricky and mystical. We deal at a level that is not always able to be explained. We all have some basic things that everyone can do, such as producing energy balls, opening portals, teleporting. But aside from that, each works to perfect their special powers. For example, I read emotions and can hear thoughts. My mom is skilled at potions and spells. Dad is an earth elemental. Your mom was also an earth elemental, but she was also a water elemental. A witch with 2 elemental powers is rare. And this may have been why she was desired. We don’t yet know what your powers are. This would be part of your training.” “Well, the other day I was just sitting and feeling the grass, and it started to grow and produce flowers”, I tell everyone. “How do you feel when you are outside in nature” grandpa asks “It is my happy place. I love the feel of dirt and grass on my skin. I feel a connection with nature” I reply “You probably are also an earth elemental like your mother and I” he says and smiles “In addition to that, you will develop a wolf. Werewolves are strong, fierce and loyal. That is their power. When your wolf comes, it will be like another consciousness in your head. She will have her own name, personality and thoughts. You can communicate with her just by thinking about it. You are also able to transform into your wolf at will. They call it shifting”, I say. “An actual wolf? Fur, paws, teeth, everything” she questions “Yes, it’s quite awesome to see. One of the things that makes you fascinating is that you will possess the qualities of both supernaturals. In addition, the bloodlines of both are powerful. A powerful shifter alone is a force to handle, a powerful witch alone can take down many; you will have that combined power. In addition to that, you are kissed by the moon” I say “What exactly does that mean? Because in the letter Renatta made it seem like she would be in more danger because of being kissed by the moon”, Mary asks “The story is that every 100 years the goddesses choose a wolf to bless. The wolf must be born during a full moon and a ray of the moon's light comes down and kisses their forehead. They are then chosen by the goddesses. What their tasks are, what is coming and what goddesses are involved in the kiss is not known until the child’s power has been recognized, and she is ready. When the time comes, the goddesses will come to Desiree and give her that information. Until then, she needs to train”, I suggest “What do you mean train?” Henry asks “Ideally, she will move to the coven and train her powers, learn spells and potions. Then we would send her to a werewolf pack to train, shift into her, strengthen her wolf and develop their fighting skills. During this time, I would like to enroll her in college so she can complete her degree” “That’s a lot. She hasn’t finished high school yet. And I don’t know how comfortable I am with my daughter leaving at 16 to train at a coven without us. I mean no disrespect and I know you are also her family, but for 16 years, she has been our life” Henry says “And that’s why we are talking to find a solution. I would want to start her witch training this year. That gives us a whole two years before we have to worry about her wolf and her shift. She also needs to finish school. So, I suggest for the year we come to your home for some training and when she needs to be at the coven, we can open a portal from your home to ours. That way she is not removed and can complete her other duties.” I suggest “What about when she gets her wolf at 18? Will she have to leave then? We don’t even know when her birthday exactly is,” Mary asks “We have a few werewolf friends that we can ask to help her shift and to train her” grandpa says “Can I tell people?” Desiree asks “I would keep the number of people who know details about you to a minimum. The way the supernatural stays safe is due to our anonymity. There are humans afraid of us and who hunt us”, Joseph says “Who do you want to tell, sweetheart” my grandma asks “Well, my Mama Gene was there when my parents told me. She’s safe. She knew of the supernatural already and said she had met some. She is also a mystical person, but she says not a witch. I want to tell my cousins and best friends. I really need their support, and possibly they can be my travel buddies”. Desiree says “That’s only 3 people. I don’t think that is a problem. You can still associate with the rest of your family without them ever knowing.” mom states “Alright, I am okay with this plan. Summer is also coming, and I have not secured a job yet, so I can focus on training.” “Mary and Henry, how do you feel about the current plan” dad asks “It’s going to be a lot Desiree. I do not doubt your ability to do it, but I want you to admit and understand that between training and school this will get intense. Are you really ready for that?” Henry asks. She shakes her head yes with a smile. “Okay, we are onboard. We do need a schedule, so nothing falls through the cracks”, Henry says For the next couple of hours, we make a schedule for training. We talk about doing online college courses. We discuss applying, appropriate schools and cost. We discuss having a room at her house where she can turn it into her training room for spells and potions. We order lunch and talk about going to the beach afterward. Mom wants to take Desiree shopping, so we plan to do that tomorrow, just the women. We finish eating, approve the schedules and go to our rooms. We change and meet at the exit to walk to the beach.
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