#11 Burning Hell

2643 Words

When Madelyn jumped from the balcony that night, she wasn't thinking straight. No one with a sane mind would do something reckless. She wasn't sure if she was lucky to survive that fall or it was her strength. What exactly happened that night was her clothes got stuck on a branch of a tree for a while before she covered the last one or two floors. But she had a few broken bones when she hit the ground. For a minute second, she had looked up and then into the dark forest. She had contemplated giving up. She wasn't a fast healer like she wasn't a runner. Perhaps, it had something to do with her stamina and agility. But when her sharp eyes met those of Samael's dark ones, she knew it was going to be her only chance at escaping and figuring out the truth. Even if she felt the bond with Samael

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